Yes, I had a fat day and It felt great



  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Sometimes you just have to do it!

    Warning though....if you've been away from fried foods and lots of dairy, don't be surprised if your tummy decides to rebel later :sick:
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Your "fat" day was a "slim" day for me. Haha I kid, I kid.

    I had one yesterday after being damn good for a month! I ate 7 homemade chocolate chip cookies for dinner - 5 extra than I planned. Ah well!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I'm usually way over if i'm traveling all day. so if i go visit my mom, in the car for 5-6 hours, eating out all meals, then i'm way over! but it's been a couple of months. I'll be going there in a few weeks again, and then thanksgiving of course. if it's every few weeks, i don't sweat it.
  • shaj316
    shaj316 Posts: 161
    I've probably had a few days of eating crap but never went over the calorie count. Luckily, I've known when I was going to get into a situation where I might (a wedding, tailgate, party, whatever) and planned my food and exercise to compensate. Its worked well so far and haven't felt like I have sacrificed anything doing it (thanks to ability to track on MFP).
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I just had a cheat VACATION - good thing it was only 3 days and I ran out of exciting sports to watch. :laugh: It was fun, though, and I don't regret any of it. Just gotta get back at it today.

    Regarding the other thread - mentally handicapped vs developmentally delayed vs - yes, I'm going to say it - mentally retarded: When did "retarded" become the taboo word and why? I'm just curious about the evolution of terminology here, because my sister is developmentally delayed (not too long ago she would have been referred to w/ the R word. It wouldn't have been said maliciously, either - it would be a describer. She does not have Down's or ADD or any other labelled thing...her IQ is just really low.)

    I get that it can be used offensively, but *anything* can.
  • Thirstygirl
    Thirstygirl Posts: 122 Member
    I had a cheat day yesterday too -- first in 33 days... but boy i really over did it -- woke up with a tummyache but it was fun and definitely easy to get right back on track today!!! congrats on your 2 month weight loss... you should be proud:)
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I have a >3000 calorie day every single weekend. Still a loser. But I don't call it a "fat day" or "cheat day" because those terms make it seem like it's a bad thing. I call it a Spike Day (a term coined by the author of the Spike Diet, who is also a member of this site) or a carb-up day, depending on what I eat. I don't know why people seem to think it's such a bad thing. When you're in a calorie deficit for too long your metabolism slows. Creating a surplus on a weekly basis keeps that from happening & although the daily weighins will fluctuate, staying on plan the other 6 days will still create losses from week to week. Not to mention there are mental benefits to taking a "break" from the planning & tracking food.

    I have to say it irritates me to see so many people take a single day (or meal) "off" from their plan & act like it's something to feel guilty about or make up for. By giving myself permission to eat whatever I want 1 day a week, when that day comes I've spent the other 6 days deciding on only the very best yummy stuff to eat on Spike Day. No stuffing my face with mindless crap & wishing I never ate it. It's very possible I've never enjoyed eating those foods more than I do now. If I'm taking care of business 6 days a week, why should I feel guilty for eating crap on the 7th day if I want to? It's way better than the YEARS I spent eating crap 7 days a week. There's nothing I could eat on that 7th day that could cancel out my hard work.

    And I always take vacations off from diet. I've been advised by my trainer to take a full week off from exercise at least every 10-12 weeks anyway.

    EDIT: It is also worth noting that since I regularly spike, I never feel the need to overdo it because none of my cravings have been building up for more than 6 days.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member

    whoah lol what's zucchini bread? never heard of it :S

    seriously? You must not be from the's a staple in the Midwest, during harvest season.

    Kind of a sweet bread - you grate zucchini squash and add flour and eggs and lots of fall seasoning - like cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. It's tasty - but not especially good for you :wink: :wink:
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I had a drink day to many vodka cranberry and too much beer. It felt great at the time but it set me back.

    that's my downfall...........


    I won't give it up, and I won't drink that light *kitten*.................

    So, I try to fit it into those days when I indulge - doesn't always work, but that's okay.

    As for "fat days"? I haven't had many - had a weekend earlier this month where I spent a couple of days at a friend's farm . She loves to cook with butter and whole milk and lots of really nummy fatty foods. I ate most everything.....and was quite literally SICK when I got home! My system isn't used to that. It was a lesson for me :)
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    I usually have one fat meal per week, which is usually when we have dinner out at a restaurant. This past week it was Thai, appetizers, soup, entree and dessert...and it was delish!
  • juggalotus
    Sometimes you just have to do it!

    Warning though....if you've been away from fried foods and lots of dairy, don't be surprised if your tummy decides to rebel later :sick:

    Omg I agree! Sorry for the TMI, but ever since i ate that chicken parm, I have gone to the bathroom more times in one day than EVER before! My body is not used to the oil it was fried in and the real butter on the garlic bread. God it was worth it though :)
  • jocelynna
    jocelynna Posts: 137 Member
    My birthday is tomorrow and my fiance is taking me out for dinner on Saturday, so I am pretty sure that I will have a fat day then. I haven't really thought about what I might order, but I know it will be something delicious and well deserved just as yours was!
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    On my sister's wedding on Sunday - I didn't even log. I didn't even want to know how many cals I was eating! Probably multiples of my daily calorie allotment. But my sister is only getting married once, and this was my first pig out day in at least 3 months, if not 6 months - whatever. My body should be able to handle it.