What is currently motivating you??



  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Wearing a bikini on the girly holiday me and my friends are going on next july after our final exams!!
  • gisele246
    gisele246 Posts: 57 Member
    I was dieting after #1 from Feb and now I'm pregnant again. I'm still 25 pounds up and I don't want to gain more weight that isn't necessary. I should only gain 11-20, not the 40 I gained last time. Also, I'd like to avoid gestational diabetes if possible.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    the sunshine meaning summer is just around the corner!
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    My senior recital, graduate school auditions, my role in the opera in the spring, my career...the list goes on!!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    New clothes! All my size 10 & 12 pants are huge, but I'm 13 lbs from my goal, so I can smell victory! Waiting to get there before I buy new stuff!
  • chocolatefairey
    my husband is divorcing me...fell in love with his high school sweetheart all over again. Although they can't be together due to his Army assignment (he is on the west coast and she is on the east coast) I just want to make him regret the chioce he made. I hope the next relationship is with someone that knows a womans worth.

    OMG! That is sad, hope your OK!

    I have currently (a few months back) come out of a long term relationship and like everyone around me has said "Not only prove to "THE EX" but also to yourself that your worth so much more, so do not settle for anything less" You go girl! Good luck! :)
  • food4thought7
    Those size 10 jeans hanging on my closet and a bunch of other clothes that I bought that do not fit yet. I'm soooooooo getting there!

    hahahah I have size 10 jeans hanging on my closet door as well. We'll be there soon enough:happy:
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    My friends on here motivate me and this is going to sound so bad but the fact I can see the bottom of my rib cage is motivating me as I always thought I was made out of jelly. Oh and the fact it proves that I don't have big bones.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Myself. Specifically, having achieved multiple weight & fitness goals I never dreamed were possible last May. Now that I've put a big dent in my excess weight, it gives me the confidence & motivation to keep working at it whether the scale cooperates or not (inevitably it does, of course).

    Being able to do something I couldn't do last week helps me push harder in my workouts. Last week I only did 8 reps on bench press? Let's go for 9 or 10 this time.

    I can also relate to the person who said her husband's weight loss pushed her to catch up. My husband had been talking about having gastric surgery & I knew that was something I would never do personally, & the idea of him losing weigh & me still being obese was not pleasant, & that helped motivate me to start.

    Buy clothes in regular stores now is a huge deal to me now too & very motivating. For years the only places I could go were LB, Avenue & Catherine's. Now I can pretty much go anywhere. Hell, that alone is really enough to push me not to gain any back!
  • jaxson1974
    Right now it's the weight loss contest at work, winner gets $200.