HELP - Best way to avoid "After-Dinner" snacking



  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Don't try to fight it, as it's another thing to tempt you to fall back into bad habits in general. If you like to snack after dinner, plan for it! Have a smaller breakfast/lunch/dinner, and whenever you want that snack have it guilt-free! Remember, it doesn't matter WHEN you get your calories, as long as you keep that deficit.

    Recently I've been enjoying watching DVD film commentaries in bed before i go to sleep. I noticed that i would like to have a snack with that, so i saved myself a couple of hundred calories, and had said snack with the dvd!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have this problem too. Honestly, I just make sure I have the calories for it. (But I don't buy the don't eat after 7pm crap)
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I make a batch of veggie soup. Its an old zero soup recipe from Weight Watchers. It makes 8 servings. I divide it and store in the freezer. Its roughly 65 calories then with that, water and tea that helps. I also have celery ready and I even like to eat red cabbage leaves. They are crunchy, lots of hand-to-mouth action and peeling the layers and eating them reminds me of potato chips.
  • I clear the table, clean the kitchen, load the dishwasher, do the ironing, make a cup of herbal tea and take my make up off, paint my nails, anything to distract me! Read a book or watch television or walk the dog. Often walking the dog straight after dinner is good as you get out in the fresh air and feel healthy and it puts you off the idea of a snack later. Or if, as others say, you really need a snack (and after all you are going to be adopting this new lifestyle for ever!) just factor it in and make sure it works for you. So a small amount of something but you account for it and log it early in the day so you know you are ok. It's easier to juggle calories then. I stopped having fruit juice automatically with my breakfast every morning (I dont even like it to be honest!) and have a snack later in the day.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I eat a small dessert snack an hour or so after dinner. It's planned into my diary so I know I can have it, and it's usually no more than 150 calories. Give yourself some room after dinner to have a little snack.

    Contrary to popular belief, eating after dinner is just fine as long as you are under your calorie goal.
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Brush your teeth, drink water. Keep busy doing your bedtime routine.
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