How did you decide on your childrens name???

denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
I have four boys...

#1 Nathaniel-Biblical, yet spelled wrong, we liked it, Halen-after Van Halen, Gage-after my brother who passed away

#2 Zechariah-Biblical and 9 leters like #1, Samuel-#1 insisted on "Sammy" whether a boy or girl, while #2 was still inuterio, so we settled on Samuel, Steele- yes after the Pittsburgh Steelers nfl team

#3 Johnathon-Biblical, spelled differently so it would have nine letters, Davis- after my FIL,(David), Rayce-after my Daddy,(Ray)

#4 Sebastian-we were getting short of traditional nine letter names, so we went with naming him after Sebastian Bach from 80"s hair band, Skid Row, Osbourne- after Ozzy(need i explain more), Dale-after my husband...

and yes, all four of my boys have four names, a first, two middle names and all of their last names are Golden, so yep, i have FOUR golden childs, lol...that, the whole two middle names thing, is after my FIL, he has two middle names...


  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Daley Keith - was going to be Dale but I wanted a little more then saw Daley Thompson at Edinburgh Commonwealth Games. Keith for his late grandfather on husband's side, and late great grandfather on my side.

    Justin Johann - Justin because we liked it, Johann for his great great grandfather who was first of that line to come to Australia in 1870s
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    when I was pregnant with my son I was not with his father - a bit of a scandal over thirty years ago, as my mother was a member of the salvation army - so he was called Paul after my dad - who loved me no matter what and was a wonderful support - Dads name was Frank Paul but always called Paul by family and David after his father - we did move in together when I was 8 months pregnant
    as I had chosen my sons name I asked DH to choose names for the next child - he only chose girls names and I had a choice
    Beverly (NO) Estelle (I suggested stella- that was out) or Alethea - its Greek and means truth - that seemed perfect - the truth of our relationship and she has Jane for a middle name in case she wanted to be more anonymous :)

    as for the fur babies they have their own stories :):)
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    My daughters name is Isabel. We picked it because I wanted a child with a non-typical letter at the beginning of her I picked the letter I. Her middle name is Michelle because of her dad's bff that died right before she was born and his name was Michael so we made it feminine and named our daughter after him.

    Isabel Michelle. :-)
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    Gavin Michael--Gavin was a hero from a book "gwyneth and the thief". I loved the character so much. He was courageous, noble, and chivalrous. Its been a name I've loved for years. My husband picked Michael. He grew extremely close to St. Michael the Archangel while he was deployed in Iraq. Gavin means "White Hawk of Battle" and Michael is a warrior! So, it works perfectly!
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    My son is named Damian because its a strong Greek name meaning strong, warrior. And I always liked the name. My daughter is Athena, again Greek after a goddess. My sons middle names are Anthony Micheal (spelled that way because he healed me and saved me from myself. My daughters middle names are Anne Lanae. My middle name plus her aunts middle name. People always spell the Micheal and Lanae and Damian wrong even when they're spelled out on paper right in front of them. I go round and round with legal documents ugh lol
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I have 2 (son & daughter). With a name like Betty I was looking at the unusual. Like aaleigha1 I too was not with my son's father but was looking at how he may be like (didn't know what it was going to be) so I perused the baby-name books and knowing myself and his father I loved the thought of Torrance - the bull. Behind it, it stated it was a male name meaning bull and that the nick name was Tory.... loved it and so I have a 6'4" son of size and strength by the name of Tory - his middle name was after a very supportive Uncle of mine. I had a girl's name picked as well (just in case) and that was Jandy-Lee. My daughter... interesting how I came up with her name. Her father and I split before she was born so my mind wandered for another unusual name and my thoughts went back to a lovely couple I knew when I was pregnant with my son and her name was Cleta. Doing research I found that her name was Native American and it meant Wild Flower. Considering I was on birth control and her dad was to have had a vesectomy (that obviously didn't take) - she is my my beautiful wild flower (my weed, LOL). She has two middle names... one after my Mom and the other after a family friend who wanted her to be named after him but he was happy when I gave her his middle name.
  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    I have 3 girls and I wanted names that weren't very common around the place at the time and names that just felt right!
    My eldest Ella Anastasia, Ella after the great Ella Fitzgerald and Anastasia was a family name which I would have liked as a first name but hubby didnt so we compromised.
    then my twins
    Fleur Annabelle, Fleur after the beautiful Susan Hampshire's character in the Forsyte Saga, at the time I was loving her in Monarch of the glen, Annabelle is a name my grandmother would call her younger sister.
    Piper Louise, Piper came about for two reasons my husband was a flyer and is a big plane spotter so after the Piper aircraft and also we both would watch Charmed and she was one the sisters and Louise well a family friends daughter is called Louise and it just sounded right, especially when I'm telling her off and using her full name!!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    My son is Jamie Michel. He is named after my ex husband's brother. His brother was killed.

    First daughter Makenna Danielle. I wanted to name her Cameron Alexis but ex's mom did not like it and has a boy cousin named cameron. I love the name Makenna and she is named after her grandpa (Kenneth) in fact he always calls her makenna lee ( his middle name).

    My younger daughter is Jayden Skye. I wanted to name her Jade Alexis but my mom used a veto on that one. So she became Jayden I think her name fits her SO well. I gave her the middle name Skye because I was pregnant with her during one of the worst periods of time in my life. My marriage was essentially over, I lost my 19 year old cousin to suicide and other less than happy events. I was so worried she would not be healthy, and I always see the sky as a symbol of hope. She was my symbol of hope.
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    I have three children

    Rebecca Amy- I was going to call her jasmine all yhe way through my pregnancy but decided I didn't like that name when she was born and I'm not sure why the Amy I just liked it.

    Ray Stephen- ray was my otherhalfs grandad who brought him up and Stephen was my dad.

    Harrison Fazer- Harrison because we liked it and fazer is a bit of a weird one but I really believed I was having a girl and bet my other half that if he was a boy I would let him name him after his bike as I was that convinced he was a girl so when he was born we decided it was better to make it his middle name lol
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I flipped through a medical dictionary and chose whatever my finger landed on with my eyes closed.

    Colostomy Jones
    Menstruation Jones

    :wink: One's named after his dad, the other is named after a character in the movie Crooklyn (because it reminded me of a name I've liked since childhood).
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Cobey Clarence - Cobey because I liked the names Corey and Toby and one day my husband said it incorrectly - lol. Clarence is the middle name of my Grandad, my hero - it was also my great grandad's first name.

    Eva Dorothy - Eva was a name we both liked, one day I came home and said "You know what name I think it beautiful, Eva." that VERY SAME DAY my husband had met a lady called Eva and thought it was a beautiful name and wanted to one day name a daughter that! FATE! Dorothy is the first name of my treasured mother-in-law, and also her mother's middle name.

    So in short first names by fate, middle names by old-fashioned family names. :)
  • rblair_22
    rblair_22 Posts: 202 Member
    My sons name is Daniel Thomas. We picked the Daniel because I wanted something traditional (notice its spelled the biblical way.) It seems to be the growing trend that childrens names are all spelled wacky (my 5 nieces included) so we decided to go with that spelling. And Thomas is after my husband. Tom's middle name is his dad's first name so we decided to keep the tradition going.
  • E_Cee83
    E_Cee83 Posts: 22 Member
    My son is nearly three. My husband is italian so i wanted to stay within the ethnic parallel. I really wanted Leo (after mt granddad) but with a husband named Raf(faele) , he fought me on it coz he didnt want 1/2 of the Teenage mutant ninja turtles (MEN! seriously!!) SO we settled on LorEnzO (i still snuck it in there :wink: Italian boys arent meant to have second names, hence no second name - which was great for me coz it was hard enough choosing a name that wasnt Mario, guiseppe, Gino or something)
    My daughter 15mths is named Isabella Valentina/ no interesting story really here, we both loved Isabella since ever - before even meeting!- so that was a given, and Valentina i chose as the name in full, just rolls off the tongue and my mums name is Valerie.
    If i have another girl - i got that named sussed, but another boy (which is what we are hoping for) that will be hard to come to agreeance on !:laugh:
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    My eldest son is named Steven Don.... I insisted on Steven, because even in utero it fit him, and it was hid grandfathers (paternal) name as well. Don was chosen by his bio dad (no longer in picture). Ironically Steven translates to "crown", and Don to "ruler of the world".

    With our daughter my husband liked Jasmine, because he felt it to be the feminine version of James, and I agreed so long as the spelling was different. I also chose Rose as her middle name, as it was a tradition across like 8 generations for the eldest daughter to have the middle name Rose... my mom broke with tradition, and I went back lol... so her name is Jazmynn Rose.

    My youngest son is a strange story. While pregnant with out daughter we chose the name Jayce Morgan for a boy. My husband's mom named both her boys with the initials JM and her daughter with a J, so it is somewhat of a tradition my husband liked. I love the name Jayce and hubby's middle name is Morgan. Well between pregnancy #2 and pregnancy #3 my hubby had a close cousin of his die, and in memory of him (Jason) we added the "n" onto the end. End result- Jaycen Morgan, which strangely enough translates to "strong moon healer by the sea."

    I feel a little bad because both of my sons randomly wound up with strong name meanings, and my daughter's name translates to flower flower.... although if you ever met her... it does suit LOL
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    My ex-husband and I met while working together at Stihl, Inc (world's largest chainsaw manufacturer). When we got pregnant with our twins, we dicided to keep it all in the Stihl family! My son, Jonathan, was named after another man that works at Stihl, whom my ex-husband considers his mentor. My daughter got her name, Sierra, because it's spanish for 'saw'!
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    Well for my oldest I always wanted either Audrey or Annabell but her dad refused either one :laugh: so we decided to compromise- I got my Audrey but had to add Anna & we changed the spelling- Her middle name is after her dad's Grandfather

    My second daughter we actually found a name to agree on Lily & her middle name is after my Grandmother.

    I am hoping to one day have a son & I have already got his name picked out. It's the only one we've agreed on right off :happy: Orion Alexander because my fiance & I love the stars, outer space, the universe, you know & just because I think it's cute...
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Same formula for both boys... the first names are names we came up with together after lengthy baby name searches and list-making, taking into consideration the meanings and/or references the name had. With my first son, his first middle name was my husband's choice (with my approval) and his second middle name was my choice (with husband's approval). With our second son, the middle names were reversed (mine came first, then his). All the middle names are either old family names or shout-outs to a family heritage.

    We put a lot of time and thought into our kids' names.
  • jamichka
    jamichka Posts: 14 Member
    I have 5 kids. :)

    #1 - Autumn Rhiannon - She was born on Oct 2, and fall has always been my favourite season. "Rhiannon" means queenly, and Rhiannon is also known as the goddess of horses in some forms of Celtic mythology; she definitely loves horses, so this was a good decision. ;)

    #2 - Lelan Bennet II - His grandfather died before he was born, so he is named after him. This is not the name I would have chosen, and I still do not completely love it, but I respected my then-husband's wishes since he let me completely name our daughter. I do like "Bennet", however, so I call him "Ben", which he actually prefers to be called. :)

    #3 - Austin Bennet - I actually wanted to name Ben "Austin", because I thought it would go nicely with Autumn's name. We kept the middle name the same as his brother's, because his father and grandfather also have this same middle name. Sort of a tradition-type thing. This was the last child I had with my ex-husband.

    #4 - Angelina Kaitlyn - The first child my current husband and I had together; he always has called me "Angel", ever since we started dating, and "Angelina" means "little angel", so it seemed fitting. "Kaitlyn" is a form of "Caitlin" and means "pure". She is certainly living up to her name so far; she's a little treasure. :)

    #5 - Aiden Kain - The second child with my current husband and the last one of my five. "Aiden" is a form of "Aidan" and means "little fire", "Kain" is a form of "kane" and means "warrior". "Little fire warrior." As my husband is also a WarHammer 40k fan, he likes the association to the game. ("Shaz-La" in the game means "fire warrior") ;)

    If we ever decide to have more, I like Elysia Kadence for a girl, and Aiken Tyler for a boy. :)
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I have 3 daughters & they each also have 2 middle names (as do I).
    My first is Audrey Donna Janet- DH picked Audrey & I loved it, just a strong, feminine name. MNs after her grandmothers, tradition in our family. Audrey dans "noble strength," and though she's only 6, that fits her well.
    My second is Elena Michelle, Elena is just a beautiful name I've always loved, a varient of my grandmother elaine's name. Michelle after my godfather Michael, and her second middle name is my maiden name. Elena means "light" by way of Elaine and Helen, and she's a fair toe-head, whereas my other girls have darker complexions, so that's kind of funny. She has a light, sparkly personality too.
    My baby is Marian Rose Josephine, called Mary. Mary after my other grandma, & of course Jesus' mother. Rose is just a pretty buffer between the names, and Josephine is in honor of my dad.

    You can see we're fairly traditional. It's funny, but I see people don't want their kid to have a super common name... But in watching my kids through school, I'm seeing that "uncommon" through misspellings or newly coined names is actually what's really common, whereas my traditional Audrey and Mary are literally the only ones we know of those names. Lol
    My daughter is Athena, again Greek after a goddess.
    I so strongly considered Athena with our third. I love it! Were I to have a fourth daughter, I think shed be Athena.
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    #1 Melissa Rose after my best friend for life, Mellie. Roses are one of my favorite flowers but I like them only on the bush, never cut, in their natural habitat, where they are strongest and most beautiful.

    #2 Justin Wayne Samuel... we both liked the first name, and Wayne is the middle name of about half the men on his side, but Samuel means "gift from God" and my husband was not supposed to be able to have more children. We thought he would be it.

    #3 Laura Elizabeth was picked by four-year-old Melissa, with whom I was reading the Little House books.

    #4 Madison Edward Lee is named after an assortment of grandfathers, again, would there be any more to follow?

    #5 Joseph Ezekial, who was supposed to be Olivia. The middle name is misspelled by biblical standards because I get this call at 2AM from some desk clerk filling in paperwork. (Bear in mind, I had just given birth and had been given a sleep aid by the night nurse.) "Mrs. Jacobs, what would you like to name the child?" "Joseph Ezekiel" "How is that spelled?" "Well, if you can't spell Joseph, you probably ought not be typing either. As for Ezekiel, it's in the Bible. Look it up!" SLAM the phone down. Anyway, Joseph came from my step-grandfather who had come from Italy as a child. His name was originally Giusseppe and we still call Joseph Pe-Pe now and again.