Sexy in Six R2 *closed group* Wk 2



  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow...I've had a good week :)

    And BLUE TEAM...I've finished my ten miles. As of tonight, it was a little over eleven, to be more precise :wink:

    GO BLUE!!
  • TanyaPearce
    I have several problem belly is so big and flabby. Planks are good...but I still have too much fat to see them. My arms keep waving even after I am done.....tricep presses help with that. And my thighs rub....lunges help them and the buttocks.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    How do you motivate yourself to work out when you have a busy schedule?

    I'm struggling with my schedule and eating and exercise. I try to remember how exhausted I get with a busy schedule when I DON'T exercise. I wanna feel good, and the endorphins and extra energy make a huge difference.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Thursday QOTD
    What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    My arms, hips and butt! Actually, mostly my arms, because so far I have been doing pretty well with toning everything else along the way, it's just I get frustrated bc my torso is shrinking SO much faster than my Puerto Rican hips!! I use the toning band a lot for my arms and modified push ups (I am not strong enough to do regular push ups yet and my knee injury prevents me from doing girly ones...but I can do planks now, so hopefully real push ups are around the corner!!) I hate to think where my arms would be without that toning band!! Yikes!
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    My belly is my most troublesome spot, specifically, my lower baby pooch. However, i always had a rounder belly, even before babies. The funny thing is, I'm cut upper and obliques,which i think makes my fat jiggle belly stand out even more.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Thursday QOTD - What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    My belly, but I don't think about the areas so much as the whole and I get happy when the whole gets smaller. I don't focus on it much, but it's still getting smaller.
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Thursday QOTD
    What would you consider your most trouble area of your body and what form of exercise do you do to focus on that part?

    My belly for sure. I can feel it getting smaller as I lose weight, but it's still a problem. I try to get a nice balance of weight training in, along with crunches to tone my entire body, not just my stomach.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    My problem spots seem to be between my chin(s) and my knees, other than that it's all good!! :tongue:

    The spot that is most challenging however is the post C-section baby pooch (is that what you call it?!) . Thirty lbs into this weight loss journey I can't honestly say I have given it a lot ot attention, but with continued weight loss I will be upping the crunches to try to revive the muscles that have been lying dormant under the excess weight for so long
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    YAY it's Friday..

    QOTD Friday~~What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving?
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    QOTD Friday~~What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving?

    My craving used to be pizza but since I don't forbid myself anything cause I'm not on a "diet", I just watch what I eat and limit my portions. So, I had two pieces of pizza last night. Trick for me is to not treat any food as forbidden so I don't go nuts wanting it. I've tried the low carb thing before, but hated it because then all I wanted was bread. Now, I cut back on the unhealthy, load up on lean protein like chicken breasts, and let myself have other things like salty snacks in moderation. It's not really controlling the craving, but I don't really get cravings anymore.

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    YAY it's Friday..

    QOTD Friday~~What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving?

    Mexican. Usually a huge plate of loaded nachos from a family-owned Mexican restaurant in the town I work. And when I say loaded, I mean LOADED. Yum. To satisfy the craving when it hits, I will make up some taco meat at home and make a taco salad without a shell or with limited chips to give it a little salty crunch. It usually pacifies the beast for a couple weeks, at least.

    If the beast ever got too out of control, I would get the nachos, eat about half, do something like the 30 Day Shred and drink a few gallons of water, lol.
  • mbw2586
    mbw2586 Posts: 88
    QOTD Friday~~What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving?

    Just one?! There are a LOT of things that I want often that I know would be detrimental to my goal. So, I either try to make something similar, but healthier, at home to satisfy or I go get said craved food but really limit the portion. Sometimes I will share a meal with a co-worker for lunch....portion control and wallet control!

    I agree with the gal who said that she doesn't try to label foods as bad. Now I just look at certain things as "special occasion" foods.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Thursday - Abs - I do target toning at least 4 times per week and FINALLY - its been 3 months - ITS WORKING!!!! I can't believe it!!!

    Legs- always had unattractive legs - running is changing that pretty quickly though!!!

    Friday - Icecream - only on special occasions and only ONE SMALL SCOOP - that's the rule

    Pizza - I dont restrict it I just limit the amount I'll eat when we have it to reasonable, I tend to over do it on pizza much less than I used to when I was heavier.
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 112 Member
    QOTD -Friday!

    I love to eat rice and beans with some type of meat with a salad! I use to eat a big plate of rice with the beans so what I do know is I take a spoon full of rice with the beans, a piece of meat and eat alot salad to fill the void. Not to over do it with the carbs. :smile:
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    QOTD Friday~~What is the one type of food that your crave the most but know you should eat AND how do you control that craving?

    I don't limit myself to what foods I eat; I just limit portions and frequency. But if I had to pick one, I would say donuts. I have stopped buying them, and when I know they will be in the office, I try to bring a chocolate Vitatop to enjoy instead. But sometimes, like yesterday, I cave in. I did only eat 1/2 a donut, though, so that is progress, and I was able to still work it into my daily calories.

    Go blue team!! I did a little over 11 miles this week as of last night which means I can enjoy happy hour after work today without feeling like I have to rush home :happy:
  • klyvers512
    klyvers512 Posts: 37 Member
    Friday: I LOVE eating Italian food...the pasta, the sauce...the CHEESE! YUMMMMMM!! I try to limit a big dinner to every other week and will start including salads first to fill up some of the stomach room.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    I'd hafta say stomach. Last time I had one was when I was 5 lol had a baby 2 yrs ago so I'll blame the fat on that fact but I do 50 sit ups 5 days a week(it wass a challenge last round and still love to do them. Noticing my tire getting smaller).


    SWEETS!!! Always think that sweets should be a treat instead of a regular meal food since the ones I like are high in calorie. Also think of the "fluff" that will be added if do eat it and not work it off.

    Did a 5k yesterday! So 12 miles so far. Aiming for 15 total today.

    Thursday: my stomach. It's cliche, I know, but I have very athletic legs so I like them, but my stomach is.. well.. bluh.
    friday: French fries, and I eat them =) This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. I can't give up fries for the rest of my life. Nooway.
  • 160poundgirl
    wohoooo!! Its FRIDAY!!

    QOTD: I do not have ANY foods that are completely off limits. That's where i failed before with WW because i was sick and tired of the same boring crap!! So when my 13 weeks were over and i lost the weight- i made up for the 4-5 months of agony and i was up 47 pounds!!!

    Well, this is different. Yesterday i really wanted lunch tray from Cook Out (my fav. fast food joint) and i took a minute to think about it- i told myself that if i really, really, really (like really) wanted it- i should go get it. Well, the fact that i knew that i could go get the double cajun fries and bbq chicken with strawberry milkshake (YUM!!) if thats what i wanted- empowered me to make a healthier choice and go home for lunch instead!!!

    How do i overcome the craving- knowing that nothing is ever off limits- that's very empowering for me.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Friday QOTD: Cravings and how I handle them.

    Hmm. I LOVE salt. I put it on everything. I love sour and bitter flavors (ie salt and vinegar chips)....I'm going to have to really think about how i handle them and get back to you...i'm not sure...