How did you decide on your childrens name???



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Nathaniel - named after DH's friend, and the prophet Nathan, means "God is the giver of gifts" / Calvin - means "wise, bald", named after DH's Grandpa, whom he spent summers with as a kid.

    Cyrus - named after Gentile king in the Bible, whom God prophesied (by name) would rebuild Solomon's temple, 200+ years before it happened. Means "king." / Andrew - DH's second name, "means warrior, manly, strength." Also one of Jesus' disciples.

    We named our children to remind us daily that God Provides what we need, and keeps His Promises.
  • anhancock10
    anhancock10 Posts: 148 Member
    I have 2 daughters:)

    Brooklyn Grace: Brooklyn's name was from the show "a baby story" it was the first time i had heard it ( this was 7 years ago,now its everywhere). Grace is my great grandmothers name!

    Kennedi Elizabeth:: Kennedy is my father's middle name so i switched it up and put an i at the end to make it girly :) & elizabeth is her father's grandmother's name!
  • KeeleySue
    KeeleySue Posts: 158
    2 girls...

    #1 - Zoe Ruth: This is really stupid/strange, but when I was a teenager there was a very short-lived sitcom called "Cybil." It starred Cybil Shepherd and her daughter's name on the show was Zoe. Ever since, I LOVED that name. Ruth is my mom's middle name. Zoe means "life" in Greek and Ruth is from the Bible and means "friend."

    #2 - Gwendolynn Marie: My husband and I had picked out Hayden or Payton if it was going to be a girl (we didn't know what we were having). When she was born I was so upset because she didn't look like a Hayden or a Payton. It took us nearly 13 hours to name her. My husband brought up the name Gwen and I liked it but wanted it to be Gwendolynn. We call her Gwen or Gwennie most of the time. Marie is my husband's sister's middle name.

    We are also currently trying and haven't picked out names completely yet, but if it's a boy, I like Taren Jay. Jay is my husband's middle name.
  • tallteacher
    tallteacher Posts: 74 Member
    My son, James Arthur was named after my grandfather and my husband's grandfather.

    My daughter is named Eliana - which means "Lord, you have answered our prayers". We were told that my son was a miracle and I had less than a .01% chance of every conceiveing again. Our first surprise was that I was pregnant at 41. The second surprise was that she was a girl - the only girl grandchild on both sides of the family. Eliana seemed like a fitting name for our miracle baby. :)

    The kids are 7 years apart.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    We went with family names.

    Daniel Martin (DH's father and my maternal grandfather)

    Lillian Joyce (DH's maternal aunt and my paternal grandmother)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Out of 36 grandchildren, and 18 great-grandchildren (90% are girls) - coming up with name meant "ohh, thats Aunt Helen's daughter... Ohhh thats Uncle Normand's first daughter's name"... lol

    My daughter was named Ariel Leigh.... we chose Ariel Leigh for a girl, and Ariel Lee for a boy - where "Ariel" can be used for both boy or girl... she was my first and only pregnancy and we didnt want to know the gender until I had her...
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    Aidan Edward Scott Tyson. I chose Aidan from a baby book because I loved the sound of it, it's Irish in origin, and means "fiery one", which is totally appropriate. Edward was my dad's middle name, Scott is my ex fiance's middle name (long story) and Tyson is my maiden name.
  • kassandra81
    I loved reading everyones names. One of my favourite names that I read here was Valentina (so pretty!!)

    Our daughter is Kacey Elisa Lesley

    Kacey - We had seen the name Casey, but liked Kacey better.

    Elisa - My Mom (My 1st middle name is my Mom's mom as well)

    Lesley - Kacey's godmother and my best friend since high school.
  • ABetterBalance
    Two- Sean Alasdair and Fiona Cathleen.

    Sean Alasdair- my husband wanted a junior, but at the time there were too many living John's in the family (my grandfather, my FIL, my husband, and his nephew). We chose Sean since it's an Irish variant of his name. Alasdair because we loved it, and it was a nod to the Scottish side of both families.

    Fiona Cathleen- I fell in love with the name Fiona when I read the book The Giver. I almost didn't use it, because of the Shrek movies, but I couldn't let it go, I loved it too much, and it echoed Alasdair as a nod to our Scottish relatives.. Cathleen is an Irish variant of Catherine- so in a way each child is named after one of us, without using exact names.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Nathan~ gift from God
    Aaron~ leader of men
    Mark~ my husband's name
    David~ noble
    Kathleen~ pure

    middle names were after a family member
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    My daughter - McKenzie - we could not agree and a girl that I worked with at the time named her daughter this and my husband (ex) liked it and I thought it was cute too (not what I wanted) so that's what we went with.

    My son - Matthew - when I was preganant with him I worked at an elementary school in the office so I saw mostly the bad kids. There was one boy named Matthew who wasn't as bad as the rest and wasn't a "stinky" boy so I stuck to my guns and got McKenzie on my side saying this had to be his name. So this time I got the name I wanted.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    my husband and his ex picked Jenna after watching 13 Going on 30. lol
  • justaskforbrandy
    justaskforbrandy Posts: 90 Member
    Irys Hazel...

    Irys -- we just love the name! And it really fits her personality lol... Plus, Iris was the Greek goddess of Rainbows & i LOOVE rainbows... bright, colourful, the perfect ending to a rainy day. We chose to spell it Irys because it's different + my name is Brandy so I wanted her to have a Y in there somewhere lol

    Hazel -- family name. My hubby's grandmother's name was Hazel.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I only have one so far. She is 15. But hubby and I are trying to have another one. I was 13 when I picked her name actually(18 when I had her). I was with her dad at the time, and our song was the Brian Adam's song from Robinhood, prince of thieves that came out that year. So I decided then, that if we ever had a daughter, I wanted to name her Robyn Marrian after the characters. She has a second middle name also that is a family name. My 3 siblings and I have 4 names, so it was only natural for me to give her 4 names. But she absolutely loves her name and telling the story of it, even now that she is a teenager she still does. So I'm happy that I went with it.

    If we are ever blessed with another child, I have a boy named picked out - Greyson. I don't know why, but one day I just realized I really love that name! Greyson Allen is what I'm thinking. My maiden name is Allen and my dad doesn't have any more kids. Plus my hubby's middle name is Allen. So it works! Not sure about a girl name yet, just can't think of one that really hits me.
  • jmcrdc
    jmcrdc Posts: 3
    I have 4 children ~

    My oldes is Robert Hart , he is a 3rd so it's after his dad and his grandpa

    Stephany Anne , I just love the name stephany and the Anne is because my sister was with me during delivery and he middle name is ann and my name is Jo Ann

    Brandon Charles Edward I wanted charles edward and my ex was being difficult so i used both of them as middle manes

    John forrest after my husbands grandpas one was John and one was Forrest.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    My daughter's name is Amy because it means Love or Beloved.

    My son's name is Steven because it means Crown.
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    My daughter's first name is Anna, after my grandmother, whose name was Anne. Her middle name is Juliet, because I'm a big Shakespeare fan, and because that made her first and middle initials are the same as mine (I'm Amy Jennifer), and because I just think "Anna Juliet" sounds so beautiful, and classic.

    My son's first name is Max, after my grandfather, whose name was Marc. His middle name is Oliver, because my ex had a family member with the initials "O.V.", so I figured "Oliver" was close enough to that. Plus I think it's a cute name, and with a one-syllable first name, I had to give him a few syllables in his middle name so it would scan well. (I'm a little weird about words that way.) :)
  • laura2501
    laura2501 Posts: 107 Member
    my sons name is Jordan people think is after the river jordan that Jesus was baptised in, but it was after a guy called Jordan in a tv show called, my so called life, he was georgous :blushing:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    My ex-husband and I met while working together at Stihl, Inc (world's largest chainsaw manufacturer). When we got pregnant with our twins, we dicided to keep it all in the Stihl family! My son, Jonathan, was named after another man that works at Stihl, whom my ex-husband considers his mentor. My daughter got her name, Sierra, because it's spanish for 'saw'!

    That is a super cute story!
    And all of these are making me want kids now! I already have several names picked out, now just gotta meet someone and have kids!