confrontation, what do you think?



  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    1. Your gym SUCKS for management's lack of balls. Yes, it is clearly bothering someone. There is no reason they can't post a "please no perfumes as some of our patrons are sensitive" at the front desk and in the locker rooms.

    2. I would not mention it to her. It won't go well.

    3. Change machines - and if you don't like that, change gyms and find one where management has balls and takes care of business.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Don’t confront her. Take the passive aggressive approach by eating lots of high-fiber foods, specifically, beans before a work out. Broccoli won’t hurt either. When she starts coming around wearing her overbearing perfume, start ripping mad *kitten* around her. She won’t want to come around you again.
  • smadrigal04
    You shouldn't have to should be able to work out without that...I agree with a previous poster about commenting on her committment, and then say that politely that you are allergic to all perfume, and it is bothering you. If someone had come up to me and told me, I wouldn't be mad...but that's just me. I would want someone to tell me if I'm offending someone!
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I would say something. Be sincere and complimentary.
  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member
    Talk to Management. My gym has a fragrance free policy, and everyone respects that.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    A gal in my office put on a TON of body spray at her desk one day. I have TERRIBLE migraine issues and a really sensitive nose. Everyone I work with knows my headache problems, and what can result from them. I knew exactly who it was, but didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I sent an email to all the women who worked around me, asking them to simply not apply perfumes and such at their desks, as it really effects me and my ability to work. I said it doesn't matter who it was, but that i'd appreciate it if everyone could do that for me. I ended up going home shortly after that, trying to avoid the crazy migraine that was coming on.

    The next day, the gal who did it came to me and apologized, saying she'd forgotten i was there. Which really is viable, since i only worked part time.

    This probably doesn't help you in your specific situation though. I'd be inclined to let her know that you have a physical reaction to whatever her perfume is, and to not take it personally if you switch machines when she comes close to you. If she's a reasonable person, she's likely to just choose a machine further from you. Good luck!!!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Maybe I'm the only dirty mind here, but I bet she is working out close to you because has a girlcrush.

    Which also explains why she is wearing the perfume... she wants to smell nice so you will talk to her.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Maybe I'm the only dirty mind here, but I bet she is working out close to you because has a girlcrush.

    Which also explains why she is wearing the perfume... she wants to smell nice so you will talk to her.

    I was thinking along the same lines. Keeps trying to stay close to you.
    There's only one reason a guy or a girl wears cologne/perfume at the gym.
    Personally I would have a talk to management again.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    The girls at the front say there is nothing they can do because she's not bothering anyone but I'm telling you I don't know what kind of skunk oil she is putting on but I was feeling sick this morning after smelling that stuff for 5 minutes.

    It's clearly bothering you so maybe talk to them once again and if they are unwilling to do anything or consider going 'scent free' and have a posted policy... let them know you'll be looking for a gym that you will be more comfortable in.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Wow. Tough call. You tried to do something by talking to gym staff, and they couldn't help. That doesn't seem like very good customer service to me. I would escalate to a manager or higher if you haven't already.

    I don't like the suggestion that you move your workout time. You have already tried moving to different machines. It's not OK to for someone else's stench to rape your nose. I'm sorry, but this is an issue that I get worked up over. People wouldn't hesitate to say something if it was cigarette smoke. Uh-oh.. there it is... there's that soap box...

    I don't fault people's choice to fool themselves into thinking some other sentient being on the planet enjoys the overpowering fetor they have sloshed on their body. A light pleasant smell isn't bad. But there are people that will make my eyes water from 20 feet away. I know I'm olfactory sensitive, but I need to be able to CHOOSE whether to smell you. I don't want to smell you unless we are hugging, OK? That means if you are in an elevator and I cannot breathe, my only choice is to get off the elevator in a coughing fit. If you are out shopping, and we need items in the same aisle, I should be able to reach for a loaf of bread without getting a head rush like I'm at a Thompson Twins concert.

    My wife hates it but if we're in the grocery store together and we encounter a walking perfume stink bomb, I will start waving my arms wildly and quickly walking away. I'm not trying to mean. I think it's mean to do that to my nose. I have moved tables in restaurants, gotten off elevators at least 10 times, and had to map out a strategy at some family gatherings where I was constantly avoiding the perfume ghost, like a ninja searching for clean air.

    What were we talking about? Ok, right. The gym. Yeah, confronting people about their perfume choices is a tough one. How would you like to be confronted about your clothing choice, for instance? It's a personal thing - and having a stranger come up to you and criticize you for it can be delicate. Although, if it were me, the odds of me saying something probably hover around 40 to 1. But that's because I'm like that.

    I suspect that you aren't the only person having a problem with the perfume. You could consider it your community service to take action on this. I might talk to gym management and explain to them that either they do something or you will, and it could result in a scene. Not as a threat, but that you are having a reaction to this, and it is affecting your workout. The gym staff could deal with this so much better and it be less embarrassing for everyone. I think you are dealing with a spineless gym staff.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I would feign an allergy and ask her, like you said, to not stand so close because her fragrance has triggered it twice or three times orn whatever. Just so she knows you're not just saying "Hey - you stink." I'd be really apologetic about it, even though I don't think you've done anything wrong. It just makes you look like you're not being a b*tch about it. From there, I'd take it to management and try to get a no fragrance policy put into place, as previously suggested.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Maybe I'm the only dirty mind here, but I bet she is working out close to you because has a girlcrush.

    Which also explains why she is wearing the perfume... she wants to smell nice so you will talk to her.
    That's what I'm thinking.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    I would feign an allergy and ask her, like you said, to not stand so close because her fragrance has triggered it twice or three times orn whatever. Just so she knows you're not just saying "Hey - you stink." I'd be really apologetic about it, even though I don't think you've done anything wrong. It just makes you look like you're not being a b*tch about it. From there, I'd take it to management and try to get a no fragrance policy put into place, as previously suggested.

  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    I would make sure not to say that her perfume smells "strong" or anything like that. Maybe even compliment the fragrance "I have noticed your perfume, and it smells really nice, but I must have an allergy to something in it. Would you mind not working out near me, or maybe waiting to put in on after your workout?" Something like that. If you are sugar sweet, how can she refuse? :wink:
  • courtneymomofone
    People suffering from allergies to synthetic fragrances is becoming a bigger and bigger deal - it's also largely the reason why so many companies enforce a fragrance-free workplace now. Just casually mentioning that you notice she likes to join you for your workouts, and while you appreciate the comraderie, unfortunately the fragrances she wears are triggering your allergies and make it incredibly uncomfortable to continue your workout. Maybe add that this is the reason you keep having to find a machine away from her, and that it's not personal - just self-preservation.

    If I'm addressing my fragrance allergy with someone who's wearing something overbearing, I always lighten the conversation by adding that my grocery trips have to be done with someone or I send my husband back without me to get anything on the soaps/detergents aisle because I can't even walk down it! We usually have a chuckle and I say how sad it is, because it really is. Since having my son, I'm MUCH more sensitive to fragrances and they trigger horrible migraines.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Personally I have no issue asking someone to keep their distance. However as you seem to want to not begin a dialogue with this woman (which may be wise as the over perfuming can be contagious, I've noticed they run in packs) there are still a few options.

    May I suggest you develop horrible gas? Releasing the squeakers while running is natures way of asking for your personal space. If you can add a smell that will curl her nose hairs and cause the paint on the machine to melt it's only fair. You've dealt with her stench long enough. Give back one of your own.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    New time she does it, just fart real loud. She will get the hint either from the sound OR the smell.....I know that's what I do!
  • smedlund
    smedlund Posts: 122 Member
    When I was in college freshman year, I lived in the dorms. We shared a bathroom with the neighboring room. One of the girls in the neighboring room didn't shower for weeks. I talked to our RA and she was uncomfortable about talking to her about this issue...well, needless to say, I had to sit down with the bath mate and tell her that there's been an issue with the "smell". As much as I hated to do it, it had to be done. The smell was really interfering with the entire floor and I was getting extreme headaches. Sometimes when you tell the truth, that's what works the best. It all worked out in the end and the bath mate wasn't offended when I told her.

    I think that if you approach it in a non-confrontational manner, it will be ok. If you're getting headaches, you have to say something. She probably doesn't realize that its affecting anyone.
  • imcsqrd
    imcsqrd Posts: 32
    From what you've described, the passive solutions offered won't work. It seems she wants to be near you (maybe for her own motivation) for whatever reasons and moving to another machine every time she shows will definitely foster ill will. After a few times of that, she'll pick up on that and be offended for sure. My husband is very, very sensitive to perfumes and since we are a perfume free house, heavy perfume on someone will lead to a headache for me. I carpooled with a lady for over a year who layered her perfume - body soap, lotion, then perfume. She reeked! After the first time she rode in my car and after I got home, my family and I took off for dinner out. We did not get a block from the house and had to go back due to a violent sneezing attack my husband had due to her perfume. I very politely told her the next day that on the weeks I drove, she had to be perfume free or we wouldn't be able to carpool due to my husband's allergies. She was very nice about it and even toned it down on the weeks she drove. I had people at work thanking me for getting her to tone it down.

    As fas the lady at the gym, try pressing it with the staff again and bring up your reaction to her perfume. Point out that if you or someone get ill, pass out, etc. at their establishment because of the perfume, they are liable. That might get their attention. If they still don't act, follow the polite suggestions you've been given about approaching her and explaining what the perfume is doing to you. You might tell her it's nice to have someone else working out nearby and staying motivated by that, but you are faced with changing your workout altogether if the perfume issue can't be resolved. Be nice and unless she's a total meanie, she should understand and stop. Good luck!
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    I like the mask idea. If you put it on every time she gets near you, she will either ask why or stop getting near you. If she ask, you can politely tell her no offense but you are allergic to her perfume.