Stay-At-Home Moms 1/19-1/25



  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Today has been hectic little one was at fracture clinic this morning and now they have decided that her bone isnt broken after all but as she is suffering and in pain still they suspect it is very badly bruised or maybe she has strained something so they are leaving her cast on for 2 more weeks then they will take it of and see how she copes. Had to go shopping for groceries this afternoon (my favourite chore ha ha) hids were well behaved though which was a nice surprise they did had chips and candy in the cart though always an incentive. Not going to weigh in til next week dont think I have gained but not lost either. 30 day shred arrived today along with jillians book making the cut which I will follow to the word in March diet and everything going to start shred next week. My puppy is in his first show this sunday so got to get him bathed and looking good tomorrow I am very nervous my first time showing a dog too so my mum will have my kids overnight tomorrow so that I can get focused plus I think I need a break after this week.

    19 weeks to go to ultimate disney vacation!!!!
    28 lbs to lose I know I can do it.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    tazzy sorry to hear about your little one. I must have missed your intro yesterday...sorry about that. Welcome to the group. I know what you mean about finding time for everything, I still don't have it figured out but I've made sure that I get my workouts in, and my kids get the attention they need and after that least I get the important stuff done :happy: Good luck with the dog show!
    Oh and good luck with the 30 day Shred. I'm on day 14 level 1. The first couple days kicked my butt, but now I think I'm ready to move to level 2...not that I've perfected level 1 but I'm ready to change it up.
    Again welcome to the group....can I go with you on vacation????
  • jackobean29
    jackobean29 Posts: 28 Member
    So the flu seems to be everywhere right now! It is just about finished passing through our household.

    SO Today my 12 month old daughter manages to phone the RCMP (police) all by herself today. I was just going to hang up the phone but the lady on the other end threatened to send out an officer, so I was "questioned" until they believed everything to be okay. My daughter loves the phone and snatches it any chance she gets.

    Never a dull moment in the life of a mommy!!!
  • CrystalOKeefe
    Oh my goodness Jackobean!! My daughter loves the phone to I am glad the only person she has ever called is my mom!
    Mommys lives are always full of excitement!

    We had a bug go through, but the ER said it was Pharangitis and the litte girls got antibiotics and got better like 4 days later, The adults just got fevers. Maeve didnt get sick at all thank goodness. In the begining of December she had pheunomina and spent a couple of days in the hospital!! Scary !!!

    Well today I got the treadmill up and going and I walked at 3.5 and then for 1min and 30 Id run at 5 mph then back to walking for 2 mins and run again I did this for about 28 mins and I felt pretty good!! Later tonight I am gonna go it again after I get Maeve to bed!! I am so excited, now I am in search of dog shoes for my dog so he dont scratch the belt....
    Ceasar Milion (Dog Whisper) gets all the dogs on so easy and Otis my dog freaks as soon as it is turned on when he is on it but he stands by me the whole time I am on it !!!

    Well Moms have a wonderful day!!!
  • supermom1114
    So yesterday was the first day I actually got almost everything done that I wanted. I got a load of laundry "done" its still in the dryer lol, n I did one of the workouts I've been tivo'ing, and I stayed within my cals, n it was my first day back really working (wed. was just paperwork) Overall I'd say it was a good day, I would like to be able to get my room organized and Aydens closet, I'm planning on transitioning him to his crib tomorrow night, during tummy time yesterday he almost rolled over n hes just getting too big for his bassinet. I hope getting him to sleep in his crib isnt too hard, guess we'll see. Today I'm going to take him on a walk, stretch a lot since my muscles are tight from yesterday n then I work again tonight, n I've gotta do some reading for my online classes, ugh I really want to get organized.... I think I'm going to work on that during every nap today.Ok well off to have breakfast, Have a happy n healthy day ladies!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey Mommies--

    Just sent DH with Grandma and Pa to watch 9 year old's basketball game-- they took, oh gosh-- don't know how many kids with 'em. Caleb is in the loving care of 13 year old, and I have to get to work-- noon deadline-- just wanted to say hey. Tummy bug is slowly leaving-- now we have a sinus infection working its way around. Gotta love winter, eh?

    So out of touch-- can't read anyone else's goings on-- hope you're all well. I know times are tough-- wow, are they tough.

    Sara-- still haven't made it to the post office-- so sorry. Hope to next week. :ohwell:

    Hugs to all--
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Morning ladies.

    I know its the weekend and a lot of you probably wont have time to check the board but...This has be come part of my morning routine so I just do it :happy:
    Hubby is working today....could be a few hours could be all day. We are having friends over tonight to watch Saw V and eat pizza :smile: We are sending the kids to our friends house with a babysitter so they dont accidently see or hear the movie. I'm so excited to watch the movie...this has been a "tradition" with the last 3 Saw movies.
    Have to go clothes shopping today for my son. One of his classmates goes to the church we should go to and I've arranged with his mother to let Dre go with them. Neither my hubby nor I go to church anymore but we want Dre to have the same background we grew up with, and he's actually excited about going so it will be a good thing. Plus that gets him out of the house for 2 hrs on Sundays YIPPEE!! Anyway so I need to go buy him some church clothes.
    I also need to pick up some new nursing bras....the ones I bought after the babe was born don't fit anymore. Same size in the cup but smaller in the band :laugh:
    I'm going to get my workout in this morning so that I can enjoy my pizza tonight.
    Oh BTW my hubby fixed my computer (I've been using his for the last month or more). Now I have my pics back so here's a pic for Sara....


    That's my monkey, 3 years ago. The scar has healed nicely.

    Have a great day!
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    hello everyone.

    welcome to all the new moms here.
    and hugs to everyone dealing with sickies and yucks

    I made dinner for my parents last night. whole red perch,baked fennel,zucchini and onion, salad, and pasta with artichoke tomato sauce and sourdough bread. ( i had no idea sourdough bread was so darn high in calories!:mad: ) so i make a really yummy, low fat low calorie dinner. but the sourdough almost killed me.
    I made hot milk spoon cake and made deserts with the sponge cake, blueberries and fat free plain yogurt with vannila and a teaspoon of sugar. it was the best part of the entire meal!.

    my whole meal - minus the bread- was under 400 calories! the bread put it over 600 though. oh well.
    so i did go over just a bit yesterday but when I weiged in this am I have lost almost 2 lbs this week! so i guess im doing ok:bigsmile:

    sam woke this morening with a fever and saying his body hurt so I guess he is getting the flu here now. Ughhh.
    i should have known he wasn't feeling well when he was acting "normal" yesterday before bed. he always seems so normal when he is getting sick. when the fever goes away so does "normal" sammy.
  • booklover1212
    Welcome to the group! I hope you have much success here! Do you like the slimfast shakes? I tried them once (a few years ago) & had to gag it down.:sick:

    Thanks for the welcome!

    Actually I do like the shakes. But the only ones I can tolerate are the chocolate ones. All the others, I'm like you, I have to force them down!
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    No kids tonight they are sleeping at their grandparents house so I got a night of peace and quiet its strange I really dont like it all them empty beds makes me quite teary not being able to kiss my babies goodnight. Dog show tomorrow I am terrified got all my gear ready and the puppys been bathed and looks dashing just hope he doesnt roll in muck til tomorrow. Will pick my babies up straight after we are done tomorrow and the weather is set to be bad so probably just watch a dvd eat fruit salad and play on the wii.

    We have just ordered wii fit I cant wait the kids are getting it instead of easter eggs but what they dont know is that when they go to their grand parents on a sat afternoon mummy and daddy will be practising on it. I love the hula hooping (my friends have it)

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend all and I hope those that are sick or nursing sick little ones all feel better soon.

    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • supermom1114
    My littlr guy today in tummy time, I'm so proud :happy:

  • supermom1114
    wow.... no one got on today.... :cry:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    He's a dollbaby-- I could eat those cheeks!!!
  • keely_b
    keely_b Posts: 7 Member
    hey all, im keely and i just joined yesterday so im still fibnding my way around the site.
    I cant believe they made such a site and for free!! :wink:

    Im a mum of two beautiful boys aged 11 months and 32 months. they keep me very busy so the weight should really be falling off. As they say the more stress u have and the more busy u are........

    Like i said im new to this and would like to meet some new friends too.
    Good Luck everyone!!!