Single children vs. siblings

idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
What do you think it's beneficial for a child, to be a single child or to have at least one more sibling? How do you think this affects the child as an adult? What is your experience with yourself and your children? If you decided to have more than one child, why? I am a single child, and it sucked! But my parents were ok with not having to go through diaper phase all over again, so they stopped at 1.


  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I have come in contact with a lot of only children that are spoiled brats....I would never have just one, but that's just me.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I grew up as one of 5 siblings and between the fun, there was a lot of fighting and competition.

    I think single children tend to grow up more as one of the adults and mature quicker. In all honesty I don't think it really matters.
    If you're a single child that's what you know... if you're a sibling, that's what you know --- neither is better or worse.

    I chose not to have any (well I couldn't have any) Being an Aunt 11 times is awesome! I get to spoil them, I'm the cool adult they talk to and want to hang out with -- and I don't have to pay for their college :)
  • SweetChilly
    SweetChilly Posts: 51 Member
    I have two siblings. I couldn't imagine life without them.. however, most of my friends are single children, and they are no different than I (maybe sometimes even better).

    I know someone people say that the child's social skills are affected since they dont have another child to grow up with them.. That's what play dates and friends are for. I think as long as the child is happy (and the parents are happy) then it doesn't matter if they have siblings or not
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I am an only child and although I am a little more introverted and shy than my friends who had siblings, I am way more independent and ok with being alone. Some of my friends stay in unhealthy relationships just because they don't want to be alone. Some of the best time and most enlightening times in my life happened when I was alone. But having said that I plan on having at least 2 kids.
  • GingerDarlene
    Even though my brother is a pain in the rear sometimes; I am happy to have him to lean on. we were raised in a single parent household and when we lost our mother, I still had him.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    I have 4 siblings and loved having a big family growing up, but at the same time, I don't know anything else so I cannot compare. It is really up the couple whether or not they want to have more than one, everyone is different. I have a daughter who is almost 2 1/2 and a son that will arrive in early December. I'd love to have a big family, but at the same time I want to be able to provide for my family. I love all my siblings and remain close to them along the years. I'm nothing without my family :p
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I was 1 of 3 and I have 3 now. I love having more than1 and they are fairly close in age. My boys (the 2 oldest) are best buddies and I can't imagine 1 not having the other. They do everything together! My daughter is 5 years younger than the middle one and they are very close to her as well, they spoil her rotten! I am very lucky though, I know families who have more than 1 that don't get along. I guess it's what you make of it! (mixed with luck, LOL)
  • kbrown1171
    I had 1 daughter and I finally decided that I would have another child (when my 1st was 6) because I felt guilty having her be an only child. I was worried about how it would be when her father an I were gone and she was alone in the world. Kind of weird, I know, but I now have 2 beautiful chilren (thank God) and I'm much happier for it and they love each other dearly so I think my oldest is happier for it too.
  • frugalmomsrock
    I have 5. They fight. A LOT.

    But they also love each other. A LOT.

    I hate the fighting, but when they're being sweet, nothing beats it!

    I'm one of four, and though it was rough (arguing and bickering with my siblings) sometimes, we didn't do that forever. We eventually grew up. I come from a huge family (my dad is one of 11, my mother 1 of 6), so I never anticipated a small family. My husband grew up several years younger than his siblings, and he was basically like an only child, and he's a spoiled brat. STILL. AT 50. He just sucks if he doesn't get his way.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I'm an only child too. I was NOT spoiled, though -- my parents were overly strict, and I think lacked the perspective that comes with having more than one to focus on. I think the experiences of an only child depend on the parents -- if they're loving, understanding, have a good marriage / family life, and give their child what they need, then that's all that matters.

    That said, I have 2 kids myself. I know how much I missed having siblings growing up -- and I miss having them even MORE now that I'm older. I think it's good to have someone in your life (besides your parents) who knew you throughout your whole life, and shares your family experiences. I wanted my kids to have someone else to "lean on" that would always be there, no matter what.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I have only one child.
    I have read that one of the best indicators of future success in life is sibling rivalry.
    So having kids so they can fight with each other(in a healthy way) actually makes all of them better.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I was an only and I liked it. Sometimes I think it would have been nice to have siblings, but I had cousins and friends and I have friends and cousins who are LIKE siblings without all the fighting and crap that goes on.

    As my parents age, I'm kind of concerned how I'll deal with it if and when they can't live on their own anymore (especially because they're divorced and live in different states now).

    Otherwise, I think I am more mature and have closer friendships than I would had I had siblings. But that's a maybe because you just don't know with "ifs."

    My daughter is an only, as well, and seems to be OK with it. She does have two half sisters through her father, but long story short, she doesn't know them.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Single child = bad idea! I think it is unfair for the child to not have that bond. The same goes for kids with big age gaps of 5 + years. They tend to be just as spoiled and don't get the benifits of a sibling. I honestly think the worst situation is 3 kids. The middle child tends to get over showded. I can think of several kids that are screwed up becasue of it. One friend has twin older sisters ( count them as one kid) and a younger brother. The sisters are beautiful and got tons of attention and the brother was super smart. The middle kid never got the attention he wanted and always felt like he was in competion.
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm an only child and I think I turned out okay :) I always wanted a sibling growing up but never got one! I had a great childhood; however, and I had a lot of cousins who were "like" my siblings. I'm really close to them to this day. I don't think I was spoiled any more than kids that had siblings. A lot of kids at my school had siblings and had way more (material things) than I did. All it takes it one "spoiled brat" only-child to ruin all of our reputations :)
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    What do you think it's beneficial for a child, to be a single child or to have at least one more sibling? How do you think this affects the child as an adult? What is your experience with yourself and your children? If you decided to have more than one child, why? I am a single child, and it sucked! But my parents were ok with not having to go through diaper phase all over again, so they stopped at 1.

    I'm a single child and I've never had an issue. I had friends to play with, etc. Plus, you get more awesome presents.

    Personally, too many people have too many kids. 2 should be the max imo.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    I grew up an only child. My parent's divorced then my mom got remarried & had my half brother when I was 13. I think we have the most special relationship in the world!!
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    Its Life. You can't have children just to make your other child happy, esp if its going to make you unhappy - an unhappy parent is not a good parent.
    i have an only child and its just too bad, I'm too old to have any more. She is fine, has loads of friends and I have her involved in many activities already.
    You can always blame your childhood (or your parents) for any real or imagined problem but fact is, its really hard to pick how being a single ton or one of a bunch affects your personality.
    I'd rather have the one and make sure she gets fantastic opportunities than have several and give her a very basic life.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have come in contact with a lot of only children that are spoiled brats....I would never have just one, but that's just me.
    That's because of bad parenting, not because they're only children. I know a lot of not only children who are spoiled brats, too.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Most of the families I've come across that can only (or have chosen to) have one child, the child was just spoiled. The parents would be very clingy too and not have their child "breathe" and the whole "sharing thing"..forget it! Not sure how all this would affect them as a grown up- I don't know any as adults. I think every child should have a sibling, someone to play with and grow up with but that's my opinion. I'm the oldest of 3 kids and at 29 years old I am so glad I have siblings. I have someone to talk to about our childhood memories, someone who always had my back through my teens years and who will ALWAYS be there when my friends couldn't be. I have 3 children of my own and have always wanted 3 kids. Yes, I'm always busy but I can't imagine only having one child. I love watching them play together and fight together..Lol! I love seeing the different personalities and how they look like us.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Family reunions are a lot more fun when it is a bunch of people. I only have one child but i want 2 more. I have one brother wish i had more family cause friends come and go but family is forever.