Any 5'4 135-140 pound females trying to lose 10-12 pounds?



  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i too am a bit shorter then you, 5 ft 2. i started at 140-142 and hoped to lose 20 lbs. well it's been since nov and i have only lost 15, it's been super slow. I have hit a stall just over 2 week snow, no change even though i have changed this up... i was doing everything right that i know of, eating exercise cals, weighing my portions, measuring all food, counting all cals, exercising, and keep getting stuck... the last 5 will not come off, if i do go under 125 it's for a day or 2 but that's it and right back to 125... I have a goal of new years to have that last 5 lbs off me, so that is quite a while so it BETTER be off by then... 1 whole year to lose 20 lbs, who would of thought!
  • hjmatthew
    I'm 5'4" and my goal weight is 125 too! I have to switch up my workouts and make sure I try to eat most of my calories back to really see a change on the scale.
  • vqnerdballs
    I'm in the same boat! I'm 133 and want to get to 125 at least. This is my very first day so I'm going to go with what MyFitnessPal recommends at first -- we'll see if that works!
  • TiredMom12
    TiredMom12 Posts: 78 Member
    What is everyone's typical diet plan? I have such a hard time planning my meals and either eat too much or not enough. I was debating going back on Jenny Craig again b/c at least all the meals are prepared and planned for. With 3 little ones, time is so limited so I need something easy.
  • kendryk2001
    I am in the exact same boat you all are in. I am 5' 4.75" tall and weigh 152.2, my goal is to get down to 135. I put in all my stats to MFP and was averaged out to just 1200 calories a day! My friend that has been on this for 2 months said that allowance is just to maintain, not to loose. He suggested that I up my caloric intake by 300 per day. I am now starting to see results after only 7 days I lost some inches and 1.2 pounds! I suggest that you all up your intake by the same and see what happens in a week to 2 weeks.

    Many happy losses!
  • mfoutch86
    I swear I have been trying to lose the last 10-12 lbs now for months. Im 5'4 and would like to be 115 for my Oct. wedding, but then be about 120-123 for the long term. I work out 6 days a week and burn at least 500 cals a day, and try and keep my intake at less than 1100 net, but I guess it is time for a change because this isn't working at all. I see a change in my body somewhat, but I am still a slave to the scale!
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Options's really frustrating for me to lose that 10+ pounds.
  • JonieB
    JonieB Posts: 67 Member
    I am right there with you ladies. Just a tad bit shorter at 5'3". I have been floating between 137-141 for about a month now. I start feeling like I am making some headway and then the scale creeps back up. I am so sick of this 4 lbs. I would like to eventually be between 120-125 so 12-15 lbs to lose. I just picked up the book The Petite Advantage Diet by Jim Karas. It is for women 5'4" and under. It has a 21 day diet and workout plan. It looks as though basically he wants you to cycle your calories, 2 days at 1100 calories, 1 day at 1600 calories, repeat. It also has you "front loading" your calories. On the 1100 calorie days the breakdown is: 400 calories for Breakfast, 300 for lunch and supper, 100 calorie snack. On the 1600 calorie days the breakdown: 500 calorie breakfast, 400 for lunch, 500 calories for supper and (2) 100 calorie snacks. I am going to give this a try for a few weeks and see if it will help me break through this plateau.
  • nemiredi3
    nemiredi3 Posts: 29 Member
    I am in the same boat at 5"3 and fluctuate between 138-142 :-/ i hate that 4lbs up and down today I'm at 142 today and my goal is 120-125. I can't seem to lose at all very frustrating..I need to change something..its hard when we on't have to much to lose!
  • naija_slim7
    I can definitely relate. I started off at nearly 155, now I'm down to 142. My goal is 130 but these last 12lbs seem impossible to lose. It would be nice to meet someone with similar goals. I try to stay motivated but its easy to get discouraged. Hope to meet some of you. Happy weight loss ladies!
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    I'm in a similar situation only a few inches taller (5'7). I'm bouncing between 136 - 140. The day of my marathon (so after aaaalllll that running!) I got to 133 but now I'm back to 136 - 140 and can't get it to budge! I'd like a comfortable 130 or better yet 128ish so with the normal fluctuations I can average about 130 lol.
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    Same boat, 5' 4" and around 135-140 (probably on the high end now!). Id really like to be in the 120s but having a very hard time getting there!
  • NVclark465
    NVclark465 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes, hi! I am 5'2" and weigh 156 lbs! I am trying to reach my goal of 130-135 lbs. before the new year/summer! I seem to go back up to 176 very easily! I haven't been able to weigh less than 150 since I was in highschool! Some ten years ago! We can keep each other motivated even more! : ) Hang in there!
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    I'm the same height as you, and 134.4 pounds -- or I was this morning. My interim goal is also 125 pounds, although I'd really like to get to 115 and get my BMI to 20. What setting do you have MFP on for your target loss each week? I have mine set to 0.5 pounds.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm 5'4 and currently 131.8 pounds with a goal of around 125 (or 20% body fat)

    I eat 1550 calories per day and eat back about 2/3rds of my exercise calories.

    Perhaps you should try increasing your calories a bit and tossing in some strength training. Back when I was doing the 1200 calorie and all cardio routine I hit a plateau pretty fast.
  • CallMeMamaBoo
    I am 5'5" and have spent a year maintaining 140-145. During that year I was using the Implanon as birth control and suspect that may have halted my weight loss. I started off weighing 225-250 after having my baby who is now turning 3 in January. I am now smaller than pre baby and weighing about what I weighed in my teens. I want to get myself to 130 but due to hormones and hypoglycemia problems I cannot eat at a deficit while exercising. I've recently had the Implanon removed and have seen a steady drop on my scale without anything different with my lifestyle. I am hoping to continue the trend but I just know when I see 140 on the scale that my body will probably stop. I could use more friends and motivation now more than ever. Tired if feeling so helpless and discouraged! Add me :)
  • shosh413
    shosh413 Posts: 135 Member
    It's so crazy how everyone here is having the same problem.. lol and guess what ME TOOO! i'm 5"4 and keep fluctuating between 142-139 and want to be 125!!... I'm learning though that this is not about the end goal per say but the lifestyle. even if one day i reach that 135-130 if i have the mentality of a 142 person i will be 142!! It's about the portion sizes and really just listening to your body, being consistent with your calorie intake i think and it will slowly come off... i hope lol.. and exercise too!

    I'll let u know how it goes
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    My biggest challenge is really being rigorous about measuring and weighing. I've been calorie counting awhile so often I think I can estimate and then I'll realize I'm way off. This week it was coffee creamer. I was using twice as much as I estimated. Another thing I've found is that once you've been restricting awhile sometimes it's helpful to go back to maintenance for awhile. Even if you haven't been restricting for long it can be helpful to get a baseline on what maintenance is for you so that you can form a reasonable deficit.

    I'm 5'4" and 139 lbs, and I'm definitely at the lowest "comfortable" weight for my body. That doesn't mean I can't lose more, it just means I have to work harder to get there and to keep it off. As an adult I've never been below this weight so it'll be interesting to see if I can get there.
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    I am 5'4"

    SW- 156
    CW- 126
    GW- 115ish

    I'm looking to tone a lot, but my UGW will be whatever works. Anyone, feel free to add me as a friend, especially if we have similar stats and goals.
  • alehayde
    You clearly are not alone! :) I am 5' 4" at 136 lbs and I am trying to get down to 125. I recently moved to Sydney from the States and I got down to 130. It happened naturally just through the change in lifestyle. More walking, more healthful foods, etc.

    Now, I have been training for a half marathon and I feel like I've completely plateaued. I have popped back up to 136. I'm sure some of that is muscle but I still have lots of fat to lose around my lower stomach and upper thighs.

    I stopped using MFP for awhile just because I was sick of tracking cals and getting nowhere. I've decided to give it another try and am hoping to find some friends for support. Feel free to add me if you are in the same boat!