Young boys pressured to be masculine- what do you think?



  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    This happens to my son as well, and he's only 10.
    He inherited my bony build, poor thing, and happens to be taller than his classmates. I'm trying to incorporate more protein and good fats in his diet but other than that...nothing. He's a tough kid though.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I see physical fighting as a weakness, because they know they are wrong, ran out of words & resort to violence.

    Not everything can be settled without violence, no matter how much people pretend it can.

    With that being said, this does not sound like something that needs violence to settle ;)

    "Not everything can be settled without violence." The reason why we have war. Those idiots in his school do need a good beating though!

    Maybe your brother should be the one to do it. You know what happens when kids fight back that are being picked on?????? They stop getting picked on because they're not considerd weak anymore!
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Why not go and take the kid to mamby pamby land and get a pedicure and nails done!!! Then he should get his butt in the kitchen and learn to start makin' sammiches!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    We've become a nation of pansies because no one has to just learn to be tough and deal with their issues. Kids need confrontation. Its how they learn to deal with real life.
    hear, hear
    no one gets a ribbon just for showing up


    Ever notice how, when you get older, the really annoying people are the ones who have no problem-solving skills? All they know how to do is whine and complain about how unfair everything is. Those are typically the kids who got their parents to call the school whenever someone called them fat.

    I'm not trying to downplay the seriousness of hardcore bullying. It's one thing to get involved if you have reason to believe your brother's physical well-being is in jeopardy. But if this is just about hurt feelings resulting from standard, pubescent teasing, let it go, and let him grow up.
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    I see physical fighting as a weakness, because they know they are wrong, ran out of words & resort to violence.

    Not everything can be settled without violence, no matter how much people pretend it can.

    With that being said, this does not sound like something that needs violence to settle ;)

    "Not everything can be settled without violence." The reason why we have war. Those idiots in his school do need a good beating though!

    Maybe your brother should be the one to do it. You know what happens when kids fight back that are being picked on?????? They stop getting picked on because they're not considerd weak anymore!

    I always thought being weak was getting a gang of you to pick on one person. Those kids would never touch or say anything to my brother if they were on their own.
    He also gets a lot of cyber bullying, they turn away when they see him in public though. So much for being tough.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.

    Not many women like to be called 'chick.'
    & so what? What's wrong with women?
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.

    Not many women like to be called 'chick.'
    & so what? What's wrong with women?

    Nothing, chicks are hot :)
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.

    Not many women like to be called 'chick.'
    & so what? What's wrong with women?

    They get too emotional!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.

    Not many women like to be called 'chick.'
    & so what? What's wrong with women?

    For the record, we don't like "bird" either.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.

    Not many women like to be called 'chick.'
    & so what? What's wrong with women?

    Nothing. Unless you happen to be a man.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.

    Not many women like to be called 'chick.'
    & so what? What's wrong with women?

    For the record, we don't like "bird" either.

    Oh good. I'm glad you cleared that up.
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.

    Not many women like to be called 'chick.'
    & so what? What's wrong with women?

    Nothing. Unless you happen to be a man.

    Nope, my downstairs definitely confirm I'm a woman.
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.

    Not many women like to be called 'chick.'
    & so what? What's wrong with women?

    They get too emotional!

    Well someone has to :P
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Sublime, don't be sexist. B*tches hate that.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Sublime, don't be sexist. B*tches hate that.

    I'm just sayin' that if we are all going to be "chicks" in 50 years, it's not a good thing. Just like it wouldn't be a good thing if we were all dudes in 50 years. Stop the pussification of society!
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    Sublime, don't be sexist. B*tches hate that.

    I'm just sayin' that if we are all going to be "chicks" in 50 years, it's not a good thing. Just like it wouldn't be a good thing if we were all dudes in 50 years. Stop the pussification of society!

    Oh come on, your feminine side is dying to meet you! :P
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.

    Not many women like to be called 'chick.'
    & so what? What's wrong with women?

    Nothing. Unless you happen to be a man.

    Nope, my downstairs definitely confirm I'm a woman.

    My point was that men don't wish to be women. I'm not concerned with your "downstairs".
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.

    Not many women like to be called 'chick.'
    & so what? What's wrong with women?

    Nothing. Unless you happen to be a man.

    Nope, my downstairs definitely confirm I'm a woman.

    My point was that men don't wish to be women. I'm not concerned with your "downstairs".

    How does doing certain things determine your gender?
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Adam Carolla is right. In 50 years, we'll all be chicks.

    Glad I'll be dead in 50-years.