Colon Cleanser!!!



  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    I had colon therapy today and it wasn't a bad experience at all.
    I lost 2 lbs of baked on crud. I have booked 6 more sessions over the next 3 weeks, to really give this cleansing idea a fair chance. A clean colon will help my body function in the proper manner and help my weight loss efforts.

    I also did a parasite cleanse yesterday.

    Why is it that we regularly worm our cats, dogs and horses for their optimal health and yet we rarely worm ourselves?

    So, if someone tells you that you are full of "it" you can say NU UH!!!

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • jenifergotti
    jenifergotti Posts: 325 Member
    The best way to clean out your colon and intestines is popcorn! My nutritionist told me that! The broken curnels naturally scrape out the gunk on your guts. I make sure to have popcorn at least once a week- not that I really need a reason! :happy:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I had colon therapy today and it wasn't a bad experience at all.
    I lost 2 lbs of baked on crud. I have booked 6 more sessions over the next 3 weeks, to really give this cleansing idea a fair chance. A clean colon will help my body function in the proper manner and help my weight loss efforts.

    I also did a parasite cleanse yesterday.

    Why is it that we regularly worm our cats, dogs and horses for their optimal health and yet we rarely worm ourselves?

    Because we don't have worms.
    If you did, you'd know it, because you'd be severely underweight.

    By the way, nothing's stuck to the inside of your colon. It's constantly contracting and squeezing the fecal matter out, and there's a thick, slick layer of mucous covering and protecting the lining of your colon. By flushing stuff up there, you're actually interfering with the mucous lining and the healthy bacteria that grow in your colon. If you're eradicating those bacteria, you're actually decreasing how well you break down foodstuffs. Your colon plays a HUGE role in your immune system because nutrients enter your lymph system through structures in the wall of your colon. The fecal matter will come out on its own without any fluids being flushed up there messing around with the pH and the protective mucous.
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    Because we don't have worms.
    If you did, you'd know it, because you'd be severely underweight.

    There's some information about human worms at Wikpedia - search Human Round Worms and Ascariasis - for those who are interested in the subject. (Those are only 2 of many varieties) I was tested positive for worm infestation through a stool sample by my doctor. I've travelled to a lot of countries and own a dog & a cat, so that might be why I have contracted them.

    I used to agree that being infested with worms meant we'd be severely underweight. Heck, I even went as far as to WISH for a worm to get me skinny !! (I was just kidding though). I have since read lots of articles similar to the one below ....

    ~~ "Parasites and worms can invade your bodies through food and water intake, through transmitting agents (like mosquito), sexual conduct, and through the nose and skin. Once established, they will eat the same foods you eat or they will eat you.

    People with intestinal parasite infections can be under-nourished and weak, infected with viral, fungal, or bacteria, and have various types of chemical and metal poisoning. Human intestinal parasites can be present in any disease, in any person, at any age.

    We create the perfect living environment for parasites when the bowel becomes ineffective in the elimination of our waste products. The build-up of fecal material on the walls of the colon is attributed to constipation and the amounts of junk food, chemicals, bad fats and sweets we consume." ~~

    This is an article on the other side of the story ...
    By the way, nothing's stuck to the inside of your colon. It's constantly contracting and squeezing the fecal matter out, and there's a thick, slick layer of mucous covering and protecting the lining of your colon. By flushing stuff up there, you're actually interfering with the mucous lining and the healthy bacteria that grow in your colon. If you're eradicating those bacteria, you're actually decreasing how well you break down foodstuffs. Your colon plays a HUGE role in your immune system because nutrients enter your lymph system through structures in the wall of your colon. The fecal matter will come out on its own without any fluids being flushed up there messing around with the pH and the protective mucous.

    Songbyrdsweet, it is true ...

    Available scientific evidence does not support the claims on which colon therapy is based. It is known that most digestive processes take place in the small intestine, where nutrients are absorbed into the body. What remains enters the large intestine, where it passes to the rectum for elimination after water and minerals are extracted. Available scientific evidence does not support the premise that toxins accumulate on intestinal walls, or that toxicity results from poor elimination of waste from the colon.


    Colorectal is the second cancer-killing disease in the U.S affecting both men and women, claiming more lives each year than breast and prostate cancers. The Scientific world is not willing to explain why this is happening, other than the usual .. stop smoking, stop obesity, more exercise. I want to know what is specifically happening !! Statistics for colon cancer showed a significant urgency to adopt an alternatives for it's prevention. The colon or large intestine is the most toxic-prone organ in the body which should be given extra attention to keep it healthy all the time.

    Something is causing all this cancer. Polyps, cysts, rotting meat that sits in the colon for 2-3 days at 98.6 degrees, environmental toxins, trans fats, Pepsi ... no one is saying anything for sure. I've eaten way too much crap in the last 30 years, because of this, I opted for the colon cleansing therapy to make an effort to cleanse my body.

    I'll cancel my 6 sessions, to reduce my risk of that causing damage .... and then cross my fingers that my new higher fiber diet will correct the years of sugar abuse and all the drive thru hormone filled, toxic, grease infested food.
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143

    So, if someone tells you that you are full of "it" you can say NU UH!!!

    :laugh: :laugh:

    Tooo FUNNY !!!
    I'm going to use that line.
  • whidbeyweight
    whidbeyweight Posts: 43 Member
    i had an allergic reaction!
    I suffer from IBS with consitpation- meaning i never go on my own (RARELY)
    laxatives, teas, powders, new rx on the market... i am a doctors guinea pig. about 8 months ago i tried a colon cleanse i saw on infomercials (and continue to see) but found the cleanse at wal mart too. my body literally broke out in hives- almost head to toe. i finally landed in the ER! i had to go on rx for swelling, inflamation, even steroids! I was on it for 4 days altogether. afterwards i googled this reaction to the cleanse and a lot of people went there too!
    SCARY! i will never try this again.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'm with Songbyrd on this one, sorry. The human body, after millions of years of evolution and being a carnivore, has developed extremely effective techniques to keep the body clean of toxins. We have organs that are dedicated to nothing other then cleaning the body and blood of the "bad stuff". If you generally eat a balanced, healthy diet, and work out regularly, there is absolutely no need to do any kind of colon cleansing unless there is a problem with one or more of these organs.

    As to the cancer issue, I have severe doubts as to waste being the cause, considering our colons and intestines were specifically designed to handle that kind of waste product. In this case, I would say that the "If it ain't broke..." adage holds true.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Because we don't have worms.
    If you did, you'd know it, because you'd be severely underweight.

    There's some information about human worms at Wikpedia - search Human Round Worms and Ascariasis - for those who are interested in the subject. (Those are only 2 of many varieties) I was tested positive for worm infestation through a stool sample by my doctor. I've travelled to a lot of countries and own a dog & a cat, so that might be why I have contracted them.

    I used to agree that being infested with worms meant we'd be severely underweight. Heck, I even went as far as to WISH for a worm to get me skinny !! (I was just kidding though). I have since read lots of articles similar to the one below ....

    ~~ "Parasites and worms can invade your bodies through food and water intake, through transmitting agents (like mosquito), sexual conduct, and through the nose and skin. Once established, they will eat the same foods you eat or they will eat you.

    People with intestinal parasite infections can be under-nourished and weak, infected with viral, fungal, or bacteria, and have various types of chemical and metal poisoning. Human intestinal parasites can be present in any disease, in any person, at any age.

    We create the perfect living environment for parasites when the bowel becomes ineffective in the elimination of our waste products. The build-up of fecal material on the walls of the colon is attributed to constipation and the amounts of junk food, chemicals, bad fats and sweets we consume." ~~

    This is an article on the other side of the story ...
    By the way, nothing's stuck to the inside of your colon. It's constantly contracting and squeezing the fecal matter out, and there's a thick, slick layer of mucous covering and protecting the lining of your colon. By flushing stuff up there, you're actually interfering with the mucous lining and the healthy bacteria that grow in your colon. If you're eradicating those bacteria, you're actually decreasing how well you break down foodstuffs. Your colon plays a HUGE role in your immune system because nutrients enter your lymph system through structures in the wall of your colon. The fecal matter will come out on its own without any fluids being flushed up there messing around with the pH and the protective mucous.

    Songbyrdsweet, it is true ...

    Available scientific evidence does not support the claims on which colon therapy is based. It is known that most digestive processes take place in the small intestine, where nutrients are absorbed into the body. What remains enters the large intestine, where it passes to the rectum for elimination after water and minerals are extracted. Available scientific evidence does not support the premise that toxins accumulate on intestinal walls, or that toxicity results from poor elimination of waste from the colon.


    Colorectal is the second cancer-killing disease in the U.S affecting both men and women, claiming more lives each year than breast and prostate cancers. The Scientific world is not willing to explain why this is happening, other than the usual .. stop smoking, stop obesity, more exercise. I want to know what is specifically happening !! Statistics for colon cancer showed a significant urgency to adopt an alternatives for it's prevention. The colon or large intestine is the most toxic-prone organ in the body which should be given extra attention to keep it healthy all the time.

    Something is causing all this cancer. Polyps, cysts, rotting meat that sits in the colon for 2-3 days at 98.6 degrees, environmental toxins, trans fats, Pepsi ... no one is saying anything for sure. I've eaten way too much crap in the last 30 years, because of this, I opted for the colon cleansing therapy to make an effort to cleanse my body.

    I'll cancel my 6 sessions, to reduce my risk of that causing damage .... and then cross my fingers that my new higher fiber diet will correct the years of sugar abuse and all the drive thru hormone filled, toxic, grease infested food.

    You can become infected with parasites and worms by eating undercooked meats and drinking contaminated water. However, under normal circumstances with proper sanitation, that doesn't happen. Unless you're drinking standing water or eating undercooked lake fish, you're not going to get worms. The information you present is taken out of context. We aren't exposed to these things on a day to day basis in developed countries. It's true that there's fecal matter in there for them to feed on, but it's not stuck in there. It's on its way out. There are cases of extreme constipation causing health problems, but they are generally associated with birth defects in the colon, like a kink that won't allow food to pass through.

    Colorectal cancer risk is increased in diets high in fats and low in fruits and vegetables. Why might this happen? Let's look at how the colon works and a common disease caused by diets low in fiber:

    Diverticulitis is a disease characterized by tiny pouches in the colon caused by years of a low-fiber diet. Fiber promotes the release of extra mucous from the intestinal wall, and that lubricates the passage of fecal matter. When there is almost no fiber, the intestines can become distended and damaged, allowing little pockets to form. In those pockets, things like seeds and grains can get caught and irritate the lining of the colon, scratching it and causing scar tissue to form. Not everyone gets diverticulitis because it takes a looooong time and very little fiber to get it, but it's sort of an extreme example of what our colons go through.

    When a tissue is damaged, it will repair itself by producing new cells. Every time a cell divides, there is a chance that a mutation may arise. Mutated cells propagate more mutated cells, and they don't divide properly. Sometimes they will divide out of control--that is a tumor. So we can hypothesize that damage to the colon due to diets low in fiber will cause the intestinal wall to have to repair itself more than normal, and that statistically increases the chance of cellular mutations.

    When we colon cleanse, we wash away that mucous lining. Aside from protecting our intestinal wall from food irritants, it protects it from the acidity of the hydrochloric acid contained within that comes from the stomach. We definitely don't want to reduce that mucous lining at all! If it becomes too thin, the acids can actually eat right through it. Then we have real issues. It's much safer to use fiber to increase the mucous and lubricate the transit of the food. :smile:

    Is anyone really sure why we get cancer? No. But these conclusions can be drawn from what we do know about the way the colon works.

    From my own experience, I did have to get a colonoscopy due to severe GI issues associated with distance running. I have never had a colon cleanse, and after taking the necessary laxatives for a couple hours, my colon was very clean. I didn't take an enema or anything like that, just Miralax and a stool softener. The doctor said I have a very healthy colon and I do have pictures. No poop, just shiny and pink. Yours would look the same if you fasted and took bowel movements until your colon was empty, even without laxatives. It's slick in there and everything will come out, but since we are constantly eating there's always something in there on the way out.

    I hope that wasn't TMI about my colon LOL! :blushing:
  • peewee
    peewee Posts: 2
    I am happy I fell upon this board, I was curious about the acai berry and thought why not try it. I wish I never did, all I have been doing is pooping and having bad gas. I still have to call the company to cancel the order that will be charged to my card in 15 days but I will let them know the stuff is crap. I feel no healthier than I already was. I have been looking for something to give me more energy. I have a 2yr that refuses to sleep through the night and will end up crawling into our bed, braking my sleeping pattern and I am just exhausted by the end of the day on top of working a full time job, going to college and being in the military.

    I was a bit freaked out about the worms conversation, that in general just FREAKS me out! :noway: I hate any kind of worms and snakes.

    Thanks for all the info
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    I'm with Songbyrd on this one, sorry. The human body, after millions of years of evolution and being a carnivore, has developed extremely effective techniques to keep the body clean of toxins. We have organs that are dedicated to nothing other then cleaning the body and blood of the "bad stuff".


    Are Humans Carnivores or Herbivores?
    September 9th, 2005 by Steve Pavlina

    Are human beings anatomically more similar to natural carnivores or to natural herbivores?
    Let’s find out….

    Intestinal tract length. Carnivorous animals have intestinal tracts that are 3-6x their body length, while herbivores have intestinal tracts 10-12x their body length. Human beings have the same intestinal tract ratio as herbivores.

    Stomach acidity. Carnivores’ stomachs are 20x more acidic than the stomachs of herbivores. Human stomach acidity matches that of herbivores.

    Saliva. The saliva of carnivores is acidic. The saliva of herbivores is alkaline, which helps pre-digest plant foods. Human saliva is alkaline.

    Shape of intestines. Carnivore bowels are smooth, shaped like a pipe, so meat passes through quickly — they don’t have bumps or pockets. Herbivore bowels are bumpy and pouch-like with lots of pockets, like a windy mountain road, so plant foods pass through slowly for optimal nutrient absorption. Human bowels have the same characteristics as those of herbivores.

    Fiber. Carnivores don’t require fiber to help move food through their short and smooth digestive tracts. Herbivores require dietary fiber to move food through their long and bumpy digestive tracts, to prevent the bowels from becoming clogged with rotting food. Humans have the same requirement as herbivores.

    Cholesterol. Cholesterol is not a problem for a carnivore’s digestive system. A carnivore such as a cat can handle a high-cholesterol diet without negative health consequences. A human cannot. Humans have zero dietary need for cholesterol because our bodies manufacture all we need. Cholesterol is only found in animal foods, never in plant foods. A plant-based diet is by definition cholesterol-free.

    Claws and teeth. Carnivores have claws, sharp front teeth capable of subduing prey, and no flat molars for chewing. Herbivores have no claws or sharp front teeth capable of subduing prey, but they have flat molars for chewing. Humans have the same characteristics as herbivores.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I'm with Songbyrd on this one, sorry. The human body, after millions of years of evolution and being a carnivore, has developed extremely effective techniques to keep the body clean of toxins. We have organs that are dedicated to nothing other then cleaning the body and blood of the "bad stuff".


    Are Humans Carnivores or Herbivores?
    September 9th, 2005 by Steve Pavlina

    Are human beings anatomically more similar to natural carnivores or to natural herbivores?
    Let’s find out….

    Intestinal tract length. Carnivorous animals have intestinal tracts that are 3-6x their body length, while herbivores have intestinal tracts 10-12x their body length. Human beings have the same intestinal tract ratio as herbivores.

    Stomach acidity. Carnivores’ stomachs are 20x more acidic than the stomachs of herbivores. Human stomach acidity matches that of herbivores.

    Saliva. The saliva of carnivores is acidic. The saliva of herbivores is alkaline, which helps pre-digest plant foods. Human saliva is alkaline.

    Shape of intestines. Carnivore bowels are smooth, shaped like a pipe, so meat passes through quickly — they don’t have bumps or pockets. Herbivore bowels are bumpy and pouch-like with lots of pockets, like a windy mountain road, so plant foods pass through slowly for optimal nutrient absorption. Human bowels have the same characteristics as those of herbivores.

    Fiber. Carnivores don’t require fiber to help move food through their short and smooth digestive tracts. Herbivores require dietary fiber to move food through their long and bumpy digestive tracts, to prevent the bowels from becoming clogged with rotting food. Humans have the same requirement as herbivores.

    Cholesterol. Cholesterol is not a problem for a carnivore’s digestive system. A carnivore such as a cat can handle a high-cholesterol diet without negative health consequences. A human cannot. Humans have zero dietary need for cholesterol because our bodies manufacture all we need. Cholesterol is only found in animal foods, never in plant foods. A plant-based diet is by definition cholesterol-free.

    Claws and teeth. Carnivores have claws, sharp front teeth capable of subduing prey, and no flat molars for chewing. Herbivores have no claws or sharp front teeth capable of subduing prey, but they have flat molars for chewing. Humans have the same characteristics as herbivores.

    We're neither carnivorous nor herbivorous. We're omnivorous. We can chew, swallow, and digest meat. This 'author' failed to note that, while herbivorous animals can digest cellulose, we cannot. We are capable of 'subduing prey' because we walk upright, have opposable thumbs, and possess weapons. Whether we chose to eat meat or not is a personal choice, but we are fully capable of it.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'm with Songbyrd on this one, sorry. The human body, after millions of years of evolution and being a carnivore, has developed extremely effective techniques to keep the body clean of toxins. We have organs that are dedicated to nothing other then cleaning the body and blood of the "bad stuff".


    Are Humans Carnivores or Herbivores?
    September 9th, 2005 by Steve Pavlina

    Are human beings anatomically more similar to natural carnivores or to natural herbivores?
    Let’s find out….

    Intestinal tract length. Carnivorous animals have intestinal tracts that are 3-6x their body length, while herbivores have intestinal tracts 10-12x their body length. Human beings have the same intestinal tract ratio as herbivores.

    Stomach acidity. Carnivores’ stomachs are 20x more acidic than the stomachs of herbivores. Human stomach acidity matches that of herbivores.

    Saliva. The saliva of carnivores is acidic. The saliva of herbivores is alkaline, which helps pre-digest plant foods. Human saliva is alkaline.

    Shape of intestines. Carnivore bowels are smooth, shaped like a pipe, so meat passes through quickly — they don’t have bumps or pockets. Herbivore bowels are bumpy and pouch-like with lots of pockets, like a windy mountain road, so plant foods pass through slowly for optimal nutrient absorption. Human bowels have the same characteristics as those of herbivores.

    Fiber. Carnivores don’t require fiber to help move food through their short and smooth digestive tracts. Herbivores require dietary fiber to move food through their long and bumpy digestive tracts, to prevent the bowels from becoming clogged with rotting food. Humans have the same requirement as herbivores.

    Cholesterol. Cholesterol is not a problem for a carnivore’s digestive system. A carnivore such as a cat can handle a high-cholesterol diet without negative health consequences. A human cannot. Humans have zero dietary need for cholesterol because our bodies manufacture all we need. Cholesterol is only found in animal foods, never in plant foods. A plant-based diet is by definition cholesterol-free.

    Claws and teeth. Carnivores have claws, sharp front teeth capable of subduing prey, and no flat molars for chewing. Herbivores have no claws or sharp front teeth capable of subduing prey, but they have flat molars for chewing. Humans have the same characteristics as herbivores.

    not to sound mean, I really am not trying to be, but I loooked up the guy who wrote this article because it was missing some obvious stuff (that Songbyrd has posted). He calls himself a Personal Development Blogger who has a degree in Computer Science and Math. I'm sorry, that just doesn't do it for me.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    There's been a number of posts on this subject but the general concensus is that they are unnecessary and do not contribute to weight loss. Just a waste of money.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    not to sound mean, I really am not trying to be, but I loooked up the guy who wrote this article because it was missing some obvious stuff (that Songbyrd has posted). He calls himself a Personal Development Blogger who has a degree in Computer Science and Math. I'm sorry, that just doesn't do it for me.


    Okay, sounds like it's time for me to write a LINUX manual! :laugh:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    not to sound mean, I really am not trying to be, but I loooked up the guy who wrote this article because it was missing some obvious stuff (that Songbyrd has posted). He calls himself a Personal Development Blogger who has a degree in Computer Science and Math. I'm sorry, that just doesn't do it for me.


    Okay, sounds like it's time for me to write a LINUX manual! :laugh:

    Ugh, PLEASE do SBS. the howto's out there for LINUX generally SUCK! (Ubuntu excluded)
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    Since most of you have "poo pooed" :laugh: the idea of colon cleansing ...
    I guess it's time to flush this thread down the toilet.

    For those of you who are open minded to the idea of colon therapy ( I AM NOT talking about taking herbal remedies, pills & tonics here) I will give you a brief update of my experience.

    I choose this treatment option because for years, I have been experiencing irregular, narrow and stringy bm's that left me still feeling like I had stuff to void. I also had a long history of fast food, black soda pop, and heavy sticky cheese in my diet. Even after 6 weeks of high vegetable, high fiber, high fruit diet, I was still not feeling completely emptied after a bowel movement.

    I was nervous about the treatment but so far have been thrilled with the results. It's been 3 full days since my colonic cleansing session and I am experiencing the most effortless, large quantity, not too soft, no cramping, bowel movements of my life. I go in the morning and again in the afternoon and feel completely empty afterwards.

    I no longer have a bloated, distended stomach (other than some fat) and have taken my belt up 2 notches. I am down 2 more pounds this morning which could be due to either my diet or my colon functioning better ... who knows for sure. (I won't update my ticker with that information until my weigh in day on Monday.)

    I am still fully prepared to update you with negative news, if I have any in the future.
    Learn as much as you can people and then follow your own instincts :wink:
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Um....I think I'll stick with the popcorn idea!!! :laugh:
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    Let's start a new fad !!!
    :noway: Popcorn Colon Cleansing:noway:

    We'll be RICH in no time !!

    ... We'll sell special formulated popcorn seeds that are bred for there "scratchiness" to scrap the intestinal walls ... of course, they'll need to buy our specially manufactured popcorn popper that pops the seeds at precisely the right temperature ... we'll add omega 3's & 6's, and probiotics, and fiber ... to turbo charge cleaning the body systems ... It'll be a SUPER deal at only 3 payments of $19.95 (not including shipping and handling).

    Popcorn Colon Cleansing ... makes me think of "popcorn fart" ..
    Where did that saying come from?:laugh:

    Geez .. I'm losing it ... I better get back to work !!