October Calorie Burn Challenge - Week 2

Are we ready for week 2 of the challenge? This week we have to burn 2500 calories (that's up 500 from last week!) Post your numbers to the google docs spreadsheet Week 2 tab, but you can also post any questions or issues or post what you are doing for exercise everyday right here on this thread!

Also, post on this thread what your personal challenge is going to be for this week so that we all know!!
My personal challenge this week is to ride my bicycle 50 miles this week!! :tongue:

I had a couple people ask me about logging on Sundays - so I added "Sunday" to our spreadsheet. If Sunday is normally your "rest" day, you can just leave it blank.

Good luck in Week #2! :drinker:


You can do any type of exercising you choose, and then simply add up the calories burned (daily). All we are going to report are the total calories burned each day, weather you are under your calorie goal and drink 8+ glasses of water each day. Typically we need a "rest" day each week, and you can make whatever day you prefer to be your "rest" day. Also, Sundays will be our weigh-in and measurements day.

We will enter our weight loss each Sunday, but we will also be taking our measurements and using that as well for points. We will measure in 5 areas - upper arm (bicep), chest, waist, hips, and thigh. Remember that for arms and thighs, you need to measure BOTH arms/legs, or measure one and double the number. DON'T WORRY! You don't have to post your measurements, just post the total number. Each week you will receive 1 (one) point for each inch that is lost and 1 (one) point for each pound that is lost (weekly).

Week #1 will require a minimum of 2000 calories burned
Week #2 will require a minimum of 2500 calories burned.
Week #3 will require a minimum of 3000 calories burned.
Week #4 will require a minimum of 3500 calories burned.

and this will continue to go UP in November!!


You get 5 points if you come in under your calorie goal.
You get 1 pt. if you drink 8 or 9 glasses of water.
You get 2 pts if you drink 10 or more glasses of water.
You get 5 points if you do all of your "personal challenges" for the week (you set your own personal challenge and post it on the thread so that we know what it is).

You get 1 point for every 1000 calories burned.

In other words, 1000 calories burned = 1 point
2000 calories burned = 2 points
3000 calories burned = 3 points
etc. etc. etc.

(Don't worry! You don't have to do any tough calculating - the formulas are built into the Google Doc that we are going to be using!!) Just be sure that on the spreadsheet you are putting in the total amount of calories you burned for that day. The formula is built in that will convert that number to "points".


  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    this week my personal goal is to continue the 100 situps a day, and add 50 squats to each day. I've decided it is nice to have a rest day so it will be 600 sit ups and 300 squats. I'll just add the numbers together for my goal.
  • My personal challenge this week is to ride my bicycle 50 miles this week!!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I will be sticking with the toning challenge that I had last week for my personal challenge.

    I will be sure to get my caalories burned... Half Marathon on SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • musky4
    musky4 Posts: 121 Member
  • cath1717
    cath1717 Posts: 120
    Personnal Challenge of week #2

    - 1200 abs / week
    - 1200 skip row jump / week
    - 180 push up / week (girls one on the knees)
    - 180 lunges / week
  • TheGreatYaYa
    TheGreatYaYa Posts: 215 Member
    Personal challenge week #2

    Two challenges both food related:

    I will limit myself to 1 T. of peanut butter per day (serving) if I have it.
    I will limit myself to 1 Atkins bar as a snack.

    Third challenge exercise related:

    400 ab crunches
  • musky4
    musky4 Posts: 121 Member
    should i be frustrated that i gained 2#'s???
    i did lose almost 6 inches --
    i am not real sure what to do for my personal challenge ---
    i think i'll keep the crunches 500 as i didnt complete it last week)
    and add swimmer presses (3 sets of 20 for 4 days of this week)
    (can i do both??)
  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    should i be frustrated that i gained 2#'s???
    i did lose almost 6 inches --
    i am not real sure what to do for my personal challenge ---
    i think i'll keep the crunches 500 as i didnt complete it last week)
    and add swimmer presses (3 sets of 20 for 4 days of this week)
    (can i do both??)

    I wouldn't be upset about the weight. The 6 inches you lost shows you were working hard.
  • Hello everyone!
    I know I am a week behind on this challenge. My question is that is it too late to join it?
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Today I for exercise I did Running (jogging), 5 mph (12 min mile) for 50 minutes to burn 517 calories and Walking, 4.0 mph, very brisk pace for 50 to burn 323. That puts my total at 840 so far leaving 1660 for the week.... I know that I will make this week happen because I have my half marathon on Sunday :wink:

    I did add my workout for Sunday to the spreadsheet.... that added 341 calories burned, under calories for food and 8 glasses of water for a point.

    Today I did NOT get my water in but I was under my calories.... I will measure myself later tonight.
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    This week - my personal challenge is doing Level 2 of the 30 day shred 3 days this week.
  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    Today I burnt 1322 calories between walking the bike trail and riding my bike. I also did 100 crunches, 50 squats and 100 reps for my arms. I drank over 10 glasses ( a miracle for me) and stayed under calories. It was def. a great day here. I am so gonna miss the beautiful weather we've been having.
  • TheGreatYaYa
    TheGreatYaYa Posts: 215 Member
    This week - my personal challenge is doing Level 2 of the 30 day shred 3 days this week.

    You go girl!
  • should i be frustrated that i gained 2#'s???
    i did lose almost 6 inches --
    i am not real sure what to do for my personal challenge ---
    i think i'll keep the crunches 500 as i didnt complete it last week)
    and add swimmer presses (3 sets of 20 for 4 days of this week)
    (can i do both??)

    @musky... yes you can do both. Just mark the total numbers (done) on the Google doc spreadsheet.

    @carriel... wow! That's quite a workout! Awesome!
  • Hello everyone!
    I know I am a week behind on this challenge. My question is that is it too late to join it?

    Welcome! No, its not too late to join. We are going to continue this challenge into November and December, with the calorie burn requirement going up every week. Just enter your name, weight and total of your measurements (just the total) on the spreadsheet. Let me know if you have any questions.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Today I for exercise I did Running (jogging), 5 mph (12 min mile) for 50 minutes to burn 517 calories and Walking, 4.0 mph, very brisk pace for 50 to burn 323. That puts my total at 840 so far leaving 1660 for the week.... I know that I will make this week happen because I have my half marathon on Sunday :wink:

    I did add my workout for Sunday to the spreadsheet.... that added 341 calories burned, under calories for food and 8 glasses of water for a point.

    Today I did NOT get my water in but I was under my calories.... I will measure myself later tonight.

    I forgot to add the time for my personal challenge. I did calistenics vicourous effort for 15mins burning 155 calories! That means I have 995 for the week and only 1505 to go!!

    *I'll update the spreadsheet at home for that and measurements, work blocks that aspect :wink:
  • I've been a little MIA this week... I'm in Nashville visiting my best friend whose birthday is today! I've been logging my food and exercise, but haven't been on much other than that.

    Keep up the great work everyone! Don't let this challenge slip away!
  • snowtrain
    snowtrain Posts: 11 Member
    This challenge sounds fun. I'm totally in!

    My Personal Challenge:

    20 Mins of Yoga Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings.
  • snowtrain
    snowtrain Posts: 11 Member
    PS...How do I get to this google doc?
  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member