T.H.E. Team (trying hard everyday) October '11



  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I didn't have any candy either! My daughter got a ton too...so proud. :smile:
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    You control your future, your destiny. By recording your food and exercise DAILY, you set in motion the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands - your own.

    A BIG welcome to all the new members & a welcome back to everyone else.
    So did everyone survive Halloween? Or were some of you bad & ate more candy than you handed out? :devil:
    2 months to go until 2011 is over. What are you going to accomplish in the next 61 days?
    Do you fear the upcoming holidays when it comes to eating right or do you know how to handle them with ease?
    A trick I have found that works is to use a salad (or dessert) plate for each holiday meal, do not overflow the plate with food & only make 1 trip to the serving table - no 2nd helpings of ANYTHING. Eat slowly and savor every bite. Remember, it takes 20 minutes for the stomach to signal to your brain that you are full, so give it time to register.
    Alcohol? Not only does alcohol contain LOTS of calories, but it can also stimulate your appetite and reduce your willpower. Have 7-up or water, until dinner then have a glass of wine or 1 alcoholic drink & go back to drinking water afterwards.

    TOM put me up 2 pounds for this weigh-in (UGH) & has drained me of the energy I need to exercise today. I want to get back to using my Wii Fit Plus & as soon as TOM is gone, I will. I want to have at least a 2 pound weight loss (hopefully more) by the next weigh-in.
    At my doctor's appointment this morning, I was told to do 3 more weeks of p/t & then I am done. YAY!! I told him that I can do anything that my p/t does at home & don't have to bill our insurance company. He is hoping that I will be out of this orthotic in a year - at the most. To me that sounds like wishful thinking because my foot points to the right anytime I don't have it on & I don't see how the orthotic is strengthening it. But only time will tell.

    SW: 253
    CW: 255 (TOM)
    GW: 165 or so
  • KariNich85
    No candy here either!! Congrats to all that are doing well, I hope we all make our goals this week :)
  • juicyfruit85
    juicyfruit85 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm new to MFP, my name is Joscelyn. A little about me.

    SW: 204.7 LB (It used to be 240 :) )
    CW: Haven't checked it yet, just started :) I usually weigh in on Wednesdays.
    ROUTINE: Turbo Fire, Elliptical, Running, Jillian Michaels... I like to mix it up.

    I have always been athletic (volleyball, basketball...), but most definitely let myself go during college... boo! Gained 35lbs in college... boo! It's been 3 years since I graduated, and I've only gained more and more. BUT... I have lost about 25 since last year thanks to my active boyfriend. BUT... I started to fall off and gain again. I'm that person that needs a kick in the butt sometimes, at least I know it. So, I'm glad I found some support. I'm in it to win it.

    GOAL WEIGHT: 155-160 LBS

  • juicyfruit85
    juicyfruit85 Posts: 23 Member
    hey everyone! can anyone suggest a good strapless HRM with caloric monitoring that would be good for Turbo Fire? I want to see exactly how many calories i burn during the workouts. i've never used one before and i'm not so familiar with them either. i want to make sure i make a good investment. i DO NOT want one with the strap around the chest. thanks!
  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi all,
    I must say I find this very hard to keep track on with all of here:(. I do like to support and motivate every body but somehow this area feels a little disjointed to me:( Is it only me :(.

    Can all of you on here Friend me so I can at least see how your diaries and excersise routines are going???

    Hawaindreamer Do pray your leg gets better.It does sound like you have had a very rough patch there. Would Swimming not be a good option for excersise?

    @Painten I don't normally listen to Jennifer Hudson ,it was totally co incidental that day:):bigsmile: . I do hope you try the Chromim Picolinate. Keep me posted.

    @2bfit1 you sound a lot like me with the up and downs of dieting and taking forever to get back into it :( but I am a lot older than you. I always said it was age that makes it more difficult UNTIL this month. I put my mind to it and begun weighing whatever I eat and excersising. I love working out yet ever now and again I fall of the wagon and then I have a real hard time getting back into it BUT not this time. I have stuck this last month out and I am very very proud to say I lost 8lbs just in October :). Goes to show little more effort BIG rewards:bigsmile: .

    Can all of you on T.H.E. team friend me like Juicyfruit85 has said,just mention T.H.E team on mesage so I can add you all then keep in touch both here and there:)
    Thanks in advance.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    hey everyone! can anyone suggest a good strapless HRM with caloric monitoring that would be good for Turbo Fire? I want to see exactly how many calories i burn during the workouts. i've never used one before and i'm not so familiar with them either. i want to make sure i make a good investment. i DO NOT want one with the strap around the chest. thanks!

    I think the ones with the chest strap are the most accurate but if you do a search on the forums you'll find loads of threads with suggestions. There's bound to be reccomendations for wrist only ones.
  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    Agree with Painten on HRM with chest strap it''s the one I have used for 4.5 years now and I love it. Look online at Pulsar or Timex or Polar they are popular but have some disadvantages re changing of batteries etc .
  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi all,
    Its the end of my day and i am exhausted. But the good news is although I did not get my scheduled lower body weight training in ,i came home and made myself a gorgeous Thai Green Chicken curry dish with loads of cauliflower and Broccoli and had it with Brown rice:bigsmile: . It was really "lekker"( tasty).
    I almost did not get a workout in but then got myself out on a beautiful walk and I am the happier for it. Overall had a great day eating,water and excersise wise.:happy: .

    Goodnight to those going to bed and A good morning for those only starting their day:flowerforyou: .
    Catch up tomorrow.
    Stay strong all.
    WE CAN DO THIS. and another DAY BITES THE DUST.I did it today and so can all of you.YAY
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I didn't weigh in yesterday, but I did today. Down 1.5lbs!

    SW on this thread: 163-164 (I can't recall)
    CW: 159
  • unicorn1081
    unicorn1081 Posts: 133 Member
    hi ladies im new to the group. ive love to make friends here so please read my profile and send me a friend request. i know we aregonna reach our goals together! we can do this!:heart:
  • juicyfruit85
    juicyfruit85 Posts: 23 Member
    hey everyone! can anyone suggest a good strapless HRM with caloric monitoring that would be good for Turbo Fire? I want to see exactly how many calories i burn during the workouts. i've never used one before and i'm not so familiar with them either. i want to make sure i make a good investment. i DO NOT want one with the strap around the chest. thanks!

    I think the ones with the chest strap are the most accurate but if you do a search on the forums you'll find loads of threads with suggestions. There's bound to be reccomendations for wrist only ones.

  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    I didn't weigh in yesterday, but I did today. Down 1.5lbs!

    SW on this thread: 163-164 (I can't recall)
    CW: 159
    Congrats SHanon_2003 WTG.
    I just learnt how to do the quote bit:embarassed:
  • nmartini0513
    hi my name is nidia, thank you so much for the invite. i need all the support i can get. i have a wonderful and supportive husband that i can share so much with however there are things i would not like to discuss so its great that theres other women who are on the same journey. I need to loose 45 lbs which im sure we now its hard to loose 10lbs. thank you to all for the wonderful and great support. I wish you all great success and see you on the monday weigh in. i hope ive lost something (crossing my fingers). just a question where can i post my weigh in results? Im looking for new friends pls request.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Thanks HawaiianDreamer for the invite! I didn't see a November one so I hope I'm in the right place. :happy:

    SW= 377 lbs
    GW= 185 lbs
    CW= 312 lbs Oct 31st.

    I have fibromyalgia and right now I'm on oxygen 24/7 from a bout with pneumonia in March. My husband was diagnosed with diabetes in March 2011 and instead of going on medication he wanted to make dietary changes and lose weight. March was not a good month health wise! He has lost 68 lbs and never needed to go on medication! His blood sugar numbers are now in the normal range. :happy:

    I have a blog where I'm updating as I go along. www.fitharts.com I would love for you to visit. :flowerforyou:

    My goal this week is to burn 1500 calories via exercise.

    Feel free to friend me just include a message that you are part of T.H.E. Team!

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Ladies:
    I just posted a November thread for the T.H.E. team.
  • juicyfruit85
    juicyfruit85 Posts: 23 Member
    Just checking in. So what's everyone's exercise routine in here? Just wondering. Maybe we can share tips and ideas on different types of exercise? :) I do Turbo Fire and the elliptical plus running (sometimes). I like to do many things, try new types of exercise. Also, what do you all do to keep your routine fresh? I get bored easily. HA
  • floreo22
    floreo22 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello Ladies:
    I just posted a November thread for the T.H.E. team.

    i can't find the new thread. any chance of a link? i'd really like to join t.h.e. team!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Hello Ladies:
    I just posted a November thread for the T.H.E. team.

    i can't find the new thread. any chance of a link? i'd really like to join t.h.e. team!

  • nirelan
    Found you guys! :) Thanks for the invite! :) with the last couple of months I've had I really could have used a GOOD support system for SO MANY things! I'm a 28 y/o mother of 2 little girls, ki 7 and gia 3. Full time student, majoring in studio art (third year but spent my first 2 years on accounting then switched to studio art to do photography!) Not a lot else to say! I'm VERY open so if you'd like to know anything else just ask! :)