Jogging Shirtless

Ok all, I have a question for you.

I know a lot of people get offended when someone is running shirtless. Other people take offense to people not in shape running shirtless, and others have absolutely no problem with any of it.

So here is my question:

Suppose a guy like me is running shirtless in the gym. I am in shape, but by no means ripped or have a perfect body. I just like running shirtless. Its cooler, and lighter, and I don't get the nasty sweat soaked clothes sticking to me. The gym I go to does not require a shirt.

What would you people think? Bad or not?

How about people in not as good of shape, a little belly hanging out or whatever. Still ok? Personally, I think its a little tacky to show things that don't look good being shown, but if they don't mind, and the person doesn't like to wear clothes when running, more power to em!

This also applies to women in only sports bras.

Your Thoughts? Discuss.

P.S. Leave "Morality" and religious views out of it please, as that is highly subjective and inflammatory.


  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I have no problem if a guy is running shirtless. If you have the balls to do it then more power to you! If the person doesn't look good, then I just won't look instead of being like "Ew, he should keep his shirt on".

    Now, as for the running in only a sports bra.. I would love to do that but I am too chicken. lol
  • mdfeller
    mdfeller Posts: 135
    Unfortunately I think if while jogging you have to much skin bouncing, do not go shirtless. It's just kinda gross. I am really sorry to say. Only in public though. What you do in your own home, doesn't matter. Also don't do short shorts if you've got bouncing thighs. Just my two cents.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I think a shirt should be worn at all times while in the gym. Outside it is fine to run shirtless.

    If I was on the machine next to you I wouldn't want all your sweat flying at me, a shirt soaks up most of it so I think it is needed.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i would get offended, and then take my shirt off
  • Tzipporah90
    Women jog in sports bras ALL THE TIMe, I see nothing offensive about it all, so why not men?? I personally never saw a guy at my gym without a shirt, but on the streets, shirtless for men and bras for women is normal.
  • Kdingo
    Kdingo Posts: 145 Member
    If they want to, it is none of my buissness. So I say go ahead! I wish I was that confident.:drinker:
  • alexa_image
    alexa_image Posts: 387 Member
    Honestly, I really think that if you feel confortable the way you look then run without a shir,
    Now in the case of those with a big belly hanging out, if you feel proud, then good for you and your self esteem.
    But I think is a little unconfortable for the rest of the people to have to look at that, specially while at the gym. Don't like it.
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    I hate chafed nipples. Lose the shirt and save the nips!
  • Tzipporah90
    plus, if you do it its ur business no one elses! If they have a problem, its their problem IMO.
  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    I think a shirt should be worn at all times while in the gym. Outside it is fine to run shirtless.

    If I was on the machine next to you I wouldn't want all your sweat flying at me, a shirt soaks up most of it so I think it is needed.

    I agree 100%
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    Do what you want to do. Who cares what other people think? If you are comfortable with yourself to do it, go for it.

    I would totally do the sports bra thing if, I were more comfortable in my skin. Getting there, but not there just yet. Spring is just around the corner though.
  • chubbychristianchick
    I see it this way... I'm so focused on not tripping and fall when I'm on the treadmill that I wouldn't notice/not notice or be bothered with what or without what a person is or isn't wearing...
    For me personally I cover everything up and pray that people aren't looking at me!
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    I can see how it'd be a little weird at the gym.
    Outside? do what you want :)
  • socialite1
    I think a shirt should be worn at all times while in the gym. Outside it is fine to run shirtless.

    If I was on the machine next to you I wouldn't want all your sweat flying at me, a shirt soaks up most of it so I think it is needed.

    Yeah I agree...unless you had a super smokin bod and you were hittin on me. Then and only then would it be ok lol.
  • soonersgirl
    soonersgirl Posts: 254 Member
    I think a shirt should be worn at all times while in the gym. Outside it is fine to run shirtless.

    If I was on the machine next to you I wouldn't want all your sweat flying at me, a shirt soaks up most of it so I think it is needed.

    i agree...outside is fine...but inside, you should wear a shirt :)
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    I hate chafed nipples. Lose the shirt and save the nips!

    I always wear pasties to avoid this.....
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Unless you're spraying sweat all around you or something, you're free to jog shirtless as far as I'm concerned! I don't really care whether you're in great shape or not.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    I think a shirt should be worn at all times while in the gym. Outside it is fine to run shirtless.

    If I was on the machine next to you I wouldn't want all your sweat flying at me, a shirt soaks up most of it so I think it is needed.

    Agree! It's to protect me from your sweat, just like wiping the machines off after you use them.

    But I don't care if you are in shape or not, whatever you are comfortable with...outside!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I think because of sweat and hair it is better to wear a shirt at the gym.
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    If you're in shape-don't have to be ripped-but in shape, no problem with it....and I won't lie gives me something to look at occasionally haha
    Same goes to girls in sports bras.
    Although I do think it's more appropriate in a gym to keep the shirt on, but I wouldn't get offended.

    If your not in shape and have the gut flapping around-eh I don't get offended, but at the same time I do find it kind of gross. But if they don't care more power to them I just don't look.