Have you seen these people?



  • Mgrogers09
    Mgrogers09 Posts: 61 Member
    The Professor- insists on improving your workout- even when you didnt ask for it. Starts sentences with "Hey man have you tried this...." or "yeah- i used to work out like that..."
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    The underachievers..the ones who get on the treamill and walk at 1.0 and talk to their friend on the next treamilll about how there day was, then after 10 minutes of doing viturally nothing but taking up the machine, head to the smoothie bar to get a post workout shake.

    HAHAHAHA! This is awesome! Reminds me of the time that I was at my university gym, and 2 girls came in to use the stair climbers. This is NO exaggeration. Get this: They were wearing....wait for it: SKIRTS AND PLATFORM HEELS!!!
    They spent about 15 minutes on the machines (texting on their phones and chatting all the while), and then pranced through the gym on their way out, making sure to sway their hips just a little extra when walking by the weight benches where members of the football team were working out. SO pathetic!
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    this is why i hate the gym as there are very few of the:

    Joanne Bloggs: there because they know they need to loose a few pounds. Have no makeup on as not there on a fashion parade, do not have the latest fashion in joggers on and are not there to pick up men.

    Joe bloggs: there because he thinks he should look like the muscley guys in the corner but he knows he is just too lazy for that, so will settle for loosing a little weight.

    That Joanne Bloggs - that's me that is :laugh:
  • Bronc1
    Bronc1 Posts: 10
    The underachievers..the ones who get on the treamill and walk at 1.0 and talk to their friend on the next treamilll about how there day was, then after 10 minutes of doing viturally nothing but taking up the machine, head to the smoothie bar to get a post workout shake.

    HAHAHAHA! This is awesome! Reminds me of the time that I was at my university gym, and 2 girls came in to use the stair climbers. This is NO exaggeration. Get this: They were wearing....wait for it: SKIRTS AND PLATFORM HEELS!!!
    They spent about 15 minutes on the machines (texting on their phones and chatting all the while), and then pranced through the gym on their way out, making sure to sway their hips just a little extra when walking by the weight benches where members of the football team were working out. SO pathetic!

    I can top this. I saw a guy on the treadmill in a winter coat. I mean, why??
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    lol, made me laugh!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    The Avoider - aka, me.

    The person who would rather chew their own arm off, Saw style, than go to the gym.
    Is happy at home bopping around the living room.
  • SweetStrawberry
    The heavy breather - after 2 minutes on the machine its like they're having an asthma attack.

  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    Haha I love this! At my gym I usually see:

    - Young girls who get a bit more "dressed up", full face of make up, hair tied up nicely, hoop earrings and wearing the trendiest and sometimes the skimpy-est outfit!
    - The grunter who does the weights "heeeeyaaaaaaa", "oooommmpphhh", "ttsshhh", "uhhhh" :laugh:
    - Teen girls who pretend they're there for exercise but eye up the male talent and giggle and stare :love:
    - Teen boys who are trying to build themselves up
    - The sweater - never heard of deoderant?! :sick:
    - You can tell who the 1st timers are because they think the machines are broken but you have to start pedaling etc to make it work!
  • SlimSadieG
    SlimSadieG Posts: 323 Member
    The Wannabe - Pre-pubescant, arms and legs like a matchstick, but pumping weight machines at the highest setting and looking like he's having a troublesome bowel movement whilst he's at it.
  • Mgrogers09
    Mgrogers09 Posts: 61 Member
    The One-Upper - asks if he/she can break in for a set- proceeds to add 50 pounds to whatever you were doing and rip out 20 reps- takes the weight back off- and walks off like a dog that just pee'd on a fire hydrant.

    Stretch--- First 20-30 minutes of their "workout" consists of stretching every muscle in the human body. even if they arent going to work that body part out.
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    People that use their cell phone while working out instead of focusing on breaking a sweat!

    People that will do two hours of cardio at a level one resistance and not break a sweat... what a waste of time!
  • SlimSadieG
    SlimSadieG Posts: 323 Member
    The "Hey everybody! Look at me!" - Talking louder than everyone else in there about his "mega session on the weights" and that "cor blimey, the birds LAV it!"
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member

    The Lurker - guy/gal lurking around you hoping you are getting of whatever machine you are using so they can use it. ANNOYING


    Guilty. But what else is there to do? I'll go and do other machines on my circuit regardless of order, but often I'm left with that ONE machine left and someone is on it. Often I have three machines left and they're all taken. I learned a long time ago that if you DON'T hover nearby, you will not get on that machine because you will always miss your opportunity. I don't mind when people lurk around a machine I'm on, even though I do feel more self conscious...that's not their fault.

    When I'm not being The Lurker, though, I am totally Joanne Blobbs.
  • Bronc1
    Bronc1 Posts: 10
    The cluesless - Evertime you look they throwing weight around in a manner that is to end up in A&E rather than Mens Health!
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    The magazine reader...I mean come on you are there to put in work, how can you read a magazine if you are giving it 100% effort?
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I would be the male model type but with out the penis.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    The magazine reader...I mean come on you are there to put in work, how can you read a magazine if you are giving it 100% effort?

    GUILTY!!! :tongue:

    This one is me.... but in my defense, I really hate it so much that I need to keep my mind off it - only really works with the recumbant bike. No one can tell me that they can read and comprehend while doing elliptical or treadmill (I've tried) - must have ipod for these... .

    I'm also Joannie Blogg: I envy people who like to work out, but I find I really need to do more intense cardio than walking...
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Why do SO MANY PEOPLE hate on girls that look good at the gym?

    I go to the gym wearing make up, and yes, may hair does look good. Are you Jealous? Does it make you feel inferior to me?

    Yes, I get excited and MOTIVATED when I buy a new Nike work out outfit, and cant wait to get to the gym to wear it.

    When I look good, I feel good. I push harder. rant over.
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    Why do SO MANY PEOPLE hate on girls that look good at the gym?

    I go to the gym wearing make up, and yes, may hair does look good. Are you Jealous? Does it make you feel inferior to me?

    Yes, I get excited and MOTIVATED when I buy a new Nike work out outfit, and cant wait to get to the gym to wear it.

    When I look good, I feel good. I push harder. rant over.

  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I used to have make up on at the gym because I would go work out after class. It was hell. All the mascara would get in my eyes cause I was sweatin my *kitten* off and my eyes would BURN!!