
  • You CAN avoid fast food! And actually, healthy food is NOT expensive. You don't have to buy organic to be healthy. You can cook at home for less than eating out. If you eat 2 meals out a day, it's probably at least $10 a day. You can eat at home for less than that. My suggestion for your busy schedule is that you set aside some time to cook 2-3 times per week and at leftovers - for example: chicken, spaghetti, etc. You don't even necessarily have to cook either - pack a sandwich and fruit for lunch. Even though they aren't the healthiest, frozen/microwaveable meals are better options than fast food, so if you have a microwave at school or work, start doing that. Start weening off of fast food slowly: if you go 2 times per day now, start going once per day, then every other day, then choosing healthier options when you go until you only go every blue moon! It IS possible! Stop making excuses! :)
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    When I was single I worked two forty hour/week jobs AND was planning for our wedding 5 months later. I'd get up at 7:00am, get ready for work, pop 2 whole grain waffles in the toaster and eat them plain in the car on the way to work. I'd bring a lunch that I had made as a larger quantity and frozen during some time off. I had chicken parmesan, pork in the slow cooker, lasagna, etc. I'd leave that job (M-F 8:30-5) and usually went to my next job (retail so varying hours.) I'd stop at home, make a grilled cheese sandwich, and eat that in the car on the way to job #2. I'd bring an apple or raw veggies or something for a quick snack during my break. I'd get home around 11:pm and start all over the next day.

    I was so busy that once I had off Friday evening and all weekend. I was thrilled. I figured I'd go home from job 1, clean up, then chill out until Monday. I was shocked when I got to my apt. It was already cleaned. I had to do a load of laundry, vacuum, dust and clean the bathroom. That's it. I had spent so little time in my own apt that it didn't get messy. It took less than 30 minutes (+ laundry).

    So while I'm sure you do have a busy schedule know that you aren't the only one who ever had one. You can make it work if you really want to. Incidentally, I lost 20 lbs and was lower than my goal weight when we got married. That was all because I didn't have time to wait in a drive through line to eat something unhealthy and fattening.
  • What do you mean by "cheap recipes"? Just by a couple of chicken breasts, put olive oil, salt and pepper on them, put them on a sheet pan and roast them in the oven the night before. Add some veggies like carrots, onion, brussel sprouts and red potatoes to another baking sheet in the same oven (with the same seasoning) and roast until tender. Voila! Enough food for 3 meals, and it's incredibly healthy and "cheap". You will need an internal meat thermometer or just cut and check the chicken for clear juices.

    This is exactly what we had for dinner last night and I have left overs for today... Love my roasted veggies, last night was brussel sprouts and red pototoes (for my son). Great suggestion!!!!:happy:
  • caroln3
    caroln3 Posts: 217
    I just had the most delicious spinach and egg sandwich on 100% whole wheat bread. With 99 cents only store items and they were fresh!

    2 slices of sara lee soft and smooth 100% whole wheat bread -toasted (99 cents store) 20 cents
    2 cups of bagged spinach (99 cents) 30 cents
    1 large egg (2 dollars a dozen about 17 cents)
    2 tablespoons of chopped onion (market onions were 7 lbs for a dollar = cents)
    half a roma tomato chopped (market tomatoes were 5 lbs for a dollar = cents)

    You sautee the ingredients with a little salt and pepper a little oil or butter and and make a sandwich!
    it probably came out to a dollar (I am lazy to do the math) and it was about 300 calories and I'd say it was healthy.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I eat fast food..ooh, I dunno..every few months...and theres days even for me that can be hectic. Sometimes i go and get the healthy choice meals at any store that sells, and have that..its a heck a lot better then a mcdonalds cheeseburger..even chicken, fish you can grab...put it in the oven for 20-40 minutes, steam yourself some veggies and vola! Thats what i learned to do. Best of luck to you. If you must go to fast food, pick the salads, get the grilled chicken sandwiches, or fruit packages if they sell..make better choices. You can do this!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    You can eat healthy and cheap and not even cook! I eat a lot of healthy raw food all the time:

    banana/apple/peanut butter & celery
    bags of lettuce, cherry tomatoes & fat free dressing
    pb&j sandwiches
    cheese and crackers
    canned soups

    subway and certain taco bell items can be very inexpensive and healthy

  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    OK, first, do you live in a dorm or an apartment?
    And do you have kitchen access, or are you limited to ready-to eat foods?
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Healthy food can be expensive if you have limited funds and no proper storage for the food. I am not sure of your living conditions because you did not say. I would suggest buying in bulk those items that will not spoil fast. Then if you have a fridge buy chicken breast and other bulk-like meat items. I also suggest buying frozen veggies if you can't afford to get fresh due to spoilage issues. You can avoid Fast Food however, it will take more effort on your part. A cheap crockpot from Walmart will save you both time and money. Also, purchase a personal George Foreman grill. I hope this helps.

    BTW: dry beans are helluva cheap and they go a long ways. Best of luck!
  • Healthy food isn't as expensive as eating fast food all the time. If you really want to make your self healthier, you need to quit making excuses like "I can't avoid fast food" because that is a lie.. you are just too lazy to avoid it.

    Is that the way you encourage people on here??? Glad you are not my friend!!!!

    How about offering some helpful tips or ideas on how she can eat healthy & not spend too much!

    Offer helpful tips? Ok... Go to Aldi's or Walmart, they have lots of fresh fruits and veggies at good prices, ANY store has healthy food choices. Get a crock pot if you don't have time to prepare a meal. Don't buy pre-packaged vegetables that you heat in a microwave.. microwaving vegetables (or any foods for that matter) defeats the purpose of buying veggies. These are things that anyone who wants to make a healthy lifestyle change should know. I'm not saying avoid fast food all together, but to say you can't avoid it at all is nuts..

    And as far as how I encourage people on here.... sometimes the truth hurts. Ever hear of the phrase tough love? Sometimes that is what people need.

  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I spend $100-150 a month on groceries for 2. If we were to go on the “subway diet” for example and eat nothing but 3 footlongs a day (1.5 subs for each of us) which is one of the cheapest fast foods around thats $465 a month.

    I don’t understand why people keep suggesting groceries and healthy eating cost MORE, it’s not possible!!!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    And as far as how I encourage people on here.... sometimes the truth hurts. Ever hear of the phrase tough love? Sometimes that is what people need.

  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    Honestly the thought of going to a fastfood restaurant isnt even appealing to me at this point, some things take time. Before you know it you wont want fast food anymore. I discovered all sorts of recipes and great things to prepare and I love cooking with all sorts of spices and natural ingredients. First and for most you make time and accommodations for the things that matter the most to you. My suggestion stop with the excuses to yourself and start being healthy and changing your lifestyle for good! You owe it to yourself and noone else!! You can so this!! Besides once you track a days worth of unhealthy eating and start to look at the calories of the things you are about to eat, your whole outlook will change and put things into prospective!
  • kschhr
    kschhr Posts: 103 Member
    Vegetables are cheap. Organic isn't, but non-organic ones are. Potatoes are healthy and cheap, and not as horrible as people act like they are. Potatoes, corn on the cob, celery, carrots, whatever. It's all cheap. So are beans (canned or dry, dry is cheaper and healthier) and rice (brown). Buy in bulk.

    Health foods are cheap. Don't use cost as an excuse.
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    I can go to Buger King and get two sausage biscuits for $2 and get 900 calories out of it. Now tell me what whole foods i can get for $2 and get the same amount of calories?

    Butter XD
  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    I have never had a fast food burger in all of my 33 years, I had some nuggets once about 5 years ago and actually vomited. I am also one of the cheapest mo-fos around these days because of my budget. I work 14-16 hour days. I cook all my own food. I shop on sale. Buy less expensive protein sources eggs, beans, tofu. I make large batches of things and freeze them so I can just grab and go and take stuff to work. Stews, soups, chili, risotto.

    Fast food is a choice for some and has never been for me. My parents were hippies and it just never was even a topic of consideration growing up. I have spent months working in rural iowa/rural tennessee/rural alabama and have never hit a mcdonald's etc... Walmart is a great resource for cheap veggies and cheap healthy snacks. I lived for a month in rural ohio in a hotel room with no kitchen and managed to still make my own food between the mini fridge and microwave.

    When I am working in big cities I find the asian markets because they generally have really cheap produce too. I check groupon now for lunch and dinner deals if I ever do go out.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I can go to Buger King and get two sausage biscuits for $2 and get 900 calories out of it. Now tell me what whole foods i can get for $2 and get the same amount of calories?

    Butter XD
    It would be about as healthy too.

    Are you really saying that in the course of an entire day you'd eat just 2 sausage biscuits?
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I can go to Buger King and get two sausage biscuits for $2 and get 900 calories out of it. Now tell me what whole foods i can get for $2 and get the same amount of calories?

    Butter XD
    It would be about as healthy too.

    Are you really saying that in the course of an entire day you'd eat just 2 sausage biscuits?

    How about this... I just bought 2 fryer chickens for $8.00 2 bags of frozen broccoli for $5.00 dozen eggs for $1.39 3 zucchini for $1.00, an onion for $.28 and a bag of spinach for $1.88.

    Check it:
    Breakfast: .5 a zucchini ($.167), 1/8th of the onion ($.03) and a cup of spinach($.47) sautee'd pour 2 eggs over and mix it up ($.23) veggie breakfast scramble for are you ready for it? $.89(EIGHTY NINE CENTS) Take that dollar menu!

    Lunch: 1/4 of a roasted fryer chicken ($1.00) half a bag of broccoli about 2.5 cups ($1.25) Lunch for $2.25!

    Dinner: 1/4 of a roasted fryer chicken ($1.00) 1 hard boiled egg ($.12) .5 a zucchini (.167) 1 slice of onion (negligible) 2 cups of spinach ($.94) Dinner for $2.23!

    Don't be lazy. Go shopping, learn to cook. Since you probably don't eat JUST 2 sausage McMuffins a day you probably don't just spend $2 bucks on food. I just showed you how to eat well for $5.00. It's only an excuse if you want to eat fast food do it...
  • I just have to add you can fool yourself..maybe but,you won't fool anyone on this forum. Excuses won't fly. Everyone is very supportive and want you to succeed and be healthy. That's why excuses just won't work here.
  • Ruby11222
    Ruby11222 Posts: 114
    Cook up some healthy freezer meals and bring them with you? It only takes 5 minutes to make a salad, then you can add whatever you want to it like a piece of chicken or fish and those only take a short time to cook also. If that's not possible, a can of tuna!

    These meals may not be what you really want to eat but i'd choose them over fast food! Plus they'd be cheaper all up.
  • cfreema
    cfreema Posts: 30 Member

    You are now my new hero!!!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Its called will power...you can avoid it! Plus, fast food is way more expensive than buying food at the store!

    this! you can do it!
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    I can go to Buger King and get two sausage biscuits for $2 and get 900 calories out of it. Now tell me what whole foods i can get for $2 and get the same amount of calories?

    Butter XD
    It would be about as healthy too.

    Are you really saying that in the course of an entire day you'd eat just 2 sausage biscuits?

    How about this... I just bought 2 fryer chickens for $8.00 2 bags of frozen broccoli for $5.00 dozen eggs for $1.39 3 zucchini for $1.00, an onion for $.28 and a bag of spinach for $1.88.

    Check it:
    Breakfast: .5 a zucchini ($.167), 1/8th of the onion ($.03) and a cup of spinach($.47) sautee'd pour 2 eggs over and mix it up ($.23) veggie breakfast scramble for are you ready for it? $.89(EIGHTY NINE CENTS) Take that dollar menu!

    Lunch: 1/4 of a roasted fryer chicken ($1.00) half a bag of broccoli about 2.5 cups ($1.25) Lunch for $2.25!

    Dinner: 1/4 of a roasted fryer chicken ($1.00) 1 hard boiled egg ($.12) .5 a zucchini (.167) 1 slice of onion (negligible) 2 cups of spinach ($.94) Dinner for $2.23!

    Don't be lazy. Go shopping, learn to cook. Since you probably don't eat JUST 2 sausage McMuffins a day you probably don't just spend $2 bucks on food. I just showed you how to eat well for $5.00. It's only an excuse if you want to eat fast food do it...

    If you read my whole quote, i actually said i eat 2600 calories a day. How does two sausage biscuits which i said came to 900 calories equal the 2600 i said i eat?

    And thats great you listed those meals but how many calories are in each of them? My point was, as far as bang for the buck, its not always cheaper to cook whole foods. So for my $1, i get 450 calories. Like the other guy said, unless i would eat a stick of butter, its hard to come close to the amount of caloires i get per dollar I spend.

    And im not sure where youre getting those prices since my grocery stores produce seems to cost a bit more. A whole zuchini for $.33? really?

    try and read the quote (maybe a few times would help) before responding.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I can go to Buger King and get two sausage biscuits for $2 and get 900 calories out of it. Now tell me what whole foods i can get for $2 and get the same amount of calories?

    Butter XD
    It would be about as healthy too.

    Are you really saying that in the course of an entire day you'd eat just 2 sausage biscuits?

    How about this... I just bought 2 fryer chickens for $8.00 2 bags of frozen broccoli for $5.00 dozen eggs for $1.39 3 zucchini for $1.00, an onion for $.28 and a bag of spinach for $1.88.

    Check it:
    Breakfast: .5 a zucchini ($.167), 1/8th of the onion ($.03) and a cup of spinach($.47) sautee'd pour 2 eggs over and mix it up ($.23) veggie breakfast scramble for are you ready for it? $.89(EIGHTY NINE CENTS) Take that dollar menu!

    Lunch: 1/4 of a roasted fryer chicken ($1.00) half a bag of broccoli about 2.5 cups ($1.25) Lunch for $2.25!

    Dinner: 1/4 of a roasted fryer chicken ($1.00) 1 hard boiled egg ($.12) .5 a zucchini (.167) 1 slice of onion (negligible) 2 cups of spinach ($.94) Dinner for $2.23!

    Don't be lazy. Go shopping, learn to cook. Since you probably don't eat JUST 2 sausage McMuffins a day you probably don't just spend $2 bucks on food. I just showed you how to eat well for $5.00. It's only an excuse if you want to eat fast food do it...

    If you read my whole quote, i actually said i eat 2600 calories a day. How does two sausage biscuits which i said came to 900 calories equal the 2600 i said i eat?

    And thats great you listed those meals but how many calories are in each of them? My point was, as far as bang for the buck, its not always cheaper to cook whole foods. So for my $1, i get 450 calories. Like the other guy said, unless i would eat a stick of butter, its hard to come close to the amount of caloires i get per dollar I spend.

    And im not sure where youre getting those prices since my grocery stores produce seems to cost a bit more. A whole zuchini for $.33? really?

    try and read the quote (maybe a few times would help) before responding.

    Are you really saying that the "most bang for the buck" = the most calories per dollar? I'm sure I could go to McDonald's and spend $3 for 1000 calories if I wanted to, but I wouldn't consider that to be a good thing....

    ETA I think the OP is at least thinking more that she wants to avoid fast food to be healthier and to help with her weight loss goals. And she's saying she's having trouble resisting because of low cost and convenience of fast food, not because it has more calories... This is the first I've heard someone argue that fast food is better because it has more calories.

    And I think it's easy to get that many calories for a dollar. You could buy half a carton of eggs. But usually you would buy enough to last several days and eat a variety. 1 carton of eggs, some cheese, some bananas, some english muffins. That would add up to about $9 here, but possibly more where you are. That $9 could make 6 breakfasts with 450 calories each. Not 1 dollar, but more filling and healthier. Add some veggies for a couple more dollars, even better.
  • There are low calories choices at tons of fast food places - my recommendations - mcdonalds classic grilled chicken sandwich PLAIN, Jack in the box - Grilled chicken strips & side salad, Honestly you have to watch out for the salads if you get the dressing it comes with, can be so deceiving. I personally stick to chicken since it feels me up. Yes there is a lot of sodium in those, I drink tons of water in hopes that helps balance it out. I eat a lot of sandwiches, find a low calorie wheat bread and Fage yogurt for a side. Healthy choice frozen dinners are also awesome. Check out the Cooking Light website, they have tons of great recipes under friendly budgets and time and then you can have leftovers the next day. Good luck to you!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    You need to make time for whats important to you. If you want to eat healthy you must schedule it into you day.

    Amen to this. I'm super busy, but I manage it.
  • It's really challenging if you don't have enough time or have less healthy choices of food to choose from around. How about how plan your meals ahead for the entire week then cook them and place it in the fridge so you can just grab and go each day? I have been doing this for more than 7 months now and its definitely worth it. hope this helps.
  • jillleanne
    jillleanne Posts: 72 Member
    I'm a student too, so I know EXACTLY what you mean when you say you don't have time to cook food a lot of days. Because if your like me, you literally don't have time. The grocery stores near my house have lots of pre-made meal options from rotisserie chickens to sandwhiches to perogies and pasta. Just heat and eat!
    It makes it really hard to track your calories, but I always feel a lot better about it than eating fast-food
    Or invest in a slow cooker, you can make lots while your not even home, and then freeze what you don't eat
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I can go to Buger King and get two sausage biscuits for $2 and get 900 calories out of it. Now tell me what whole foods i can get for $2 and get the same amount of calories?

    Whole Foods is great, but it's expensive. You can buy healthy "whole foods" at any grocery store and it does not have to expensive.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Oatmeal is no more than $2 a box, takes 30 seconds, and comes with 10 servings. Is ramen even $0.20 anymore? Oatmeal is loaded with fiber and protein.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    You need to make time for whats important to you. If you want to eat healthy you must schedule it into you day.

    Amen to this. I'm super busy, but I manage it.

    This, exactly! When you become determined enough, you will easily find a way, and wonder why you didn't think of that before.
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