What's your workout shedule?



  • I eat my 1200 calories and whatever exercise cals I earn. I try to do 30DS everyday but if I need breaks I walk at least 2miles and do 10 minutes of jumping jacks. I also drink between 32oz and 64oz of water each day, that helps!
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    During this first period of weight loss, I focus on getting in cardio every day of a 6 day cycle. Because my ultimate goal is to climb ice and rock at a much higher level, I also climb 2-3 days per week interspersed with strength training via compound lifts and auxiliary exercises. Core work throughout the week.

    My overall time limits are determined by caloric expenditure measured with a heart rate monitor and MyFitnessPal.

    A sample schedule might be:

    Monday - Climbing, 1-3 hours, 700-1700 calories

    Tuesday - Cardio and strength training, 1 hour, 500-1200 calories

    Wednesday - Core conditioning class, 1 hour, ~700 calories

    Thursday - Climbing, 1-3 hours, 700-1700 calories

    Friday - Cardio and strength training, 1 hour, 500-1200 calories

    Saturday - Cardio and climbing, 1-3 hours, 1800+ calories

    Sunday - Rest Day
  • Bump
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Schedule largely depends on wife and 6 month old baby.

    3 day split done 4 to 5 times per week on a continual rotation.


    Lots of compounds, no cardio.
    15% deficit, slowly cutting.
  • Monday:
    Tae-Bo AMPED 40 minutes
    30 Day Shred 27 Minutes
    Butt Bible 20 Minutes

    Tae-Bo AMPED 40 minutes
    30 Day Shred 27 Minutes
    Butt Bible 20 Minutes

    30 Day Shred 27 Minutes

    Tae-Bo AMPED 40 minutes
    30 Day Shred 27 Minutes
    Butt Bible 20 Minutes

    Tae-Bo AMPED 40 minutes
    30 Day Shred 27 Minutes
    Butt Bible 20 Minutes

    Tae-Bo AMPED 40 minutes
    30 Day Shred 27 Minutes

    Tae-Bo AMPED 40 minutes
    30 Day Shred 27 Minutes

  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    mine goes something like this

    mon - personal training if i can afford it, if not weights and cardio
    tue - boxing class
    wed - spin / rpm class
    thurs - cardio and weights OR cardio and yoga
    fri - boxing class OR pump class

    i don't exercise on weekends generally, but am happy to go for a walk or a ride (ok that's a lie, i'd like to go for a ride, but have a couple of kids that stop that from happening).
  • Mine is roughly as follows:

    Monday - Zumba (also sculpt & shape/Body Pump when I have the time)

    Tuesday - Pilates and Zumba

    Wednesday - Zumba and Body Combat

    Thursday - Zumba (plus Body Pump when I can)

    Friday - Body Combat (plus Sculpt & Shape when I can)

    Saturday - Body Combat/Body Pump (both/either/sometimes none depending on kids' sports schedules)

    Sunday - Zumba (depending on kids' sports schedules)

    This looks like a lot of Zumba but there are 4 different instructors over the classes so it is a different routine at almost every class (which can be confusing if they use the same tracks!)

    Also I'm in week 2 of C25K on the treadmill at the gym (which I don't have definite days for but just fit in when I can), and I have a 20 minute gym routine (5 mins bike/5 mins rower/5 mins weights/5 mins arm bike) which I squeeze in while I am waiting for classes to start/kids to finish sports and so on, so it's not regular.

    I was never one for exercise but now that I am in the routine (7 weeks now) I absolutely love it and I really miss the classes when I can't manage along! I aim for a minimum of 4 classes per week, since I started the least I have been to is 6 and the most 11.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    My schedule doesn't look anywhere near y'alls but here is what I currently do;

    M, W, F - 30 minute circuit training, plus 20 minutes free weights, plus 30 minutes on the arc trainer
    T, TH - 30 minutes weight machines & free weights plus 45 minutes arc trainer

    Weekends are off as far as the gym goes, I typically work out around the house doing yard work or cleaning. Today I'm painting 2.5 rooms.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I go to gym most days. Do cardio every day (elliptical and / or static bike), and weights on alternate days. I also thread in some running, and a fair bit of dog walking. I'm active every day, but have a quieter day (just a good hour / hour and a half of walking) one day a week.
  • I should have said, I have at least one full day off per week, but it varies from week to week which day it is.