wondering about hormonal flucuations during large weight los

okay, so i am losing weight more quickly than ever in my life...i know...your cheering right now...but wait a minute. so, i have struggled with depression, anxiety and severe mood swings, at most points in my life. i have been diagnosed already, and have tried several treatments...but things seemed to be getting better, more even, as i was "slowly" losing 88.5 pounds over a years time. but after losing 59 pounds over the last couple of months, my hormonal flucuations seem to be outrageous. very severe mood swings, bad anger problems and depression and even the anxiety levels are amping up. so my question is, are you or have you had these same things happen to you? do you believe there is a corralation between weightloss and hormonal changes? so anxious to get some feedback. i go to have regular labs done next month, i think i am going to call doc to include some extras!


  • tncmom
    tncmom Posts: 79
    Absolutely, yes! Your estrogen is stored in your fat, so losing weight releases all those hormones. Are your cycles messed up, too? I had gastric bypass surgery in April and have lost almost 102 pounds and have been all over the place with my emotions, etc. My cycles are getting shorter every month and they are all whacked out, too.

    Hang in there! And congrats!
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    Are your cycles messed up, too?

    they are the closest to normal as they have been since i have had my children! gosh, i hope they dont get shorter...i will definately have to do something about that...i am thinking about going back on birth control, to help, would be strange since i had a tubal 6 years ago...lol
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Another thing to bear in mind is that as you're burning into fat stores, the chemical 'imprint' of what was going on in your body when you laid down the fat in the first place is being released into your bloodstream, so some people - especially those who have had extreme emotions find themselves reliving memories they'd long forgotten or experiencing emotions that seem out of context with their current situation.

    Drinking lots of water helps. If it seems overwhelming, it wouldn't hurt to slow down the pace of your loss to get things stabilized. It will usually pass after awhile.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    They do and I had my Dr. run a full panel to make sure my levels were correct. Im waiting for results now.
  • songbird1973
    Have your doctor check to see if you have a vitamin d deficiency. I do and so does most people who have a BMI of 30 or more. One of the side effects is depression. I've been taking vitamin D3 and have felt less moody and depressed. :)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    My cycles changed by over a week after losing a big amt of weight. It's finally getting back to where it was (time frame) but is a LOT lighter and a day or 2 less. (Im not complaining).

    My labido is MIA tooo :(....
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    not saying these hormonal changes are good, but I'm certainly feeling more "normal" now after reading this :smile:

    I go for my annual exam soon and will ask the doc about hormonal changes.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I looked through one week of your diary and I'm not surprised at what you're going through at all - in that one week I did not see one fruit or vegetable in your diary. Not one. Ok maybe some onions. Vitamins and minerals play a huge role in how our hormones and neurotransmitters work and I would not be surprised if bloodwork revealed a serious deficiency in these areas. Eat some fruits and veggies :)
  • eviltwinkie
    yes, check with your doc. Quick weight loss can be a problem with your hormones. I've experienced it myself, though many years ago. It was also the only time I used weight loss drinks with a severely calorie restricted diet.

    I completely threw my already wonky system out of whack. Cycles were extremely heavy and irregular, looking at me wrong made me cry, etc. And taking hormones wasn't an option because of the migraines (or taking them for any length.) It utterly sucked and took a very long time to get relatively normal again. And because I felt so horrible for so long, gained a good bit of weight back.

    At that time, the university hospital I went to had a 'Menstrual disorders clinic' (now cut, I think) which was the BEST DAMN THING EVER. If you don't feel you're getting assistance, you might want to check to see if there's something like that covered by your insurance in your area.
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    i am post-op roux-en-y gastric bypass patient, only 2.5 months out. my dietary goals are PROTEIN, PROTEIN AND MORE PROTEIN. the bulk of what i eat needs to be as protein dense as possible, and because of that reason, i take two bariatric multi-vitamins a day, as well as six calcium chews and an iron pill at night. i know i do not get all the vitamins and minereals from my food intake, thats impossible after r-n-y. also, besides the fact that fruits and veggies dont provide the protein i need to maintain muscle they contain too many carbs that my stomach cant handle, causing nausea and vomitting. so, i dont mean to sound defensive but...theres my defense...lol

    i go to bariatric doctor, for 3 month check-up and labs on october 19th and go to pc doc in november for her labs...hopefully we can figure out whats going on...
  • tncmom
    tncmom Posts: 79
    You will be able to work up to fruits and vegetables. I am almost 6 months out and still don't do as well as I would like on them. I drink a Greens to Go supplement, which helps.

    But, you are right, this soon after surgery, you need to concentrate on protein first and there is not much room after that for anything else, just start working it in when you can.