Colon Cleanser!!!

I am wondering if these actually work? Can you lose weight? Is there anyone that has used these and which ones? Thanks


  • nikiluvsmikayla
    I am wondering if these actually work? Can you lose weight? Is there anyone that has used these and which ones? Thanks
  • beagle595
    beagle595 Posts: 226
    There is actually one available over the counter... that you use prior to a colonoscopy. If anything works that will. I have had friends that went on lhose daily liquid diets, then days of lettuce and it didn't do anything. Just many empty calories and they were starving. Talk to your Doctor or a Pharmacist. Good luck!
  • myhoney
    myhoney Posts: 41
    i've been wondering the same thing, im willing to give it a try. even if it does not make you loose weight your still clean right.
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    A huge bowl of oatmeal and a cup of black coffee does the trick. :laugh: Honestly I shouldn't joke cause I really don't know the answer but there are several posts on this subject that might help you I'll try to search and find a couple to show you.

    My momma has colon cancer so I sometimes have wondered over the past couple of years if I shouldn't do the big flush, but I just try to eat very clean and healthy as I can and let nature take it's course.
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    I had a colonoscopy. They gave me more laxatives then most people use in a lifetime I'd guess. Haha. I didn't 'lose' any long term weight though. It was a really temporary weight loss and only 3 pounds.

    I'd say it's not worth it. That was the worst and most miserable experience I've ever been through. I will never EVER cleanse my colon again unless I HAVE to because a doc is making me.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I use the Trader Joe's Body Cleanse ($11.99 here) a couple times a year. It cleanses toxins and waste from the colon, liver, and blood. There are several brands and try to find a good natural one that is not just a bunch of glorified Exlax.:noway: I hope you are not using as a weight loss method, don't think I have to tell you that is dangerous:heart: , but usually you will go down a pound or so through cleansing but you build it right back up when you eat. It is not meant for weight loss but to cleanse your body of all the crap(literally:wink: ) that our bodies take in from the environment and our foods. My mom died of pancreatic cancer and liver disease from "environmental causes" so I also use detoxing teas a couple times a month to try to keep my blood and liver cleansed. Hope that helps!:flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • astarte09
    astarte09 Posts: 531 Member
    I use an over the counter 7 day clense at target or a 2 week one a wild oats. I only use them 1-2 times a year. I have never lost weight, but I feel good after. My whole body feels fresh and revitalized. I just did one right after Christmas because I felt gross about all the things I had eaten. I love them!:happy:
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    I use the Trader Joe's Body Cleanse ($11.99 here) a couple times a year. It cleanses toxins and waste from the colon, liver, and blood. There are several brands and try to find a good natural one that is not just a bunch of glorified Exlax.:noway: I hope you are not using as a weight loss method, don't think I have to tell you that is dangerous:heart: , but usually you will go down a pound or so through cleansing but you build it right back up when you eat. It is not meant for weight loss but to cleanse your body of all the crap(literally:wink: ) that our bodies take in from the environment and our foods. My mom died of pancreatic cancer and liver disease from "environmental causes" so I also use detoxing teas a couple times a month to try to keep my blood and liver cleansed. Hope that helps!:flowerforyou:

    I wonder if those with healthy bodies need to cleanse at all though? If your body is working properly it doesn't need help to cleanse.

    But I absolutely agree. Don't go that route if it's for weight loss because it definitely won't work for that. As to whatever else 'cleansing' can do I think that's debatable. :happy:

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    PLEASE be careful. Cleanses are dangerous, so are laxatives. They are a quick-fix-unhealthy way to lose weight. Anything worth doing is worth doing the RIGHT way.

    We think safe, slow, lasting weight loss and a new lifestyle of nutrition and exercise is the way to go.

    See a DOCTOR before doing any harm to your organs with a "cleanse." :cry:
  • rrmudd
    rrmudd Posts: 12
    I have been doing a little reading on this subject and even saw something on tv a couple weeks ago. What I have learned is that a person can have somewhere around 7 pounds of built up crud in their pipes. A good diet is the way to go but for all that crud some people need a good flush.:wink: I would also like to find a safe way to start the process and all I have found is colon cleanse teas. For someone who doesn't go to the bathroom as much as needed I can tell you that any help in this area will be an improvement. I also read that a person is supose to go to the bathroom for every meal they eat. I'm not even close!:ohwell:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I supplement with straight pysllum husk is the main ingredient for all or most of the "cleansers" high fiber is all you need in my opinion...adding some pysllum husk is a fast way to get alot of fiber
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My doctor said " The garbage is already on the back porch, no need to get it to the curb any faster!"
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    They do make you lose weight, but it's all poo weight, not fat. Seriously, eating clean will do the same thing. And I have heard they are not at all pleasent, as you can imagine. If you're doing it to lose weight, no it won't be effective. If you're doing it for medical reasons, speak to your doctor.
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    My friend, a nurse, said you should not do this often if at all. They can strip your body on things it needs. You're pushing nutrients thru before they can be absorbed.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I also read that a person is supose to go to the bathroom for every meal they eat. I'm not even close!:ohwell:

    there was a post on this awhile ago. Songbyrdsweet posted I think. Correct answer is 3 times a week to 3 times a day is about normal. Depends on your body/stressors/when and how much you eat. Most people don't poop 3 times a day. But if you're really not going often enough, or it's painful, look at your fibre intake. if it's high, lower it, of it's low SLOWLY raise it (raising it too quickly can cause major, painful gas, and constipation), also look at your water intake, if it's low up it.
  • rrmudd
    rrmudd Posts: 12
    I really don't know what is up with my body. I eat plenty of fiber and drink 8 to 10 glasses of water and yet I don't use the bathroom the way I think I should. I just pee alot. I always feel bloated. I also have cut out pop because of this. So anyway I have to do my cleansing tea just to keep my body operating correctly. I guess everybody is different.
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    I had a colonoscopy. They gave me more laxatives then most people use in a lifetime I'd guess. Haha. I didn't 'lose' any long term weight though. It was a really temporary weight loss and only 3 pounds.

    When I think of colon cleansing, I think of a colonic or colon therapy, where warm water is inserted to the colon to help soften years of substance build up on the colon wall. This is accompanied by abdominal massage, all administered by a licensed practitioner. When you are ready, you relax your butt muscles and the waste is eliminated through a tube. This process is repeated about 4 times during an hour long office session. There's no laxatives used ... or mess ... or smell ... or hours on the toilet. At the conclusion, you are fed probiotics to replenish good bacteria in the system.

    In a perfect life, colon therapy would never have to be done but in our society people consume a lot of additives, preservatives, pesticides, refined sugars, trans fats, plastic from microwaving foods ... blah blah blah ... which can cause a toxic build up in the system know as plaque. It's not done for weight loss, it's about having a clean body so that it can function better on all levels.

    Has anyone ever had this treatment ?

    I haven't had the procedure myself, but I have been researching it a lot and have booked an appointment for the end of the month. My bowels move daily but they are narrow. I never really feel "emptied" and my tummy has been bloated in the last year, different than ever before in my life.
  • christk
    christk Posts: 15
    I checked with a nutritionist regarding colon cleanse. She said not for weight loss, but for good health it is a good idea. She also said to steer clear of products that are not natural and ones with senna. These are harsh to the system, and used for too long your body will become dependant on them. She recommended I check out products by "Renew Life". They are all natural and will not give you cramping and you don't have to live by the bathroom when taking them. Again, for good health, not for weight loss. Hope this helped.....
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    I had colon therapy today and it wasn't a bad experience at all.
    I lost 2 lbs of baked on crud. I have booked 6 more sessions over the next 3 weeks, to really give this cleansing idea a fair chance. A clean colon will help my body function in the proper manner and help my weight loss efforts.

    I also did a parasite cleanse yesterday.

    Why is it that we regularly worm our cats, dogs and horses for their optimal health and yet we rarely worm ourselves?