Diet Soda



  • kbwdad
    kbwdad Posts: 50 Member
    I don't know if you can count it as water but I have been doing my own research concerning diet sodas. Over the past two years I lost 80 pounds, during my weight loss venture I could walk by a table full of sweets, cakes, fatty foods etc and not even get tempted to touch it. After I reached my goal weight I eased up and started enjoying a few of the foods that I had given up. What a mistake, before I knew it I gained 20 lbs. What puzzled me was that I was still keeping track and staying within my calorie range and doing Triathlon training I still gained weight. The one big thing I was doing different is I started drinking a 32 OZ cup of Diet Coke after work everyday, cravings and eating increased. I'm starting to believe that diet sodas will hamper in some way your ability to lose weight even if you do the right things. Pure water is best thing you can drink.
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    and you should:drinker: A guy drank 6 pack of Mich Ultra a day but stayed under calorie goal of 2 lbs a week. He lost 14 in 1 month. He did the same test with water and lost 6 . Their are mitigating factors that make this test not reliable, but what effects one body may not do the same to another. Like the MFP nutrition guide is RDA---definitely not catered for a fitness model or body builder.......40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fat is the best combo to lose fat and build muscle in "MOST" , not all .
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    You are exactly right!! That is what the artificial sweetners in diet soda's do... they spike insulin levels which make you crave other foods more!! make sure you stay away from them!
    I don't know if you can count it as water but I have been doing my own research concerning diet sodas. Over the past two years I lost 80 pounds, during my weight loss venture I could walk by a table full of sweets, cakes, fatty foods etc and not even get tempted to touch it. After I reached my goal weight I eased up and started enjoying a few of the foods that I had given up. What a mistake, before I knew it I gained 20 lbs. What puzzled me was that I was still keeping track and staying within my calorie range and doing Triathlon training I still gained weight. The one big thing I was doing different is I started drinking a 32 OZ cup of Diet Coke after work everyday, cravings and eating increased. I'm starting to believe that diet sodas will hamper in some way your ability to lose weight even if you do the right things. Pure water is best thing you can drink.
  • mfpgeezy
    so im thinkin that diet soda is diet soda and water is i dont see how diet soda= water...
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    so im thinkin that diet soda is diet soda and water is i dont see how diet soda= water...

    You don't think diet soda has WATER in it?
  • mfpgeezy
    so im thinkin that diet soda is diet soda and water is i dont see how diet soda= water...

    You don't think diet soda has WATER in it?

    i didnt say it doesnt contain water, im sayin it isnt water... lol
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Except that it is mostly water.

    And I have to say, I'm with the folks with the research to back it up.

    As well as the research to back up moderately consuming artificial sweeteners.

    But hey, it's the scientist in me.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It definitley does not count as water. Diet soda is harmful to your health. One a day is kind of acceptable.. but 2 or more is harmful. It has a chemical in it called Aspartame which is also used in rat poison. Diet soda's give you migraine head aches, increase blood pressure, raise cholesterol levels, it has simple carbs which spike insulin levels which in turn make you crave more food... but also takes that food and stores it as fat, Please don't drink diet soda's and start ddrinking more water!! you will lose a ton of weight and feel a lot better and healthier!!! :) I had to give a presentation about this in my nutrition class so it is something I feel very strongly about!
    Does it count as a water?

    I hope you can show some proof of these wild, outlandish, and completely false claims about aspartame and diet soda.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Well of COURSE Aspartame is used in rat poison, but it isn't there to kill the rats, its there to attract them to the poison by its sweet taste.

    Just because something is included in posion doesn't make it in and of itself a poison.
    Just becasue something says its "all natural" doesn't mean its good for you...arsenic is "all natural"

    Just be smart about what you're eating and drinking.
    I refuse to drink diet soda because if I truly want a soft drink I want it with ALL THE SUGAR and ALL THE CAFFEINE!
    I'll walk an extra 45 minutes or I'll eat a couple hundred calories less during the day and then I've earned it!
    Imported original Coca Cola made with real suger is a once-in-awhile treat, like once a week. I have a whole case of them waiting, whispering my name...
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Well of COURSE Aspartame is used in rat poison, but it isn't there to kill the rats, its there to attract them to the poison by its sweet taste.

    Just because something is included in posion doesn't make it in and of itself a poison.
    Just becasue something says its "all natural" doesn't mean its good for you...arsenic is "all natural"

    Just be smart about what you're eating and drinking.
    I refuse to drink diet soda because if I truly want a soft drink I want it with ALL THE SUGAR and ALL THE CAFFEINE!
    I'll walk an extra 45 minutes or I'll eat a couple hundred calories less during the day and then I've earned it!
    Imported original Coca Cola made with real suger is a once-in-awhile treat, like once a week. I have a whole case of them waiting, whispering my name...

    I enjoy the pepsi's that have real sugar in them occasionally as a treat ^^ I'm a sucker for pepsi.
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    so im thinkin that diet soda is diet soda and water is i dont see how diet soda= water...

    can it be used as fluid intake is the question--Not what is the nutritional value
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    that is the obvious answer, not the scientific one. YOU have to have water to create Kool Aid or Any soda. Your body needs FLUID period.. Some formsof it are better then others. I am not saying drink 8 diet cokes and count that as 8 glass of waters. I may drink 8 oz of soda a week with two shots of Brandy. Drinking soda creates other cravings in me. Even though I think its psychosomatic for me.... I do the 2 gallons to HYDRATE my muscles.
  • npostma
    npostma Posts: 33
    I learned the same thing when I did weight watchers back in 2001. They said you should always have a glass of water for every soda or coffee you drink.
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    It's NOT water therefore I don't count it as water. Don't go just by the fact that it has 0 calories.
    My vlasic pickles came out to 0 calories today too, should I be logging that as water? <---rhetoric to make a point :-)

    It won't hurt your diet but I don't think it should be counted as water just because it doesn't have any calories.
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    It's NOT water therefore I don't count it as water. Don't go just by the fact that it has 0 calories.
    My vlasic pickles came out to 0 calories today too, should I be logging that as water? <---rhetoric to make a point :-)

    It won't hurt your diet but I don't think it should be counted as water just because it doesn't have any calories.
    The meats you eat have water in it. Muscles are composed of 70 percent water--- if you could measure it, you could. Its funny how water matters so much , but is not used in the guide to show any value--- Think about it..... But I get it , when in doubt stick to water. Do what works for you
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's NOT water therefore I don't count it as water. Don't go just by the fact that it has 0 calories.
    My vlasic pickles came out to 0 calories today too, should I be logging that as water? <---rhetoric to make a point :-)

    It won't hurt your diet but I don't think it should be counted as water just because it doesn't have any calories.

    Semantics. Diet soda is over 90% water. You do know the "drink x amount of water a day" "rule" has absolutely no basis in fact or science, right? That would be why everybody has a different opinion of how much you should drink. The bottom line is everything, except maybe hard liquor, hydrates you, and the entire point is to be properly hydrated. There is such a thing as overhydration, and it's just as deadly as dehydration.

    Oh, and you get plenty of water from eating pickles. I believe cucumbers are mostly water. :tongue:
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    It's NOT water therefore I don't count it as water. Don't go just by the fact that it has 0 calories.
    My vlasic pickles came out to 0 calories today too, should I be logging that as water? <---rhetoric to make a point :-)

    It won't hurt your diet but I don't think it should be counted as water just because it doesn't have any calories.

    Semantics. Diet soda is over 90% water. You do know the "drink x amount of water a day" "rule" has absolutely no basis in fact or science, right? That would be why everybody has a different opinion of how much you should drink. The bottom line is everything, except maybe hard liquor, hydrates you, and the entire point is to be properly hydrated. There is such a thing as overhydration, and it's just as deadly as dehydration.

    Oh, and you get plenty of water from eating pickles. I believe cucumbers are mostly water. :tongue:

    100000000000000000% agreement. The information HWY can have too much information at time, but only a few things are backed by empirical data. Everyone is an expert. I am only an expert in what works for me. Pre Comp -- MY WATER INTAKE MATTERS - if the only form I can get is a COKE then fine.
  • supermom1114
    I was taught that anything with caffeine is a neutral drink. The caffeine causes you to excrete about the same amount of fluid as you took in but doesnt "dehydrate" you as many believe. So no it doesn't count as water but it doesnt take away from your water intake for the day either
  • strawberryromper
    strawberryromper Posts: 64 Member
    I don't log my water at all, but I wouldn't count diet pop.
  • mfpgeezy
    Im in no way sayin anything about bad diet soda or not to drink it or that it doesnt contain water, im only sayin do let it short change yourself in gettin all the water you need, i personaly drink alot(alot being up to about 64 oz. a day) of diet soda and coffee( usualy 3-4 cups of black) but i also drink about 1-1.5 gallons of water per day...