Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #12



  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    bumping for later
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Well forget what I said about getting back on track with my eating. Over again today. And only 5 cups of water. It's 7:30pm, I don't think I'll be able to chug 5 more like I had wanted. :grumble:
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Thanks Jenn, great job as always.
    Phoenix IF weighing every day and giving yourself a pep talk works for you go for it. I do weigh every morning also. The weight does go up and down but week after week it has been going down, I do my official weigh in on Saturdays.
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Thanks for all your hard work once again Jenn!

    I hope everyone is being kind to themselves especially those who gained like me. All we can do is take things one day at a time! That's what I keep telling myself anyhow. We are all faced with obstacles (bumps in the road) and we all can get through them. I've had my share these days, but I'm starting to get my optimistic self back... well one day at a time. Today is a good day. In one of the trainings I offer, they use the following saying to talk about bumps in the road.

    "The bumps is what you use to climb up" to get to the top of that mountain. Those bumps make us stronger! I'm getting stronger now. One day at a time. :-) thanks to everyone who listenned. Hopefully you'll be there when I fall down again!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Phoenix - I am a chronic weigher also -- I totally get that because, just like you, when I have stopped weighing I have lost motivation so I share your fear. My solution to your scale in the guest bath would have been to move the scale to my bathroom or to buy another scale. I am all for empowering ourselves as many ways as we can. If I can't get to my scale for some reason - like vacation though, I have to plan the weigh in when I get home and think about the good choices I am making & how that will be a success when I do get back to my beloved scale.
  • luvmyjp
    luvmyjp Posts: 49
    Hello all, I'm in search of a little honesty. I am that sad person who weighs myself the same time....naked. I know you are not supposed to do this, but I do. I know that your weight fluctuates depending on many variables and I don't freak out when the scale goes up or down a couple of pounds; It's just part of my morning routine. I look at the scale and even if its a little up I cheer my self on and think "who would have thought you would be down {insert number} pounds six months ago". I find it almost like a little mantra.

    The past week I have had my husbands family in town and they have had sole possession of the guest bathroom where the scale lives. Long story short I have not weighed myself except for weigh in on Sat. and I have found myself making poor food choices. Not even company related, eating out all the time, food choices; just impulsively eating anything not nailed down. I think it is because I have lost my morning ritual where I pat myself on the back,get excited and tell myself to keep up the good work. Looking back, all of the previous times when things start to slide the first thing I stop doing is getting on the scale everyday.

    Back to the honesty. Does anyone else share in my morning ritual? Does anyone have a suggestions on how to tackle this nasty little habit. Let me know.

    And great job everyone!!

    I weigh myself everyday. I am ok if the scale flexuates a pound or so...but my ritual... .naked, immediately after first bathroom stop, refuse to drink until I do (god forbid I add an ounce!!) I feel like if its not in front of me everyday I am more apt to slip on my food intake :(
  • gennybunny1
    Oh it feels so good to be back. This last month of health issues has worn me down. I now feel better and stronger so I can get back on this proverbial wagon.

    Jenn, if it's ok can I change my goal weight to 199? That seems much more doable at this time. I will officially weigh in on Friday, but my starting point this morning had me at 230.2. Not good at all.

    I went for a run this evening and it felt like my back and bottom were getting bruised because of all the fat that was jiggling about. I don't remember feeling like that before but I can tell you, I didn't like that at all. Way to much junk in the trunk. That and I felt like my body was screaming at me. I was tempted to scream back.
    Oh that reminds me of a great podcast called "yell at your fat" she is awesome. I think I may have to get that back on my ipod and get reacquainted with her.
    Well that's about all from me for tonight. Good night my CCC'ers and lets conquer tomorrow!
  • MarlenaLB
    I am so mad at myself. The last 12 weeks have flown by and now I am wondering what I would look like if I had been as motivated as all of you. I am proud of all of you. Now it is time for me to get moving so in ten weeks I won't mad at myself again.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey CCC Friends:happy:

    Pinkita ~ Please...I jog...I guess calling it running makes it sound better :laugh: I am happy to jog with you via MFP of course:wink:

    AZ ~ I love the saying!!!! Those bumps have made me stronger...However I know there are more to come. We will always be here for you :bigsmile: Glad you are feeling good!

    Phoenix133 ~ WOW I guess you really found what works for you! Yea you shouldn't weigh everyday, but if you have a habit and it's working then I say Do IT! I used to weigh everyday...but sometimes if things weren't going my way I would say why bother!!! Then hit the drive thru during the day. That was the old Judy! Now I have been doing good logging my food good bad or ugly, and weighing once a week maybe more if I feel thin :glasses:

    Gennybunny ~ You are cracking me up right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About a year ago I tried to run alittle..a VERY little. It was hard and I had the same butt felt like it was going to shake off!!! Well I wish...but it almost hurt :noway: So now that I have been hitting the gym hard and other exercise....I started my running class and about the 3 class I realized HEY MY BUTT DOESNT SHAKE!!!!! To the point of pain :laugh: So glad you are back and feeling better. Keep up the exercise you butt will thank you :wink:

    I did great eating today, made it to spin class and now that you all have inspired me, I am going to watch last weeks Biggest Loser for another dose!!!

    Hugs ~ Good Night
  • gennybunny1
    I am so mad at myself. The last 12 weeks have flown by and now I am wondering what I would look like if I had been as motivated as all of you. I am proud of all of you. Now it is time for me to get moving so in ten weeks I won't mad at myself again.

    Don't be mad at yourself. That won't get that time back. I used this as a learning experience. I am not where I wanted to be, but I know where I want to be and I am moving towards that. Treat yourself like you would your best friend and be that support you would give to a friend in need.

    Good luck in moving forward and you are great!
  • Butterbuns30
    Butterbuns30 Posts: 31 Member
    I am so mad at myself. The last 12 weeks have flown by and now I am wondering what I would look like if I had been as motivated as all of you. I am proud of all of you. Now it is time for me to get moving so in ten weeks I won't mad at myself again.

    You and me both. We can do this!!!!
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    Hey all-
    Back from Italy and ready to get back in the saddle. Trip was alot of fun...after 17 days of eating out...ready to skip resteraunts for awhile!!! Did a lot of walking...but still up around 1.8 lb...which considering it was Italy and I indulged in pasta, tiramisu and cheese...guess not too bad!!!!
    Hoping people are doing it is time for me to get in gear and lose some weight by Christmas!!!!!
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    Sick as a dog over here and don't have time to be :-(. Washing machine broke Sunday so have to go get a new one today :-(. They opened a new style america in my area and Im working all weekend for the grand opening :-( I can't be sick, need to feel better asap!

    We might be getting a new dog! I'm excited about that. She's a rescue a friend if
    Mine has been taking care of. The sweetest thing in the world, you would never no she was treated bad before . We are probably going to have her and my friend come spen the night to make sure age gets along with my other dog first Domino is the queen of the castle so she makes the final decision.

    Hope everyone us having a good day today!
    The dog in my picture is rescue dog. Got him 4 years ago....neglected and unsocialized. He is a joy....just looks snobby cause he refuses to look straight at a camera!!!!!! Good luck with the new dog!!!!!!
  • liz4214
    liz4214 Posts: 63 Member
  • cohawk11
    Hi everyone! Wow -- it really is hard to believe how fast this challenge is whizzing by!! I am very embarrassed to report that 12 weeks into this challenge, I am basically where I started. I guess my biggest issue is a lack of consistency...I log all food, H2O and exercise for awhile, then stop. I work out everyday for awhile, then take days off, etc. I was back on track about 2 weeks ago, but guess I got a little too crazy working out and am now dealing with achilles tendonitis in my left heel. That is a MAJOR setback for me because my heel hurts when just walking, which makes it really hard to work out. I've been riding my spin bike, which doesn't hurt, and need to get to the gym's pool. Anyone else ever had that type of injury, and if so, how long did it take to heal? It's definitely getting to me as I've never really had an exercise "injury" before.

    GennyBunny1 -- Like PosPower, I totally cracked up reading your post!! I'm very pear shaped so whenever I'm doing a running program, I can feel my butt bouncing, too, which drives me crazy!! I also have large thighs, which seem to "swell" during/after a run so they really rub together, which disgusts me!! However, I do notice that when I run consistently, the less I feel the bouncy butt and thunder thighs rubbing so hang in there because everything will firm up over time!! :)

    Sugs94 -- Welcome back! Glad you had such a great time on your vacation, and so glad you allowed yourself to enjoy the local cuisine! GREAT JOB on your very minor gain -- you will be able to get that off easily!! :)

    johanna_elaine -- I hope you're feeling better and that things are looking up!! You are so sweet to change a dog's life -- best wishes that all goes well and Domino is happy to have a new friend!! :)

    Take care, everyone, and have a great week!!
  • MarlenaLB
    gennybunny1 thank you for the good advice. That is what I will do.
    buttercream30 Yes me can. I am going to give it my all.
  • MarlenaLB
    buttercream30 I meant yes WE can!
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Awesome Job everyone this week!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!! Hope you're having a great day so far :wink:

    Sugs94 ~ Welcome back!!!! WOW you are only up 1.8, that is AMAZING. We are here to help you get rid of that and move on! Hope you had a great time

    Cohawk11 ~ Yikes so sorry about the injury. It sounds like you are working it and doing a great job exercising with your limitations!! Do you watch the Biggest Loser. I caught up on last weeks and one of them was injuryed and lost 16#!!!!!! OMG you can do it!!!!

    Butterbuns30 & MarlenaLB ~ Get back up on the horse and ride!!!! Don't look back it won't help! You just need to keep logging in and move forward. WE are here for you!

    Do any of you journal????? I don't really..but I do have a diet, weight loss, life style spiral notebook. I started it in 2004 and have looking back WOW interesting! It is full of different diets I have started, some logging of food and water, measurements, weights and some writing with MANY of the entries starting with Begin again, I am going to make my goal this time and Here We Go Again Forever!!!! Well I have bought myself a new book and this is it!!!!! I am going to write my favorite quotes in it and write about this journey, just write what I need to.

    This group has been so inspiring for me and I really feel like THIS IS IT! I might and will slip but checking in will keep me going the right way. I feel like you guys are with me all the time, OK most of the time, telling me eat this not that and pushing me to the gym. THANKS

    I was depressed and overwhelmed yesterday. I didn't want to share since I like to stay positive. But I know that when are aren't feeling up we need to share that too. We need help when we are feeling down and starting to go the wrong way.

    Today is good - However I should be working..... so I guess I should get to that. I hope you are all having a GOOD DAY :bigsmile:

  • gennybunny1
    Oh Judy, you are such an inspiration and we all love you for that. Nobody can be positive all the time, that's what we are here for. When I was away, I wasn't really and I always checked up on you all and it drove me to come back.
    if anytime anybody needs to vent or just yell, I'm sure I speak to the group when I say we are all here. "Lifes a journey, not a destination"

    This group is so amazing. Thank you Jenn for kicking all our butts (even if mine jiggles waaayy too much right now :laugh: )
