Where are the former Weight Watchers??



  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    I did a free at home version of weight watchers because my mom joined and she helped me with the counting. She found a free program for her palm pilot (yes it was that long ago) and I counted everything on there. Basically, to me, weight watchers was My fitness pal without the friends and more math. I did the program before it had the flex points and I lost 50 pounds...and never exercised. I shouldn't say never because I walked everywhere bc I was in University at the time, but I really truley didn't know anything about my body.

    One thing I find about weight watchers is this obsession with "low fat" foods... I find they emphasis those low fat foods you get at walmart with all the fillers and junk in them. Since learning how to cook and eat "cleaner" I find this to be better for me.

    To each their own, I won't knock WW because it does work...but this is free and more long term IMO.

    I can say though, the calorie deficit here is a little extreme and causes alot of people to under eat so it is important to do research before hand.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    You have wiggle room, because you can track how many calories under you are at the end of the week, if that's the route you choose to go.

    I did weight watchers for about 6 months last year, lost some weight, but ultimately switched to MFP for a few reasons.
    1. the app on my iphone for ww kept shutting down when I tried to log - and it pissed me off because i was paying for this.
    2. i found mfp and tracked here and on ww for a couple weeks, and found I liked mfp better..... major bonus - mfp is FREE!
    3. it's unrealistic to convert things to points for the rest of my life. This site enlightens you on actually making a true lifestyle change and learning how to count calories/fat/carbs/fiber/sodium/protein -- NOT just points. I liked WW - but most fruits and veggies are 0 points plus now -- totally understand why they did that (to encourage people to eat something healthy as opposed to a 100 calorie pack or something) BUT an apple has calories, sugar, etc - and it should be counted accurately for a true picture of what you're eating.
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Ill say it...MFP = naked weigh-ins! :0

    Plus the weigh-ins are private; no one asking me what I could do differently this week, etc

    Too funny! Yes, the weigh in's are MUCH more private! The only reason I am no longer with WW is the price, and hawking it's products, but it is a business so I guess that is what they will do...I love MFP, though! It is the best!
  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    I did not care for WW's points system.
  • akklm5
    akklm5 Posts: 2
    I didn't like WW's website, too cumbersome. This site is very easy to navigate and update your meals. I did not feel WW added any value for the price.
  • ncbrowneyes97
    ncbrowneyes97 Posts: 48 Member
    I love MFP!! I would not go back to WW for anything- my reasons are- 1. MFP is free 2. I find it so much easier counting calories rather than points 3. When I am grocery shopping all I have to do is look at the label and I do not have to get out my calculator to figure the points- 4. I do not have to pay extra for books that give me restaurant points- There is still a lot of planning involved but this is sooooooo much better!
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    I loved WW online and the only reason I gave it up was because it costs too much. But I love MFP too so this is a good trade for me
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Ill say it...MFP = naked weigh-ins! :0

    Plus the weigh-ins are private; no one asking me what I could do differently this week, etc.

    Hahaha!!! THIS!! :laugh:
  • trmill
    trmill Posts: 1
    I have tried WW several times and in the 10 to 13 week period we did it at work I would only lose about 19 pounds. I have been on MFP for 3 weeks and have already lost 15 pounds. I love it. I sometimes find it challenging to stay within my calories especially if I want something sweet to eat. But if you exercise and put that in your log you will get extra calories. Good Luck.

  • dboag
    dboag Posts: 3
    I came to MFP after signing off weight watchers (I'm in Australia so its pro points here) I like the calorie counting I can eat lentils again without blowing out my day too much, plus free is a bonus. As for freedom, I have a cheat meal once per week no guilt no beating myself up and no counting of what I just ate, its a free meal just whatever I decide I want.

    I've worked hard at staying away from sugar though and my desires have changed too, no longer screaming for desserts and chocolate.

    I think the biggest bonus of the cheat meal for me is just not needing to know how many calories are in it, its a break for the brain for one meal per week.
  • masuelimen
    masuelimen Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,

    This is my first time on the site and I am already loving it. I live that you can just search any food and it pulls up.....you dont have to count point and it's FREE. WW has become too pricey for me
  • sherim71
    sherim71 Posts: 130 Member
    I loved WW points system, did it at home (for free) along with the gym and had great success. Did not stick with it long term. Tried again in 2010 by going to the meetings. It just didn't hit me right that time.

    I do allow myself some wiggle room on MFP by checking the weekly report. If I go a little over one day, I don't freak out, figuring it all balances out in the end because knowing me I will go under in another day that week. So far on MFP I've had success and am enjoying it. The biggest transition for me was adding more protein and getting used to calories vs points. The weight is coming off faster than the 2nd time I tried WW.
  • struggling_to_maintain
    TammyAlison, I LOVE your profile pic!:laugh:
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    Closed my WW account (online) when I found MFP last month. Love the fact that MFP calculates the calories for you.

    Was eating way too much fruit on WW because it was 0 points.
  • LifeChangingExp
    After not losing anything in over 2 months (but i did lose inches), i got frustrated and figured I'd try WW. I love MFP and im on 2nd week on WW. First week on I lost 3 lbs. but i felt horrible. I felt "fatter" So lets see on Friday what happens..
    But to compare the two, not to fond of "point system" so I still track calorie intake on MFP. Im on the fence.. Im going to give it few more weeks and update..
  • lancelot12
    lancelot12 Posts: 50 Member
    I have just joined a few days ago but finding it great.Have lost weight with WW in the past but cost became an issue.Now they have the new point system I think its complicated(a freind goes,and she`s getting disheartened with it)
  • dking421
    dking421 Posts: 5 Member
    I also was successful on WW PP but gained it back. I believe it is more realistic for me with a lifelong change to use My Fitness Pal and calories. Otherwise I will always have to be paying online subscription for WW.
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    I used to do WW & I 100% prefer & recommend MFP.
    1. It's free.
    2. It logs your food for you, just like WW.
    3. It is more accurate. All points are not created equal. You could eat the right amount of points but have eaten way too many carbs & not enough protein. This site deals with actual calories, so I know that I am getting the right amount of protein, carbs & fat. I think people should know about nutrition if they want to make this a lifestyle, not points.
    4. You can use your calorie burns to add calories. I like food & like to go out to eat sometimes, so I like being able to earn my calories so it doesn't affect my weight loss. The exercise points, again, are not exactly accurate.
    5. Fruits & veggies should not be unlimited. They contain calories...especially fruits. While it's not a ton, it can definitely add up if you eat a good amount of it, & doing this regularly can definitely put you over your calorie deficit without realizing it!

    The ONLY advantage, in my opinion, that WW has over MFP is that someone weighs you every week. That is really helpful. You have to have self motivation to keep going when no one is weighing you!

    My husband & I had to decide whether to go back on WW or join a gym. We could NOT afford both. WW would be $80/month for us, & our gym is $60/month. We figured we would save money AND be more successful by being able to work out, so we went with the gym & used MFP for the nutrition part. BEST DECISION EVER! The fact that I wasn't working out every other time I tried to lose weight was the reason I didn't succeed. I can actually eat what I want on some days because I exercise so regularly...& I LOVE being in such good cardiovascular shape :)

    My advice is to skip WW, join a gym, & find someone to weigh you weekly to hold you accountable!
  • jvansyckel
    jvansyckel Posts: 45
    Hi! I'm a Weight Watcher lifetimer!
  • ribena1958
    ribena1958 Posts: 152
    I did WW for 2 yrs and lost 11 stone, then my daughter joined SW, I thought I'd go along with her and lost a further 16lbs, we didn't get on with SW [all that cooking and A and B's!] etc, So seeing that my son had lost 10 stone, had all his excess skin removed, OMG I just couldn't put the weight back on................I want to be thinner and have a better quality of life. I follow the WW pro points system at home and have lost a further 5lbs. I don't go to meetings. I think if you are determined enough you can do it at home and I refuse to pay so much money and feel exploited for being fat!

    Everyone's journey of loosing weight is different, and I don't expect to loose every week, I realize that sometimes the body takes time to do catchup, also I realize I am 'only human' and fall off the wagon at times! lol

    I found this site through a friend who has left SW, I think its GREAT and am defo staying here and entering my foods each day.

    The only problem I have is the amounts, I do weight things, so that is not a prob, but its somethings like potatoes for instance, if I have 350g how do I enter this? It only does it in 100g?? Can someone message me please to help me? I would soooooooooooo appreciate it.

    I think most weight loss plans work, its finding one you can stick to for life. [I don';t mean the fad diets mind lol]