1570 calories and can't do it.



  • judkinsjenny
    thank you! however, its been 40 days! lol and im still hungry! lol but this forum has been SOOO helpful. thankyou.
  • judkinsjenny
  • fabalas_seanne
    eat a big plate of salad with some hard boiled eggs & 100g lean ham/turkey etc bulk up your salad & add lots of protien & before you even think to eat ...drink a heap of water to try & stay focused until dinner

    some times a hot cuppa can get you by

    can you do some exercise ?? go for a walk or maybe call a friend & chat... will pass some time..
    ive always failed because i always thought & looked at it like i couldnt eat enough to be full. on low cals.... keep your mind busy... read a heap in the forum here etc xxx best of luck
  • ressa8
    ressa8 Posts: 60
    I can't eat oatmea or I am starving for the rest of the day. I usually have a smoothie made with fruit, soymilk and protein powder. Keeps me full for a long time! It sucks when you are feeling so hungry!!
  • 16mixingbowls
    16mixingbowls Posts: 205 Member
    I don't know about your particular oatmeal, but the kind I use is measured BEFORE cooking. So I use a half cup and measure out the oats before pouring them into the pot. This makes a satisfying bowl of oatmeal and it has 150 calories. I think the kind you're using to track is probably BEFORE cooking.... so unless you're having a huge bowl, this is one place where you're shorting yourself.

    Also, some of your other measurements seem off, unless your portions are really big. Like one day you had a cup of feta cheese? This is a lot, and it looks you had it on a sandwich. I bet you're overestimating your portion.

    It looks like you love desserts. ME TOO!!! I've found I just can't have them around the house. Instead, I've transitioned into fresh fruit for my sweet treat. I did this in stages; for a month I only had ice cream on weekends, then the next month on;y one day a weekend, and now I'm off ice cream all together.

    Keep tracking, and trying small things, and finally you'll figure out what works for you. P.S I'm also on 1570. Take a look and see what I eat. I use measuring cups and a digital scale for my food.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member

    From your profile I noticed that you have FM and your food diary revealed that you must have an infant too, so you must be in pain, tired and frazzled and that will certainly contribute to your frustration and out-of-control hunger.

    Some simple suggestions--possibly already mentioned, though I haven't had a chance to read all the responses to your plea--

    1. Never skip a meal. Since your energy levels are flagging, buy easy to grab and eat foods that are healthy and filling, such as small apples, clementines, almonds, lite string cheese, hard boiled eggs, dried fruit like cherries, cranberries, dates, etc. Keep hummus, plain Greek yogurt (to make a quick dip) and cut up raw veggies in the fridge.

    2. Skip the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Likewise pizza, except as an occasional treat. (I eat 1/2 Freshetta Cal. Style pizza every couple of weeks--yum!) Use lower fat whole grain wraps, whole grain breads, thin corn tortillas, brown rice, whole grain pastas, etc. Crave potatoes?--nuke a small potato, even better, a small yam or sweet potato. Nix sugary sodas and fruit juice.

    3. Have at least one fruit or veggie with every meal. Two would be even better. Until you have more energy, stock your freezer with frozen fruit and veggies (without sauces or pasta). The fruits can be thrown in the blender for slushes or smoothies and the veggies will always be there when you are too tired to deal with slicing and dicing fresh.

    4. Ditch fatty, high calorie proteins like sausage, chicken nuggets, and burgers that are 85% beef. Have at least 2 fish meals a week. Dying for beef? Have a small lean steak--top round, london broil. And avoid the buns. Pork tenderloin is lean and a little goes a long way. Chicken, turkey, and beans (black, pinto, kidney, etc), lentils, too, are good options.

    5. Have a cup of herb tea or broth or veggie soup before lunch or dinner. Drink your water--all 8 cups! Since you're nursing, every time you sit down with the baby, sip on a tall glass of water. My personal fav is sparkling water, flavored, in 32 oz. bottles. I have 1 every night as a special treat to avoid mindless TV snacking. (60 cents for 32 oz.--Kroger)

    6. And since you are a nursing mom, don't forget to get 3 servings of dairy every day: skim or 1% milk, 1 oz. of lean, hard cheese, 0% cottage cheese, sugar/fat-free pudding. Ice cream doesn't count!

    7. Plan your snacks. I'm taking in about the same calories as you and today my snacks included 1/4 C. of Planter's Nut-trition (walnuts, cranberries, little chocolate thingies, no salt); a WW dark chocolate-raspberry bar; and a Peppermint Pattie. Sometimes I'll have garlic herb cheese and Triscuits for a treat, or 5 dates.

    8. Watch your sodium intake. Processed meats (deli, sausage, ham and hot dogs), frozen meals, canned soups and sauces, pizza, many ethnic foods--Chinese and Mexican, for example, salty stuff like chips, crackers, pretzles, nuts, cookies, and bakery goods are all very high in sodium, as are some condiments like mustard and ketchup. Unless you have a health problem, your sodium intake should be about 2200 mg. daily. MFP allows you to track it.

    9. When you can find the time, try planning your meals in advance, enter them in the food diary, then follow your plan. If you find you have the strength to cook, look up sites like Skinnytaste.com for lighter recipes or take an old favorite, use MFP's recipe calculator to tweak it until you have just what you're in the mood for and the calories you're willing to "spend" on it.

    I'm just an old granny who's struggled for years with weight, but in those struggles I've learned at lot that makes sensible eating easier and more bearable. Good luck to you. If you need a friend/advisor, feel free to friend me. I have lots of advice--all free, naturally. :smile: Hang in there.
  • smassengill63
    smassengill63 Posts: 7 Member
    Protein is satiating, (digested in the stomach), the sugar/carbs e.g. oats and other grains that you eat for breakfast and throughout the day will cause an insulin crash soon after and trigger hunger. change your food choices, as suggested by others here, toward proteins and healthy fats and you will soon (a few days) feel much more energy and less hunger. good luck.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    How wonderful it is that so many people gave up their time to help you, you are blessed!

    I also love dessert, but I limit myself to a couple of times a week, and then a single serve thing from the supermarket or a very yummy full-fat yoghurt occasionally.

    I agree that start by making small changes that you can stick to. I started by cutting out extra sugar (sugars that occur naturally like in fruit are OK), because I know I crave them and it can set me off. Rather than feeling deprived, you end up changing your mindset along the lines of making that sacrifice means that you are feeding your body better.

    Once you are not hungry all the time, hopefully you will feel your energy levels evening out and you can go for a walk, do some exercise videos or something easy to start with. Honestly, being fitter gives you energy.

  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    Steak!!! 500 calories of that and veggies and you will be full for a while
    You can try skipping breakfast and just drinking coffee or tea as caffeine works as an appetite suppressant. I'm not a breakfast person and although I get hungry for a bit, I can usually last from 9 am to 5 pm without consuming anything other than coffee and water. I find it pretty hard to eat all my calories for the day unless I eat well into the night.
  • pez1234
    pez1234 Posts: 20 Member
    You need to eat foods that provide great bulk for less calories, fruit and veges. I like to take a desert spoon of psyllium husks mixed with 1/2 glass of orange juice, stir it in and drink it quick or the husks will turn to gel. Follow that up with a glass of water or two give it five minutes and eat your sandwich for lunch, or oats for breakfast. Psyllium soaks up moisture and turns into a gel, it's low in calories,if prepared the way I recommend you get a full belly for about 50 calories.
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    All these posts asking If she's eating back her excercise calories...

    Take a quick glance @ her diary. She's not excercising.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Protein protein protein! You NEED protein at breakfast. You can still have the oatmeal, but add scrambled egg whites to the side. Buy the flavored oatmeal instead so you don't need to sweeten it, or better yet, add milk to plain oatmeal. Raisins are good, but they're very calorie dense - try adding a banana to it instead.

    Cut out cheese! I love cheese, but it is such a waste of calories to me. Occasionally, I will use Laughing Cow instead, and it works just fine.
  • azzledazzle
    Try to eat every 2 - 3 hours, I do, even if its a bit of fruit or some sunflower seeds, It takes the craving away.

    If you eat regularly you wont get as hungry, Try to eat some negative calorie foods, These being foods that burn more calories chewing and digesting, Than the actual amount of calories in the food itself. google it for the full list.

    And also dont beat your self up, If you are extra hungry eat a little more, Just workout a little harder to balance it out.

    Try not to focus on 'i cant eat this, i cant eat that' because that will make the whole weight loss seems 10x harder.

    Try to think. 'Ok so im hungry, il have a little extra with my meal, il just add another 30mins to my workout'

    And eating back exercise calories is fine !! some eat them all the time, some dont, But they are there to be eaten :D

    Keep focused, IT WILL be worth it... :D
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    You aren't getting any exercise.

    I know everybody's body is different but that would be the reason for me in your shoes. No exericse = no weight loss.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Here is a thought, are you physically hungry or are you mentally hungry? Figure out if the reason you want to eat isn't due to some kind of emotional response. If you are stressed, you may see food as a way of comforting you. Before you start eating, sit there and figure out why you want to eat. Also, be very mindful of the food you are eating. Eat slowly and taste you food. Sometimes when emotionally eating, one will just shove food in their mouth without thinking and before you know, you have eaten far too much.

    One other thing, you might want to find foods lower in sodium. You would be amazed at how much water you can retain by eating too much sodium. That could be a huge issue and you could be retaining water.

    Also, you will have more energy if you work out. I know it sounds odd, but it is true. I work out first thing in the morning and I have so much energy the rest of the day. On the days I don't work out, I don't have that pep in my step. You need to take some time out for you. Why don't you take the kids out for a nice walk around the block? It is beneficial for everyone.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Steak!!! 500 calories of that and veggies and you will be full for a while
    You can try skipping breakfast and just drinking coffee or tea as caffeine works as an appetite suppressant. I'm not a breakfast person and although I get hungry for a bit, I can usually last from 9 am to 5 pm without consuming anything other than coffee and water. I find it pretty hard to eat all my calories for the day unless I eat well into the night.

    I do this too, but the OP is breastfeeding so this is not a good idea for her.
  • karensg
    karensg Posts: 3 Member
    1570 isn't enough. If you don't eat enough your metabolism will slow down as your body starts trying to preserve on its stored energy. That's an oversimplified statement, but basically true.