P90X Shakeology



  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Shakeology is just an overpriced name brand product....you can buy the same thing for a fraction of the cost. I've only tried a few samples of it, I couldn't work 130$ into my budget for a meal shake when I can buy the SAME THING at my local GNC.

    Sorry hate to disagree, but nothing at GNC is anything like Shakeology. I've have looked at both GNC and Vitamin Shop. Just saying....

    care to address my points on why Shakeology isn't nearly what it's cracked up to be and no way worth the price?

    This Video explains it all. I would show a PDF of the ingredients but I'm not sure how to post it.


    It's not like they just get the ingredients from anywhere. The creator actually goes to the countries and sees the process that they are harvested. He travels all over the world looking for the best ingredients. Then Beachbody improves their facilities so they can keep up with the demand. They put the best of the best and more then what the body needs because they know the body will get rid of some of it.


    I have the ingredient list in pdf form, instead of giving me marketing hype, let's look at some specifics

    Generally speaking what is the most expensive vitamin in multis and in shakeology?

    how does the absorption rate of Magnesium oxide comepare to lets say magnesium chelate?

    At what amounts have green tea extract been shown to be beneficial?

    if this is an MRP, why use whey?

    I'm not even going to begin to know the answers to these questions, but I will contact the creator of Shakeology Darin Olien and ask him these very same questions. As soon as I know the answrs I will post them here.
  • ReneeClaireR
    ReneeClaireR Posts: 25 Member
    I tried a sample pack once and i thought it tasted horrible. I was told to try different "recipes" for it and i did and still couldnt imagine drinking it everyday. Especially for that price...so not worth it for me!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I'm not even going to begin to know the answers to these questions, but I will contact the creator of Shakeology Darin Olien and ask him these very same questions. As soon as I know the answrs I will post them here.
    But yet you told me to get my facts straight on another thread when I basically said the same thing about the ingredients.
    Here's the facts: it's made by a 3rd party and Beach Body slaps their name on it. There is basically no regulation on bulk raw products shipped to the US from other countries and to be used in most protein powder supplements, so saying that the raw material is pure (with no fillers or additives) would be speculation. That's why it's cheaper to make it, which is great for an MLM company because they can make great money.
    If Optimum Nutrition (whose products and raw materials are made and regulated in the US) can sell one of their best protein supplements (Nitrocore 24) for .87 cents per serving compared to $3-$4 per serving for a cheaper product, that money is basically split up to pay several middle men along the way. It's not because the shake is of better quality.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Wrong! It is not made by a 3rd party. The CEO's wife and Darin Olien are the ones who created the product. Like I said I will answer when I know the answers.
  • brittbergh
    brittbergh Posts: 130 Member
    WHY do some people on here have to be mean and snarky with responses?

    Find a Beach Body coach and ask for some samples of the flavors, give them a try with some good recpies (like I personally LOVE chocolate with banana and almond milk, and then Lemonade with greenberry) if you like it and can swing the price than go for it one month and see how you feel after that one month. If not than no big deal, go try a few other meal shakes and find one you like!
    I personally like shakeology. I tried a few kinds of other shakes and made my own with whey and I happen to like shakeology. Im also one of the few people who love greenberry, trust me...it's a weird taste! IM also a BB coach (hello discounts!) but I would really rather see people find something that works for them vs something BB sells. Yes it costs, this month I couldnt fit it in my budget so Im on whey again, hopefully next month I can buy another bag though.

    Good luck in whatever you choose!
    other people on here need to get over themselves and be not so much jerky...
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    WHY do some people on here have to be mean and snarky with responses?

    Find a Beach Body coach and ask for some samples of the flavors, give them a try with some good recpies (like I personally LOVE chocolate with banana and almond milk, and then Lemonade with greenberry) if you like it and can swing the price than go for it one month and see how you feel after that one month. If not than no big deal, go try a few other meal shakes and find one you like!
    I personally like shakeology. I tried a few kinds of other shakes and made my own with whey and I happen to like shakeology. Im also one of the few people who love greenberry, trust me...it's a weird taste! IM also a BB coach (hello discounts!) but I would really rather see people find something that works for them vs something BB sells. Yes it costs, this month I couldnt fit it in my budget so Im on whey again, hopefully next month I can buy another bag though.

    Good luck in whatever you choose!
    other people on here need to get over themselves and be not so much jerky...

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Wrong! It is not made by a 3rd party. The CEO's wife and Darin Olien are the ones who created the product. Like I said I will answer when I know the answers.
    Lol, creating a product and being manufactured by a 3rd party is common. Look at practically ALL supplement labels for this to be true.

    This from the AD STAFF of Beach Body: Shakeology is manufactured in a facility that is registered with the FDA, adheres to current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and is GMP-Certified by the NSF (National Science Foundation) and the NPA (Natural Products Association).

    Notice it doesn't say "a Beach Body facility in Santa Monica CA" (where Beach Body headquarters is located). And as healthy and as "organic" as it is supposed to be, it doesn't carry a "CERTIFIED ORGANIC" label. Why? To keep cost down so they can make more money.

    Oh and GMP relates to manufactuers in CHINA.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    WHY do some people on here have to be mean and snarky with responses?
    Mean? Lol, some don't like to hear the truth I guess.
  • brittbergh
    brittbergh Posts: 130 Member
    WHY do some people on here have to be mean and snarky with responses?
    Mean? Lol, some don't like to hear the truth I guess.

    yes mean, down right mean sometimes. Everybody here is going to have different opinions and views on basically everything this, however, it not an open invite to be jerks about your opinions. Although I know this won't stop some, it would be nice to click on one post here and there and not see snark.

    my honest opinion is that I dont know if shakeology is superior to anything else. I know it has a lot of good stuff in it that I dont put in my shakes and dont take vitimans for. I know that it works well for me and sometimes I can swing the $90 a month to buy a bag. If not than no big deal I have a jug of whey and I mix up what I can.
    Find what works for YOU
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    I did the Shakeology 3 day cleanse. I did not like the taste of the chocolate in the beginning. After about 4 shakes and learning that the more ice, the better. I was able to get them down. Of course, for the cleanse you can only mix them with water. I can see how it would be better mixed with other things. The greenberry....ummm no. Yucky, yucky and yucky. I lost 6 pounds in those 3 days and only gained half of them back. I did this 2 weeks ago. Since then I have lost those other 3 pounds. My husband said he felt amazing during it. Shakeology has some wonderful nutrients in it. Good luck!
  • brittbergh
    brittbergh Posts: 130 Member
    I did the Shakeology 3 day cleanse. I did not like the taste of the chocolate in the beginning. After about 4 shakes and learning that the more ice, the better. I was able to get them down. Of course, for the cleanse you can only mix them with water. I can see how it would be better mixed with other things. The greenberry....ummm no. Yucky, yucky and yucky. I lost 6 pounds in those 3 days and only gained half of them back. I did this 2 weeks ago. Since then I have lost those other 3 pounds. My husband said he felt amazing during it. Shakeology has some wonderful nutrients in it. Good luck!

    lol I did the cleanse with greenberry! ...it um...grows on you! I cant wait to try tropical!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    yes mean, down right mean sometimes. Everybody here is going to have different opinions and views on basically everything this, however, it not an open invite to be jerks about your opinions. Although I know this won't stop some, it would be nice to click on one post here and there and not see snark.

    my honest opinion is that I dont know if shakeology is superior to anything else. I know it has a lot of good stuff in it that I dont put in my shakes and dont take vitimans for. I know that it works well for me and sometimes I can swing the $90 a month to buy a bag. If not than no big deal I have a jug of whey and I mix up what I can.
    Find what works for YOU
    I spoke in matters of facts. No name calling, no degrading of anyone personally.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    I'm just curious which "coach" a.k.a. "I sell *kitten*" won......I am also proud to say that I do have BB coaches on my friends list and I have NEVER seen them jump in like piranha's every time they see the word "Shakeology". Also, kudos to the one guy that is a BB coach and suggested that other brands can, in fact, do the same thing. That's a stand up guy! :smile:
  • LosingJenn
    I am not a beach body coach. I do not sell anything. I got some Shakeology from a friend who is a Beach Body coach, and am using it until it is gone.

    I have tried several protein and meal replacement shakes, Slim Fast, Curves, Some Walmart brand stuff, and Shaklee. Honestly I thought they were all NASTY! It is not the taste it is the texture.

    I tried the chocolate shakeology flavor plain, and it tasted ok but couldn't get past the thick texture. I tried it with more water and not much better texture wise, but I found if I pour it over shaved ice and add cold coffee to it, I like it that way.

    Honestly it is no more expensive than what I was paying for a Starbucks frapuccino everyday and it is much better for you than Starbucks. I will be using what I have until it is gone and will not be purchasing any. I don't like it well enough to use it everyday but have a pack in my purse and some at home and the office for when I need a quick meal.

    I just don't think meal replacements are for me, but get a sample from someone who sells it and make the decision yourself.

    To answer your questions since no one else seemed to address them, I am filled up with it, and not hungry when I drink it. I did not experience gas or bloating at all.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses. I have tried other products but I always end up feeling really hungry and gassy. So I'd rather spend a little more money and not have either of those feelings. I'm going to give a try.

    It's possible, this is your bodies way of saying it wants to eat food.
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member

    I'm not even going to begin to know the answers to these questions, but I will contact the creator of Shakeology Darin Olien and ask him these very same questions. As soon as I know the answrs I will post them here.

    I wouldn't buy a product from someone who cannot explain or defend it...just sayin. I've met several beach body sales people errr "coaches" and all the ydo is hand me a dvd LOL
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member

    It's possible, this is your bodies way of saying it wants to eat food.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    I wouldn't buy a product from someone who cannot explain or defend it...just sayin. I've met several beach body sales people errr "coaches" and all the ydo is hand me a dvd LOL
    Lol, that's funny. "Coaches" I guess is a better name for them then MLM distributor.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member

    I'm not even going to begin to know the answers to these questions, but I will contact the creator of Shakeology Darin Olien and ask him these very same questions. As soon as I know the answrs I will post them here.

    I wouldn't buy a product from someone who cannot explain or defend it...just sayin. I've met several beach body sales people errr "coaches" and all the ydo is hand me a dvd LOL

    All I can do is explain how it works for me. Notice the title of the original post. I didn't come in here and say buy from me. In fact I didn't even come in here until some started bashing the product. As far as explaining goes, sorry if I don't want to give wrong information. Like I said the title says Shakeology in it, why did you come in here? Did some force of nature make you click the button?

    Sorry I'm not an Certified Personal Trainer, hey did you know a lot of those trainer don't know what they are talking about either? Oh wait you guys know everything. Must suck to be so miserable.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Hello Folks,

    I'm gonna put this thread on lockdown.

    It's gone pretty far down the path of getting personal, and too many posts are starting to make judgements about the posters, rather than the content they're posting.

    As a reminder of one of the forum rules;

    4) Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

    Have a great day, regardless of whether you choose a meal, or a meal replacement.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.