name ONE thing you like about fall



  • shaj316
    shaj316 Posts: 161
    Football season

  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Just ONE?! Are you serious?! That's difficult....

    I guess I'd say the weather. When the chill starts entering the air, relief from August's 100*+, it's just heavenly. I want to list about 73 different things, but having to pick one, I guess weather. :) It's the absolute best time of year as a parent, I have to say, we live at the Pumpkin Patch all October, late nights and smores on the fire, jumping in leaves, upcoming holidays, I can go on and on (obviously!).
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    warming up in sweats and a soft blanket after being outside
  • aneumany
    aneumany Posts: 165 Member
    football and pumpkins, and pumpkin flavored anything!!! lol and i like wearing boots :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Fall is here and all I have to say is... *kitten* FALL! Fall? I hate the fall... what b*llsh*t. "Oh, the leaves change color." They change color for 2 days. A big wind comes and you got nothing but sticks the rest of the year.

    And the weather is completely nonsense... you don't even have a proper fall coat, nothing you wear is right. You wake up it's sunny out you put a coat on, you go out and you're sweating like a pig then you take it off and you're cold... what bullsh*t. The sun is out so you're sweating, but there's a breeze so you're freezing... it's not weather it's MALARIA!!!! The weather is 90, its 30, its 80, its 20, and my balls can't take it any more... big and then small, big small big small...
  • Rachel_Leigh84
    Bonfire night!
  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    The chill in the air...we don't quite have it yet... :cry:
  • Bake1
    Bake1 Posts: 15
    I love the fall colors ! The leaves,Indian Summer,Halloween,Chilli, & those apple dumplings with caramel sauce that the local school kids sell every Fall. A true weakness of mine. Mmmmmmmmm . Great post.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    Fall flavors. Pumpkin, gingerbread, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger... the smells of good baking! Brewed TJ's Pumpkin Spice coffee the other morning and it was so heavenly.

    And football, go Pack!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Great running weather and I love the changing of the leaves. And jacksonpt, dont hold back, tell us how you really feeel. You are hilarious.
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    my favorite thing about fall is sitting in my tree stand waiting for a deer to step out, gotta fill the freezer for winter :)

    Great answer.....and I love the colors of the changing leaves!!
  • KMSForLife
    Fall is here and all I have to say is... *kitten* FALL! Fall? I hate the fall... what b*llsh*t. "Oh, the leaves change color." They change color for 2 days. A big wind comes and you got nothing but sticks the rest of the year.

    And the weather is completely nonsense... you don't even have a proper fall coat, nothing you wear is right. You wake up it's sunny out you put a coat on, you go out and you're sweating like a pig then you take it off and you're cold... what bullsh*t. The sun is out so you're sweating, but there's a breeze so you're freezing... it's not weather it's MALARIA!!!! The weather is 90, its 30, its 80, its 20, and my balls can't take it any more... big and then small, big small big small...

    Why are you so angry? Anger is not good for the soul. Goodness . . .
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    The holidays ! Halloween & Thanksgiving, & impending Christmas. :)

  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    Everything except the landing.

    Bhahahaahaha!!! no?

    LOL! You ARE bored.

    I like Halloween.
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    Fall is here and all I have to say is... *kitten* FALL! Fall? I hate the fall... what b*llsh*t. "Oh, the leaves change color." They change color for 2 days. A big wind comes and you got nothing but sticks the rest of the year.

    And the weather is completely nonsense... you don't even have a proper fall coat, nothing you wear is right. You wake up it's sunny out you put a coat on, you go out and you're sweating like a pig then you take it off and you're cold... what bullsh*t. The sun is out so you're sweating, but there's a breeze so you're freezing... it's not weather it's MALARIA!!!! The weather is 90, its 30, its 80, its 20, and my balls can't take it any more... big and then small, big small big small...

    So is this like a ball work out???
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    The changing of the leaves is my favorite thing about fall.
    Me too and pumpkin scented candles!!
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    Fresh local apple cider :drinker:
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    The pumpkin apple spice candle scents that everyone comes out with!
    ohh yes cant forget the apple scents :D
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    the SMELL!!!!! i absolutely love the smell that i associate with the seasons changing... haven't pinpointed the source, i just smell it now and then and know it's officially fall.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Just one is difficult, fall is my favorite season. I guess I'd have to say I love that it's finally cool enough to leave the house and be outside doing things. (Our highs are only in the low 90s this week.)