October Calorie Burn Challenge - Week 2



  • This challenge sounds fun. I'm totally in!

    My Personal Challenge:

    20 Mins of Yoga Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings.


    We are glad to have you. I'm glad that you found the google doc.
    You can post here on this thread if you have any questions or there is anything that you don't understand about the challenge. Or you can post here just to let us know what you are doing for exercise everyday!


    I'm (still) in Nashville visiting my bff all this week for her birthday!! :flowerforyou: I'll be travelling back to my home in Ohio on Saturday....

    I ran W4D4 of my C25K today as well as walking with my friend for a total of 690 calories today. Yes, I'm repeating week 4 - I'm just not running the 5 minutes in week #4 very strong and feel better if I repeat it. :ohwell:

    My bff and her hubby live just outside of Nashville, on the outskirts of town and there are no sidewalks or berms on the roadways - I'm kinda afraid to ride my bicycle on the roads because there is really no "room" for me - cars have to swerve over into the oncoming traffic's lane and it just makes me nervous riding..... I'm not sure if I can get my personal challenge of 50 miles on my bicycle in or not..... but I'll give it my best shot!!
  • snowtrain
    snowtrain Posts: 11 Member

    Funny I just got back from 'going back home to Ohio'.

    Today was a great day!

    I'm recovering from a pretty bad knee injury. I dislocated in while hiking, fell on a rock, popping it back in and had to slowing side step back down the mountain, putting more stress on my poor stretched out ligaments. Long story short, I gain mad amounts of weight if I don't work out. I was already on the weight climb, which is probably while my knee was susceptible to dislocation in the first place.

    Anyways I was so excited today because I finally got to jog today. I started September 15th limping a mile every other day, moved up to walking 3 miles in one hour and today I jogged a mile! So while I didn't reach my full 20 mins with yoga this morning, (15 mins) I think I still did pretty good all in all.

    Thanks for the group. have a good one!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Tuesday for exercise I did Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort for 15 mins burning 155 and Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog for 20 mins burning 85. That means my total is 240 making so far 1,235 leaving 1265 for the week....

    I was under calories

    Drank 8 glasses of water

    Wednesday for exercise I did Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort for 15 mins burning 155 and Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog for 20 mins burning 85. That means my total is 240 making so far 1,475 leaving 1025 for the week....

    I was under calories

    Drank 12 glasses of water

    I need to update the sheet. I also think that I was looking at the wrong field for last weeks calories burned... I think that I was looking at the GOAL at 380 and used that instead of the TOTAL 240 when I did my walks and personal challenge. I will be correcting that if necessary tonight as well.

  • snowtrain
    snowtrain Posts: 11 Member
    Are we saying that 8 oz is a glass of water or 12oz?
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Are we saying that 8 oz is a glass of water or 12oz?

    8 oz is a glass of water... On the spreadsheet, you get 1 point if you drink 8/9 glasses and 2 points if you drink 10+ glasses.
  • snowtrain
    snowtrain Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the info!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yesterday for exercise I did Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort for 15 mins burning 155 and Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog for 20 mins burning 85. That means my total is 240 making so far 1,715 leaving 750 for the week....

    I was under calories

    Drank 12 glasses of water

    I updated the sheet last night

    Ready for the weekend? That brings checkin on Monday!?!?!?

    @ Amazing: I will be checking in on Saturday or Sunday (before the race) so I am not "swollen" on Monday for the stats :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yesterday my exercise was Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort for 15 mins burning 155 calories. Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog for 30 mins burning 127 calories, and Shadowbox volunteering for 140 mins burning 1074 calories. That is a total of 1356. That means for the week I have 3071 and exceeded the goal for the week!!!

    I was under my calories

    I drank 10 glasses of water

    Have a wonderful weekend.... I'll probably won't get on Sunday other than log my phone through my phone :wink:
  • @carrriebear - good luck in your marathon tomorrow! Not that you need it, I'm very excited for you and can't wait to hear about it!

    I have burned 2883 this week, so I met the challenge for the week. I'm headed out for a bicycle ride before I head home...lol.

    I'll be on later tonight... I'm headed back home from my week in Tenn. today. I'll post the new thread for next week later tonight!

    Have a GREAT weekend everybody! You're doing awesome! Next week we have to burn 3000 calories!!! Are you READY?
  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Today I biked to burn 1243 cals. I also did 50 squats and 100 crunches as well as worked my arms. For the week I have burned 6507 calories.
  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    I was sad to see this morning that I neither lost weight or inches. I really worked hard this week and I don't see how I could have worked in any more cardio than I did. The one thing that might have affected me was I also woke up with my period-ugh! Hopefully it means I will have a big loss next week.
  • Hey everyone,
    Today I biked to burn 1243 cals. I also did 50 squats and 100 crunches as well as worked my arms. For the week I have burned 6507 calories.

    @carriel - 6507 calories for the week!! THATS AWESOME!! You GO girl!!

    I am actually up 3 pounds this week - but that's from spending last week on vacation in Nashville with my best friend for her birthday!! I'm just glad it wasn't more than 3 pounds!!

    The new thread for next week can be found HERE: REMEMBER - we have to burn 3000 calories this week!!

  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Saturday was my rest day for the half marathon.

    I was over my calories (not really since Friday I had 700 in the green)

    I drank 8 glasses of water.

    Sunday I did the half marathon and crossed that finish line after 2 hours 49 minutes and 54 seconds!!!! I burned 2087 calories (according to my bodybugg without the "afterburn") and I walked ten laps in the pool and stretched in the heated pool for a total of 30 minutes burning 205 calories (did 20 at water jogging to log). That means I had a total of That is a total of 3648 for the whole week!!!!!

    I was under my calories of course with that daily burn!?

    I drank on 4 glasses of water