Calories Burned- I question the calculation

I keep seeing that people have burned 750 calories doing 45 mins of high impact aerobics for example. I have to call Bull*it on this. I just do not believe that someone can maintain a heart rate in the highest zone possible for 45 mins to burn that many calories. 345 I believe but in the 700's?

I have gone to respectable Health/Medical Websites and I would have do approximatley 120 mins of High Impact aerobics to burn 700 calories. Does anyone else think these calculations are wrong? Logic should tell you you can not burn 1000 calories in 70 mins! If you can I want to see your heart rate results.

Thoughts anyone.


  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    The number of calories burned depends on the individual's BMI. The bigger you are, the greater the calorie burn.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    It's possible that the individual used a heart rate monitor and depending on their weight and what their heart rate maxed out at, I suppose it COULD be possible to burn that many. Does seem like a lot though.

    I personally have an HRM I use every time I exercise . . and I love it. It is sooooo much more accurate than trusting the machines at the gym and the other great thing is, I can use it in the pool when I'm swimming and doing water aerobics. :smile:
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    It may be, but do I care? No. Does it affect me? No. Does it possibly hurt them if it's wrong? Yes -- but hopefully they learn and are able to maintain their goals.

    That's what MFP is about. No exercise on MFP is going to be 100% accurate unless you use a HRM and even then -- it's an educated guess as to calories burned.

    My advice to you is to not stress over others' numbers.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I've burned almost 900 calories in one hour running stadiums...
    The bigger you are the more you usually burn.
    Normal not too strenuous exercise I usually burn 100 calories per 10 minutes.
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    I think the MFP calorie numbers, based on what I've seen, are WAY off. I went for a run yesterday for 62 minutes. When I logged it in my diary, MFP autofilled in something like 1400 calories burned. My Polar HRM recorded 560 which, while calories burned is no exact science, I trust Polar to be fairly accurate.

    During my runs I burn 550 - 650 per hour depending on the intensity of my run. Burning 1,000 calories in an hour would be really hard and I can't imagine it. I've never even seen my watch say I'm burning at that rate. The highest I've ever seen is like 700 - 750 per hour but I've never maintained that for an entire hour either.
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    It's possible depending on someone's height and weight. If you are heavier you will burn more. Also men burn more than women (BOO! :P) I personally find teh estimates on MFP to be way off (usually double what I actually burn according to my HRM, which even then I don't trust to be completely accurate).
  • jocraw66
    I use a HRM each time I exercise.

    When I take spin class I can burn 700 plus calories in 50 minutes. Last week I ran a 10k and in the 1:16 it took me to run it I burned 1055 calories. I also do crossfit and in just 20 minutes there are times when I burn over 300 calories in that short time.

    Each person is different and one persons level of intensity may be different than anothers.

    Personally I don't care what others are doing or saying. I only care about my workout.
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    I personally could never burn that much because of my size. Which does suck on a small level because I could easily consume that many calories in one sitting. lol
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    I do not feel that I am concered about others! I am concerned that the numbers on MFP are not accurate.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    You are right!

    Not just the MFP calculations are wrong...My elliptical is off by A LOT...When I work out for 55 minutes it says 803 calories and I just log 30% of that to be safe...

    I was so bummed out!!!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I use a HRM and when I logged my info yesterday, MFP estimated I burned the same amount of calories that the HRM registered. Ive been doing that for a few days now with no difference. But like someone said, the bigger you are the more you burn in a shorter time usually. I dunno, I trust the numbers but if you wanna trust diff. thatsup to you.
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    I have a medical science education background and completely agree with the people saying the heartrate monitor is more accurate. I am questioning the math here people NOT THE INDIVIDUAL DOING THE EXERCISE!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    When I check MFP for high impact aerobics, it gives me 424 for 45 minutes. In actuality, I burn about 320-420 in that amount of time per my Body Media Fit armband (90% accuracy), depending on my intensity & metabolism for that particular day. MFP's calculations are estimates based on the average person of your age, height & weight. It cannot take into consideration body fat %, true intensity, metabolism issues, etc. If you want the most accurate calculations for your exercise & 24 hour calorie burns, I highly recommend getting a Body Media Fit or Body Bugg, or at the very least (for intentional exercise only) a HRM. MFP does the best job possible with the info we give them, but we are individuals with a lot of variables in that area.
  • hnewett
    I always underestimate my calories burned for that reason... or if I go for an hour run, and travel 6 miles... I will put that 40 minutes were at 5.2mph and only 20 were at 6... to kind of try to balance it out.
  • Loraxe
    Loraxe Posts: 1 Member
    Not sure about High Impact aerobics, but I know one of the most efficient forms of burning calories is running. So, I assume an average weight of 190 male, running a 9 minute mile for 6.5 miles (roughly 60 minutes) would burn around 950 calories. That is about the highest amount of calories that you can burn an hour. So, I would think 750 for high impact aerobics in 45 minutes would be high.

    Running is roughly 15 calories per minute and that comes out to 16.5 per minute.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I wear an HRM every time I work out. Depending on the class I take I can burn 700-900 calories in an hour pretty consistently per my HRM. I also weigh over 250 pounds right now, so I'm sure that is why I can get a higher calorie burn than someone smaller.

    I have even started subtracting off a portion of those, considering them to be normal everyday calorie burn by living, and I still can get an 800 calorie burn doing an hour of Turbo Kick. And yes, I am sweating buckets and am totally wiped out, but it's possible. I don't use the counts on MFP anymore b/c they actually ARE higher than my HRM on most things. Some are close, like for Walking. But for Kickboxing, MFP is higher than my HRM for my weight and intensity.
  • jocraw66
    I should clarify that the run I did last weekend was not only a 10k but an obstacle course as well and it was a trail run with lots of hills versus a traditional 10k race.

    Normally I can finish a 10k race and burn around 600 calories. It takes me on overage 1:05 usually to run a traditional 10k.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I do not feel that I am concered about others! I am concerned that the numbers on MFP are not accurate.

    I have to say that I was a bit offended by the "I call Bullsh*t" part of your statement, thinking you meant it to the people posting those burns. As I read further I realized you meant (hopefully) the counts on MFP. Not attacking you, just letting you know how it may have come across to some.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    First of your weight versus someone else's is completely different! ... I did a 60 minute step class wearing an HRM and burned about 800 calories!! Ia m also 280lbs... and my heart rate was between 160-180 he whole time!!

    With that said, MFP #'s are usually way out of whack.. which is why I use an HRM
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member