I go to school far away from home, so I only go there on weekends, anyway, from where I live I'm surrounded by fastfood everywhere and as much as i'd like to cook my own healthy food. healthy food is expensive, and i dont really have time to cook.. any sugguestions?


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    You literally can't cook food due to your schedule?
  • JustBeckyV
    Well its never a great option but you can make it work if you want to - pick the healthier choices - grilled chicken and salads.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    This is really good - I've been meaning to post it on it's own thread.

  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    You need to make time for whats important to you. If you want to eat healthy you must schedule it into you day.
  • yssadalawa
    yssadalawa Posts: 14 Member
    sometimes i have time to, but I cant find cheap recipes.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I go to school far away from home, so I only go there on weekends, anyway, from where I live I'm surrounded by fastfood everywhere and as much as i'd like to cook my own healthy food. healthy food is expensive, and i dont really have time to cook.. any sugguestions?

    REALLY?! if you want it enough, you will find time, or just eat lots of raw veg!!
  • voluptuous_veggie
    voluptuous_veggie Posts: 476 Member
    So...are you saying that the ONLY option for food in your area is fast food, because you don't even have a grocery store or farmer's market you can buy food at? The ONLY food available to you is fast food? Wow, must suck to live wherever you live.
  • ukhennin
    ukhennin Posts: 221 Member
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    You can do this. I get up in the morning and put the kettle on for oatmeal, and pop my chicken into the foreman grill. Total prep time: about 3 minutes. By the time I'm out of the shower it's ready. Make a quick bowl of oatmeal with protien mixed in, coffee to go. Pop the chicken, a steamfresh bag of veg, some fruit, and nuts into my lunch bag. Bam. Done. Less time than you will you spend in the drive thru line, and cheaper. Make the choice.
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    I always get the $1 side salad from Burger King and put tuna on top of it. There's cheap, healthy options at most fast food places now a days :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I go to school far away from home, so I only go there on weekends, anyway, from where I live I'm surrounded by fastfood everywhere and as much as i'd like to cook my own healthy food. healthy food is expensive, and i dont really have time to cook.. any sugguestions?

    I am sorry but cooking at home is at least half the price of fast food, so if you eat fast food why would you say healthy food is expensive? My wife and I average about $75/week on groceries/week for the 2 of us. That works out to be just over $5/day for each of us. 1 meal of fast food costs at least $5, so buying fast food should cost $15-$30/day depending on how much you eat and number of snacks/meals. $15-$30 vs. $5-$6.
    You don't have to do much cooking eat a lot of raw veggies and fruit, that will limit the amount of time needed to cook.
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    The only answer you're going to get on this site is to FIGURE IT OUT. If you want to stay your current weight, then my all means, keep eating fast food.

    But if you want to make progress and have success, you're going to have to get over it and make some time for your health.

    The only thing standing in your way is your own excuses. Eating healthy is much less expensive than eating out, believe me, I'm living it. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and go buy some healthy on-the-go foods. This site is for TRACKING. Are you TRACKING your fast food calories? That alone should be enough to make you disgusted enough to go buy real food.

    You can choose to eat fast food (which is a CHOICE, not something that's forced on you like you seem to think) or you can choose to get healthy. But you can't get healthy while eating fast food.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Eat what you can afford and budget it into your calories.
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    Maybe you could just do one meal of fast food twice a week. Then when you aren't home and able to eat home cooked meals take an evening after school and make meals ahead. I know that generally eating healthy is expensive, but it can be done for less. Brown rice, boiled chicken breast, frozen broccoli. If you don't have time for breakfast scramble a dozen eggs and put them in the fridge and heat up a portion with a piece of wheat toast before you go to school in the morning. Or drink a glass of instant breakfast. The fast food habit is hard to break, but your heart will thank you for it. :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Healthy food isn't as expensive as fast food. McDonald's value meal, even small size, will put you back at least $5 for just one meal. For that same $5 you can go to the grocery store and get a bag of salad, a carrot, and a tomato (or other veggies) and have several lunches off of it. Or a loaf of bread, a can of tuna, and some cottage cheese, again at least one lunch. Or a can of soup for $1-$3 for a healthier dinner. Fast food eats up your money much faster than groceries, and you pay more in the end with health issues too.

    You just have to decide to make healthy choices. Your circumstances don't dictate your life.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    If you live on campus, It's healthier to get a meal plan at the cafateria becasue they have healthy choices. A lot of the grocery stores around campuses are always having specials. Just look around.
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    What do you mean by "cheap recipes"? Just by a couple of chicken breasts, put olive oil, salt and pepper on them, put them on a sheet pan and roast them in the oven the night before. Add some veggies like carrots, onion, brussel sprouts and red potatoes to another baking sheet in the same oven (with the same seasoning) and roast until tender. Voila! Enough food for 3 meals, and it's incredibly healthy and "cheap". You will need an internal meat thermometer or just cut and check the chicken for clear juices.
  • bekihughes
    I know how hard it is to avoid Fast Food BUT if you find a Groc. Store with a deli they have salads on hand also Subway always has good options.... And if you really need a fast food fix McDonalds premium Chicken Sandwiches are 350 cal.... I won't eat them everyday :tongue:
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Yes. Yes you can you just have to want to...

    Read this:

  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    Southwest Salad from McD's is pretty tasty. Without chicken is only 140 cals, with is 290 per the website.