I think I'm going to be sick....



  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member

    I also have a sweet tooth...huge! Good ideas with eating just a little more of the healthy foods you like.

    I'll buy frozen berries from Sams Club (blackberries+raspberries+blueberries in a huge bag). Add 1 scoop of vanilla whey, 1/2c of any milk, (soy milk, almond milk, regular old ghetto milk) and stir it until the whey turns into a thick mess. Add 1 to 2c of berries depending on your calorie room. You'll end at about 200-300kcal and 25g+ protein, and it satisfies my sweet tooth.

    The whey freezes when you stir in the berries, and it ends up coating the berries with a nice frosty and tasty goodness.

    Awesome idea! I am actually going to Sam's tomorrow so I'll have to pick some of that up.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member

    I also have a sweet tooth...huge! Good ideas with eating just a little more of the healthy foods you like.

    I'll buy frozen berries from Sams Club (blackberries+raspberries+blueberries in a huge bag). Add 1 scoop of vanilla whey, 1/2c of any milk, (soy milk, almond milk, regular old ghetto milk) and stir it until the whey turns into a thick mess. Add 1 to 2c of berries depending on your calorie room. You'll end at about 200-300kcal and 25g+ protein, and it satisfies my sweet tooth.

    The whey freezes when you stir in the berries, and it ends up coating the berries with a nice frosty and tasty goodness.

    I'm hopefully going grocery shopping tomorrow. I will be on the look out for some frozen berries!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I know the feeling. I tried to eat a slice of apple pie this evening because I had too many exercise calories to burn. I ate some of it, but started feeling sick because of the sweetness. I still feel yucky. We're different now. Our bodies are different now.

    This site gives us a great opportunity to change bad habits and get healthy. Why fight it?
  • oldpuddinbag
    oldpuddinbag Posts: 3 Member
    We used to.. and it got to be where we were feeling too guilty... So now we have 1 day where we can indulge a little if there is something we can no longer have due to diet, but it gets counted. Used to that cheat days had no limit and no accountability. That just don't work. And a little cheat, can be very educational if you have to enter the calories. There are a lot of things I enjoyed and had no idea how many calories I was consuming. .....Sigh. Oh for the body of a teenager with a high metabolism....eat..eat.. eat.. and it doesn't seem to hurt them.
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    I know the feeling. I tried to eat a slice of apple pie this evening because I had too many exercise calories to burn. I ate some of it, but started feeling sick because of the sweetness. I still feel yucky. We're different now. Our bodies are different now.

    This site gives us a great opportunity to change bad habits and get healthy. Why fight it?

    Love this! I should look at it that way....I probably feel so sick because my body is changing.
  • I'll have my first "cheat" day tomorrow. I've heard once a week having a splurge is supposed to reset your metabolism while dieting. However I will say this. I have cravings and things that I really just want sometimes and I always manage to make it work. As long as I stay under my calories I will eat just about anything. I'm not eating unhealthy or anything but the other night I had enough saved by the end of the night to have a piece of cake! (I had to burn 14 calories on the elliptical but that's not even a thing). I even ate half of a small serving of French fries today! I have no will power so I just try portion control whenever I really want something.
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    I'll have my first "cheat" day tomorrow. I've heard once a week having a splurge is supposed to reset your metabolism while dieting. However I will say this. I have cravings and things that I really just want sometimes and I always manage to make it work. As long as I stay under my calories I will eat just about anything. I'm not eating unhealthy or anything but the other night I had enough saved by the end of the night to have a piece of cake! (I had to burn 14 calories on the elliptical but that's not even a thing). I even ate half of a small serving of French fries today! I have no will power so I just try portion control whenever I really want something.

    Yes. This is the same thing that my friend told me. I have also been fairly successful in eating something small and fitting it into my calories. I should maybe just stick with thatnor a cheat meal for a while.
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks for your advice, friends! :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm hopefully going grocery shopping tomorrow. I will be on the look out for some frozen berries!

    To the two of you who might actually do this:

    1) Sams/Costco will likely have the best price on frozen berries, if this matters to you. I found them substantially cheaper than Target. I buy the very large bags, several at a time because I'm addicted to this stuff.

    2) Mix the whey + 1/2c milk FIRST, in the bowl, then add the berries and stir it up. Let it sit for about 2 minutes or so.
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    I'm hopefully going grocery shopping tomorrow. I will be on the look out for some frozen berries!

    To the two of you who might actually do this:

    1) Sams/Costco will likely have the best price on frozen berries, if this matters to you. I found them substantially cheaper than Target. I buy the very large bags, several at a time because I'm addicted to this stuff.

    2) Mix the whey + 1/2c milk FIRST, in the bowl, then add the berries and stir it up. Let it sit for about 2 minutes or so.

    Definitely doing this! I have copied and pasted this into my grocery list on my iPad. Love fruit so I'm sure this will taste amazing. Thanks again!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Oh for the body of a teenager with a high metabolism....eat..eat.. eat.. and it doesn't seem to hurt them.

    Have you looked at teenagers lately? The schools I go to have an abundance of overweight teens. It's sad.
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    About 3-4 weeks into changing my eating habits, I had a 2 cheeseburger meal from McD's. Felt sick afterwards, too much food, too greasy. The thought of all the grease made me sick! Not gonna do that again!
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I don't have a 'cheat' day, I have an 'easy' day, which is always the day I've weighed in.

    I don't go mad now like I did initially, but I'm just more relaxed, and if I fancy another piece of chocolate I'll have it. I DO still log my calories though - It's interesting to look back on, and I'm now seeing that on my easy day I'm eating nowhere as much as I used to on my first easy days! Maybe I'm learning! When I think back on what I used to stuff into my mouth - blergh!

    It's working for me - it may not work for everyone!
  • I can't be trusted with a cheat day. One cheat day for me leads to another and then another and then.....well, that's how I got to the weight I am now!!! I wish I could do it, but no can do for me.
  • Well on second thought.... I did whatever I wanted today. I walked a mile today instead of running, simply because I wanted to (didn't log it) I ate kiddie cereal and pizza and birthday cake, a cookie and ice-cream , etc. And I feel like crap. The funny thing is, I didn't eat as many calories as I thought I would. But I can feel those bad decisions moving around uneasily in my stomach. I really thought to myself, this is so uncomfortable I wish I could just throw it up so I don't have to deal with it anymore. Of course I won't, I can't even force myself to do that, but truly I think this is proving a lesson to my body. I didn't notice that I started feeling better until I started feeling bad again. This is really something I won't soon forget!
  • I had a cheat day once (not by choice, but went to a party and couldn't turn down food at risk of appearing rude/awkward) ...I felt nauseous afterwards because of all the oil in my stomach, I wasn't used to it. I was also dehydrated from all the sugar. Oddly enough, the day after my body was craving fats and sugars...making eating healthy an effort, when it normally is not.

    I find it's better not to have them. It confuses your body too much, and makes dieting more of an effort rather than a simple lifestyle change.

    If you think of it as a diet, then you're already making it harder for yourself. Just stop looking at unhealthy foods as options, and the concept of a cheat day will make no sense whatsoever, just like it doesn't for me.
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    Apparently I can't even 'cheat' correctly! :laugh: We rode just a bit over 6 miles today with some pretty steep hills my poor old arthritic knees will complain about tomorrow, so we decided to go to Olive Garden for the first time in 5-6 years. I had the parmesan steak with garlic mashed potatoes and basalmic asparagus, with two glasses of pinot noir. When I logged my food and exercise for today I still have 1078 calories left :noway: AND that after eating two Ghirardelli 72 % dark chocolate squares. I try to eat 1550 calories a day but with morning aerobics and the bike ride I was supposed to eat 2916 today and its just not going to happen 'cause I'm full. And I thought I was being really, really bad with two glasses of wine, my one indulgence as I'm not a cake/cookie type of sweet eater.
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    I only had like 1k calories today compared to my usual 3-3.5k... so it's a reverse cheat day? lol
  • Raf702
    Raf702 Posts: 196 Member
    Anyone out there believe in "cheat" days? I got this idea from a friend. Today was my first entire cheat day. While it might be the key for some, I think I might stick with a cheat meal instead of a cheat day. I didn't even eat that much today, but the quality of foods I ate was so terrible that I feel sick to my stomach. I learned my lesson!

    I definitely believe in the concept of cheat day/meals. It's been used for so long mainly to train your brain from binging on your diet days or when your following a calorie deficit. The way I look at it, is if you don't exceed or hit 3,500 calories(1lb) in a week of excess calories on top of your maintenance. Then you WON'T gain weight. BUT if you do exceed or reach 3,500 calories then you will gain that 1lb. So if your eating at a calorie deficit of 1,500 cals 6 day's a week, and your maintenance cals is 2,000. But on the 7th day you ended up eating 1K calories on top of your 1500 consuming a total of 2500. Your only 1,000 cals in excess and 2,500 calories short of 3,500 cals(1lb). So your not even close to gaining even 1lb.
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    Anyone out there believe in "cheat" days? I got this idea from a friend. Today was my first entire cheat day. While it might be the key for some, I think I might stick with a cheat meal instead of a cheat day. I didn't even eat that much today, but the quality of foods I ate was so terrible that I feel sick to my stomach. I learned my lesson!

    I definitely believe in the concept of cheat day/meals. It's been used for so long mainly to train your brain from binging on your diet days or when your following a calorie deficit. The way I look at it, is if you don't exceed or hit 3,500 calories(1lb) in a week of excess calories on top of your maintenance. Then you WON'T gain weight. BUT if you do exceed or reach 3,500 calories then you will gain that 1lb. So if your eating at a calorie deficit of 1,500 cals 6 day's a week, and your maintenance cals is 2,000. But on the 7th day you ended up eating 1K calories on top of your 1500 consuming a total of 2500. Your only 1,000 cals in excess and 2,500 calories short of 3,500 cals(1lb). So your not even close to gaining even 1lb.

    THANK YOU for this info! That makes much more sense to me than when it was explained to me the first time.