Damsel in Distress



  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    there are a lot of things I won't do. mow the yard, take the trash out, work on the car. Luckily my husband is always willing to do them, and if it ever comes to it, there's people you can hire to do just about anything. I mean, if I can pay someone to walk my dog and pick up his poop, I can probably find someone to do all the undesirable tasks around. I'd call it more spoiled than in distress though ;)
  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    Nope. I paddle my own canoe.

    Canoes are best when self paddled.

    I agree, but some times I will play damsel in distress if its some thing I am not comfotable doing.
  • PattyCake123
    PattyCake123 Posts: 156 Member
    Road side assistance :) but besides not taking the time to learn how to change my tire, i like to do things for myself. I am my father's daughter...I grew up working with my dad who taught me things like how to use tools, fix things and put things together/take them apart, fish, sports, how to handle guns and stuff like that. I don't mind asking for help when I might need it, but It actually drives me nuts when people (guys and girls) act like I can't do anything for myself or think i need some burly man to take care of some of the simplest things.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I typically do them myself. There are several things you can do if you can't reach a shelf such as:

    Use a footstool/chair

    Can't open that jar?

    Grab a butter knife and bang the edges of the top. Works every time.

    By the time you ask for help and whomever finally makes their way to where you are these things could have been done already. Why waste their time and yours?
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    My dad taught me to change a tire, check my oil, and to do minor home repairs. He emphatically did not want me dependent on a man. I am married, but I am only dependent on my husband for anything other than emotional stuff and love and whatnot. However after 10 years of marriage, we have determined which things we are each good at. I do what I can and he does what he can and we help each other accordingly. One exception is electricity; after I was electrocuted a couple of years ago I don't do anything even remotely involving electricity. But in this case I am not acting like a damsel in distress, I AM a damsel in distress....getting shocked hurts like freaking hell.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Oh HELL NO!

    True story: on the way to the grocery store with my daughter, who was 10 at the time, we had a blowout. We were in a construction zone, single lane, on an overpass. It was dusk. Also cold and rainy.

    I said the required choice words as I negotiated my limping car onto the berm, such as it was. Semi-trucks were thick, whooshing by with a spray of water and wind, causing the car to rock with each passing. I gave my daughter my heavier jacket and the flashlight, as I threw open the trunk and began tossing tire and tools onto the ground (with more choice words for emphasis).

    I broke the lug-nuts loose by jumping on the 4-way, then proceeded to jack the car up. The light was jittering madly, so I looked up to check on my girl. Her eyes were wide with panic and fright; her hair blew around and her (my) jacket billowed as yet another truck passed. Tears were flowing silently down her cheeks as she held her bottom lip in her teeth to keep it from trembling.

    I put my arm around her and said "It's alright, baby. Momma's got this. We'll be fixed in a minute." My kindly spoken words must have been too much. Her composure broke, her face crumpled and she wailed, "MOMMY, WE NEED A MAN!!"

    That little girl is now 26 years old, and as strong and independent as her Momma, but the story lives on...

    P.S. The rest of the story: I hugged her, told her to get in the damn car, and I finished changing the tire.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Most guys I know love the damsel in distress thing. Now, I don't do the whole "Ewww, it's a spider! Let me jump on a chair so you can kill it!" act, but I'll ask a guy to open a jar or reach something on a high shelf for me. And if he offers to do it without me asking, I can really play that up and make him feel like a million bucks. I think they get a kick out of it, and so do I.

    My 6 year old niece would always ask me to get stuff off the shelf for her. I taught her how to pull out the drawers and climb on the counter to get it herself.......She is more independent now but, my sister is pissed and IDK why.
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    No I like to do everything on my own..... and prove that girls can do anything boys can do (yes, oh yes, thats me) if not do it better, lol.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Nope, I think I can do a lot of technical/manual related things better than most men I know. I have a very technical job, so I know a lot about how mechanical related things work, so I definitely don't need someone else, who may or may not know what they're doing trying to help. I'd rather do it myself.

    I'll ask for help if I actually need it, but never to play a "damsel in distress", that's just silly.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Luckily DH has been present for every flat tire to date. He also changes the oil and brakes in our vehicles...but I do the oil in my own motorcyle. :wink:

    I can step up when I need to, but I'm just as happy to let someone else do it.

    True story: I took my vacuum cleaner apart once because something got stuck in it, and it was making a horrible noise/smell. It's not hard to take apart; just requires a Phillips head screwdriver. I got the thing apart, set the screws aside, got it unstuck and went to put the vacuum back together...no screwdriver. It disappeared into a black hole in the middle of my apartment. Rather than tear the place apart looking for it (and I never DID find it!) I hopped into the car and went to the nearest hardware store. I didn't feel like wandering all over the place, so I asked the salesguy where I could find a Phillips head screwdriver. He looked at me and said, "Are you sure that's what you need?"

    I looked at him with a little smile and said, "Well, that's what I used to take the vacuum apart, so I'm pretty sure it'll work to put it back together." He shut up and led me over to where they were displayed.

    So - I don't play the Damsel in Distress when I need help. I ask for it and hope to be treated decently, and I'll respond in kind.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    I don't play damsel in distress... I actually know how to change a tire... Or read instructions and put things together ... Always done it on my own if I had to do it.

    One time I was putting air in my tire and something was wrong with the hose thing and I couldn't figure it out (I know how to put air in the tires -FYI) ... But a guy ran over and said I know you need help and grab the hose... Lol I was NOT struggling or playing like I needed help... There was actually something wrong with it. Lol...

    Do some guys like women to play damsel in distress? You should ask this question! :)
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    *bats eyelashes

    guilty as charged.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Im just curious if any of you women out there play the damsel in distress knowing damn good and well you can do whatever it is that you are asking a man to do?

    Do you know how to change a tire kind of stuff?

    I myself do NOT know how to change a tire but its a matter of not taking the time to learn. But after this thread Im sure im going to be learning soon. I like knowing how to do things myself.

    As soon as I see this happening...To the C.U.R.B.

    By the way, nice pistol
  • hazelmae123
    hazelmae123 Posts: 109 Member
    Yup. I can do most everything if I learn about it. But it gets damn tiring having to "man up" all the time, I just want some damn help once in a while!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I change my own tires. . have changed oil. . helped rebuild engines. . lol. . Must say it is nice to have a guy that shares things with you though. . . so you don't have to do everything.:smile:
  • justaxletdown
    I try very, very hard not to be. I'll admit I don't know how to change a tire, but luckily I've never needed to. However, whenever I do have car problems, I always try to watch and learn what is being done and what the problem is so as to not have to always ask for help. Ooohh, although, yes, I will admit that I will jump when I see spiders but only because I had a traumatizing experience with them when I was younger, before that I was fine... But I hate girls who play up the whole "damsel in distress" thing. If I can do it, I will, and if not, I won't necessarily ask for a man to help me, I'll ask whoever is around at the time.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Im just curious if any of you women out there play the damsel in distress knowing damn good and well you can do whatever it is that you are asking a man to do?

    Do you know how to change a tire kind of stuff?

    I myself do NOT know how to change a tire but its a matter of not taking the time to learn. But after this thread Im sure im going to be learning soon. I like knowing how to do things myself.

    As soon as I see this happening...To the C.U.R.B.

    By the way, nice pistol

    why thank you! :blushing:

    i personally am not this woman. i am not the damsel in distress. however it had nothing to do with being WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR. Its because I need to know how to do things. Period. The one thing I will not do though is change my oil or do anything to my car. Its just not smart and I know when I am not an expert at something. Just like my husband doesnt pick out our hair products. I leave the car to him. I do have roadside assistance though.
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    The only thing I ask my boyfriend to do is kill spiders and that's only because I have an irrational fear of them. He is bothered by how I don't ask for help or anything because I guess he feels like he's not putting in enough effort.
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    Well, I don't know how to change a tire..but I don't really play the damsel. Sometimes I ask my fiance to open jars & stuff if he's in the room but it's just because it's so much easier than if I were to struggle with it. Oh yeah, I have to ask him to open bottles of juice & pop(until I stopped drinking it) but that's because he always twists them so freaking tight that I tear my hands up trying to open them. Do they *really* need to be that tight?

    As far as putting together things like shelves & stuff- Sometimes I'd just rather do it by myself because there have been plenty of times where I had to tell him what to do any way. I mean really is that much of an insult to have to read the instructions before putting something together? :laugh:
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I do not. I hate fake women.

    I can change a tire, oil, brakes, spark plugs. But I know nothing about cars, haha.