Posting meal plan in the AM for the day



  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    I do for all meals except for dinner. I usually don't know what I will have or am in the mood for. I also don't log my exercise until after I have completed it. Towards the end of the day I just edit what I didn't eat.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I try buut as soon as I do this my head thinks I MUST REBEL and I eat more poorly than I intended, where as when I keep it in my head until I get home I tend to round up and stay good
  • jooles0
    jooles0 Posts: 47
    I log food for the day ahead (means I know what's for dinner that night!) I don't log exercise until I have done it though as I don't know the 'burn' until I am done.

    It has become part of my routine now to log over morning coffee :)
  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    I try to do it the night before. It's easier to figure out in advance for me. I still have to be flexible and adjust when I change things, of course.
  • I do.... In fact I usually plan my meals the day before or several days before....
    1 I'm on a tight budget so I buy all groceries on 1 day
    2 I'm extremely limited on my time
    3 I'm a binge eater... if there is food I will eat it... So I log and track what I will eat for the day and take it with me!
  • I have mine put in a week in advance. I plan ever meal and snack except supper and have it all logged in by Sunday for the whole next week. Then for suppers I usually have between 4 & 500 calories leftover so I just plan meals that fall in that range for each night. It has simplified my life so much, not to mention cut back my grocery bills by almost 30 bucks each week because I'm only buying exactly what I need for those meals!
  • Beauty0619
    Beauty0619 Posts: 39 Member
    yes! I do. I log in my dinner before I leave work. So that way I know that I HAVE to stick to that.
  • GwynnBochanan
    GwynnBochanan Posts: 15 Member
    I post my meal plan in the AM to make sure that I don't exceed my calorie count but weight until after I have completed my workout to enter those calories but that is because I'm not yet in a routine so there is no garuntee that I will do the workout that I have planned.