Women doing Rippetoe's Starting Strength program?



  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    One of the things that attracted me to Rippetoe's program was that it was *not* a split program. I know he recommends that people do his program *as is*. Before this, I did New Rules of Lifting for Women and Cosgrove felt the same way about people who felt that the program was perfect "except for needing more ab work", etc. I am going with the plan for a good six months. Then I will likely add assistance work that Rippetoe advocates in the book.

    If I start to crave split sets, I will likely go to Krista Scott-Dixon's site. I've been a fan of hers since the old newsgroup days of yore when I was a young gymrat who leaned more to the bodybuilding aspect of weight training. She's the real deal and a nice counterpoint to Rippetoe's very special brand of wit and wisdom.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    One of the things that attracted me to Rippetoe's program was that it was *not* a split program. I know he recommends that people do his program *as is*. Before this, I did New Rules of Lifting for Women and Cosgrove felt the same way about people who felt that the program was perfect "except for needing more ab work", etc. I am going with the plan for a good six months. Then I will likely add assistance work that Rippetoe advocates in the book.

    If I start to crave split sets, I will likely go to Krista Scott-Dixon's site. I've been a fan of hers since the old newsgroup days of yore when I was a young gymrat who leaned more to the bodybuilding aspect of weight training. She's the real deal and a nice counterpoint to Rippetoe's very special brand of wit and wisdom.

    Good stuff :-)

    Just in case you're interested here is a nice collection of articles from Rippletoe, http://www.t-nation.com/ALSAuthor.do?p=Mark Rippetoe&pageNo=1
  • AmazonAlog
    AmazonAlog Posts: 14 Member

    If Rippetoe says it works, it probably stinking works and maybe I should just have a little faith...but I don't know if I can really feel good about rest days outnumbering work days. I just get so anxious! Gahh, maybe just 10 minutes of Hiit on the bike every other day...maybe not. Any feedback on that idea?

    Today I'm thinking I'll go in and see if I can learn the movements of the power clean which is on the agenda for tomorrow. It looks fun, and also easy to mess up by engaging the arms.

    I wish someone would come over and mention form at my gym! It's a small town and the only way I can avoid crowds of giggling teenagers is to get in and out before the kids are released from school.

    Just reiterating something I said earlier - If you're concerned about your form and there are no reliable trainers, see if you can get access to a digital camera or even a cellphone to prop up somewhere (or get a staff member) to record a video of your form and post it up either on YouTube or something to get some critiques.

    I can't view these videos right now but I have in the past... this may be useful for your power clean:

    On the being antsy on your rest days inbetween...
    There's nothing wrong with doing some light cardio or just light anything on your off days. If your "off day" work begins to impact your real working lift days, then you know you have to scale back a bit.

    If you're just starting out, it can be nice to stick to a 3-day a week (MWF or something like that). It helps you stay consistent and on a schedule. What I've learned to do over time is to workout for a series of days still following a workout plan, but rest after 3 or 4 days of work. This is what I feel is good for my body, but your mileage may vary. Rest and recovery days are crucial to building muscle, so make sure they are there.
  • harkis
    harkis Posts: 14
    So commence week two. I'm going to have to do some retraining on the squat because I did see myself in the mirror and I've got the pelvic tuck (butt wink is such a horrible name) at the bottom, so I'm moving the weight down until it's right and doing some stretches for my hamstrings. I'm disappointed that I do this but I'll take the time I need to get it right.
    The power clean went well. It is fun!
    I did want some clarification on something.
    When something is described as say, 45x5x3 - this is 3 sets of 5 reps at 45lbs yeah? So if I see 55x3x5, this would be 5 sets of 3 reps at 55?
    So yeah, dangit.
  • AmazonAlog
    AmazonAlog Posts: 14 Member
    When something is described as say, 45x5x3 - this is 3 sets of 5 reps at 45lbs yeah? So if I see 55x3x5, this would be 5 sets of 3 reps at 55?

    Yes. Weight x Reps x Sets would be correct.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    When something is described as say, 45x5x3 - this is 3 sets of 5 reps at 45lbs yeah? So if I see 55x3x5, this would be 5 sets of 3 reps at 55?

    Yes. Weight x Reps x Sets would be correct.

    Just saw your profile, nice deadlift especially when considering your bodyweight.
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    Bump. Coming back to read. Just purchased Starting Strength!
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    If there is a must read book on weight training, this is it.

    Starting Strength is the best beginner's strength training program out there. I did a variation of Starting Strength last year (Madcow 5x5) and had huge strength gains. If I had a regular schedule I'd do it again, but I can't make it to the gym Mon/Wed/Fri with one off day in between.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
  • harkis
    harkis Posts: 14
    Haiii, long time no see.

    I've been sticking to it pretty good, though I recently got sick and took an extended vacation... but after doing this program for a good solid 6 weeks or so I'm totally addicted. Just the thought of switching over to splits at this point is enough to make me uneasy. I'll stick with it I think for a good long while. I recommend it to anyone curious and wanting to give it a go.

  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I started this today. I'm following the novice program:

    Workout A
    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Bench Press
    1x5 Deadlift

    Workout B
    3x5 Squat
    3x5 Press
    5x3 Power Cleans (not doing these yet until I get the Deadlift form down... as these seem to be building on that)

    Just used the 45 lb BB today and so I didn't really feel like it was the best workout. I can lift way more that that for the deadlift, I have a feeling. And for the bench press... after I did the 3x5 with the 45 bar, I grabbed a small bar that weighed around 65 with the weights and was able to do that for a few reps.

    This program really appeals to me. It seems simple, straight forward and just no-nonsense all around. I'm doing this all from home, so I'm basically learning form by watching Rippetoe's YouTube videos and reading the wiki. Haven't actually ordered the book yet but doing that soon. Also, we only have two 45 lb plates for the Olympic BB, so I'm shopping on Craigslist for more.

    SUPER excited that I'm finally lifting... this is a GREAT program, women. Highly recommend doing this. It's not high maintenance with all those isolation exercises and that's what is so appealing to me about this. And no circuits... just do all your squats, then move on to the next one...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Ahh, I'm excited to read this Jennie! I'm still chugging along in my Starting Strength program. Most everything is progressing nicely for me. I am still working on power cleans and always looking to refine my squat form but overall I can see me sticking with this through the summer and into the fall.

    Hi Harkis!! :smile:
  • harkis
    harkis Posts: 14
    Heya Kensky!

    Me too! I can see myself doing this program for a long time. It kinda just rocks...and makes you kinda rocksolid!
    It was funny that near the end of my time off is when my muscles started screaming at me. I don't expect it to take to long getting back to where I was but I'll take my time all the same :)

    I wonder how long it took AmazonAlog to get to what she's lifting now...

    Hell's yeah Jenny! It is really sexy for being such a straight forward program. When I was doing splits I felt that I had so much to think about and if I had kept a log like I do now I would be spending as much time writing as I do lifting. Ha!

    Best of luck and don't be a stranger!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member

    Hell's yeah Jenny! It is really sexy for being such a straight forward program. When I was doing splits I felt that I had so much to think about and if I had kept a log like I do now I would be spending as much time writing as I do lifting. Ha!

    Yeah, I thought it would be like that too! Maybe I'm just super lazy mentally sometimes LOL. Not really, but seriously... who wants to have to THINK when you're pushing weight like that? Right?
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Ahh, I'm excited to read this Jennie! I'm still chugging along in my Starting Strength program. Most everything is progressing nicely for me. I am still working on power cleans and always looking to refine my squat form but overall I can see me sticking with this through the summer and into the fall.

    Hi Harkis!! :smile:

    Have you made any form check videos yet? I'm doing this all from home... yikes! Glad to hear you're progressing nicely. How long did you do deadlifts before trying a power clean?
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    One of the best places to post a form check is bodybuilding.com forums. They have "rep" points that fellow posters give to other posters on the validity of their advice. It by no means makes them an expert, but it adds a little more credence to what they're saying.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    One of the best places to post a form check is bodybuilding.com forums. They have "rep" points that fellow posters give to other posters on the validity of their advice. It by no means makes them an expert, but it adds a little more credence to what they're saying.

    Ok, good to know. Thanks!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Heya Kensky!

    Me too! I can see myself doing this program for a long time. It kinda just rocks...and makes you kinda rocksolid!
    It was funny that near the end of my time off is when my muscles started screaming at me. I don't expect it to take to long getting back to where I was but I'll take my time all the same :)

    I wonder how long it took AmazonAlog to get to what she's lifting now...

    Hell's yeah Jenny! It is really sexy for being such a straight forward program. When I was doing splits I felt that I had so much to think about and if I had kept a log like I do now I would be spending as much time writing as I do lifting. Ha!

    Best of luck and don't be a stranger!

    Ha, I hear ya on the writing things up. I just finished putting together my next 3 week cycle for 5/3/1. Just don't get training ADD, find something that works well and stick with it. :) Love the fact you're doing this.
  • harkis
    harkis Posts: 14
    Ha, I hear ya on the writing things up. I just finished putting together my next 3 week cycle for 5/3/1. Just don't get training ADD, find something that works well and stick with it. :) Love the fact you're doing this.

    Whatever do you mean by training ADD? Most of the time I spend with the log is just scribbling, and on some days it really is just scribbling...

    This program works. It is so cut and dry I love it. My biggest decision every day seems to be 'to cool down or not to cool down...'

    Stretch should take precedence but rarely does.