The 3 real reasons you’re still out of shape



  • keinanbriggs
    Your point is true. Anybody can lose weight, few can keep it off.
    Remember +90% of people gain the weight they lost back
    More than 60% of americans are overweight

    So something isn't working..
  • keinanbriggs
    To all the pro microwave comments.. all isn't evil but have you thought about what is really cooking your food?
  • keinanbriggs
    think about life in the 1940s.. no drive thrus, no lean cuisine, no weight watchers etc.. yet the womens dress size 10 is now a 14.

    The world is getting lazy.. fact
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Let me ask you, how many hours have you spent in a kinesiology class and/or spent getting a fitness training certification? If your answer is little to none, you can’t expect to succeed.

    Good article except for the above. I think this is taking it way too far.

    Learning how to properly lift is absolutely important and yes, most people do it wrong, but I think the above is a stretch.

    Overall though, you said a lot of things that need to be heard and your intent is good.
    I can, and will succeed, without a fitness training certification.
  • keinanbriggs
    Shout out to those who those who understand my point and concerns
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    While there may be some good points in the post, I think everyone is different and learns different. Someone may be the smartest learner in their kinesiology class... but has no body awareness to carry it through. I think for me, while I have had training and have been a fitness and aerobics instructor, I always seek out opinions of what works for some. Getting healthy is an ongoing process and it takes feedback from different sources to succeed... and yes even long term success. As for the diet.... I always say read labels, weigh food and pay attention to how your body reacts to different foods... everything in moderation and do not forbid cheating.
    Body awareness and biofeedback work best for me.
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    oh and for the record... I totally agree as a whole that society is looking for easy way out or quick fixes.... it comes with the increased technological development. Sadly, I think our children are suffering the most. I am overjoyed that my kids would rather pick up a basketball then sit in front of the tv, but it isnt always like that.
  • keinanbriggs
    Long story short.. with background knowledge ie certification, credential, or understanding, your expanding your opportunity of success.

    Its like trying to go pro in a sport without ever playing before. If you undrstand the sport even a little.. you increase your chances of success
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    Yes but should broaden your thought in that people learn effectively in different ways. So when a class or a certification may help one person, experience and inquiry may be more effective for another. You cannot discount different levels of learning. I think those that "disagree" with you are just thinking in that aspect. My friends that want to lose weight or learn an exercise regime ask me and I give them ideas or resources to explore themselves.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Long story short.. with background knowledge ie certification, credential, or understanding, your expanding your opportunity of success.

    Its like trying to go pro in a sport without ever playing before. If you undrstand the sport even a little.. you increase your chances of success

    Certification doesn't make you an expert in anything. It's nice to have in your professional life, but even there it's no substitute for good reading comprehension and common sense.
  • keinanbriggs
    "Like" pamdw
  • keinanbriggs
    A commen sence is established through a group's common undersranding... no matter it be through books, classes, the girl next door.. all understanding will help. We don't all need to be gurus or experts we just need to be on a common ground.. and quick fix is not the answer
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    well, I am surprised you put "like".... I am disagreeing with your thought process to some extent.... I think it is a bit black and white... there is plenty of gray here.... but I am happy that you are aware of the best way that you learn... we need to let others learn in their own way.. I think you were smart in putting a disclaimer that this could offend people... I do think we need to keep in mind, while posts may offend people... even with a disclaimer... for those that are on this site to learn, they may be curious and it may crush any self esteem or confidence they have when they read that people should or have to.
    Just read your next post... and that is more like it, but not quite the way it was worded in your original post.
  • cynfullcyn
    cynfullcyn Posts: 81 Member
    it's not about a "quick fix plan" it's about a "life changing plan"
  • keinanbriggs
    Exactly people are here to learn.. I just gave them 3 pitfalls
  • keinanbriggs
    Black and white.... ameicans are overweight, americans are getting lazy, kids are suffering, the more knowledge one has in a field the the more successful he/she can be etc etc

    Shaded area.. the public perception of.... healthy, in shape, eating right etc etc
  • keinanbriggs
    We need more people that have your mentality.. weed thru the gimmicks.. and the plan that works best for you.. just avoid the quick fixes.. and success will come.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    A commen sence is established through a group's common undersranding... no matter it be through books, classes, the girl next door.. all understanding will help. We don't all need to be gurus or experts we just need to be on a common ground.. and quick fix is not the answer

    I don't know... There's a lot of "common ground" in this forum I wouldn't want to be on. That's where common sense comes in.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    I think you missed the ananlogy

    It helps to have the tools for success.... the same reason you need ingredents to make a good tasting dinner.

    Well I think what you meant to say was that people need to take time to educate themselves about the process. However, what you DID say is that you can't expect to succeed if you have spent little or no time in a kinesiology class or getting a personal training certificate--absolutely not true.

    my point is I don't need to make widgets myself to know how to manage a widget factory.

    Now, if you meant that we all need to hire a personal trainer (bc I see you are a personal trainer who is only on here to log for your clients, according to your profile), that is actually marketing a product (yourself), that, while it may be helpful for some, is certainly not a necessity.

    I've seen a whole lot of fat, out of shape, personal trainers and fitness "coaches" hanging out at gyms. They may know "how", but they certainly aren't doing it themselves.

    Regardless, we all see that you are in good shape. Everyone on here is either on their way or already there. I'm just saying that we don't need to all become PTs or hire PTs to get into shape.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Long story short.. with background knowledge ie certification, credential, or understanding, your expanding your opportunity of success.

    Its like trying to go pro in a sport without ever playing before. If you undrstand the sport even a little.. you increase your chances of success

    Please, please get over yourself. I have been fit my entire life. I do not have time, and if I did, I would not choose to spend my time becoming a PT. Really? Sorry, I've been busy for the last 20 or so years going to college, grad school, working, moving both internationally and 8 times domestically, being a partner, and raising 4 kids. Oh, and staying fit the entire time without hiring or becoming a PT.

    Again, this is like saying you need to be plumber to take a shower correctly or fix a drippy faucet. PUHLEEEEZE.

    Nobody needs to "go pro" to get fit.