Sixers Love Yourself Challenge - Week 3



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    well, guess what it was the flu now it is pnemonia (yuck) and I have to present my research at a conference in the morning :ohwell:

    Oh no!! Feel better soon!!!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning all! I was up late last night reading my new book but it's just so great. I'm really back and I can feel it in my bones.

    What book are you reading?

    Yesterday I bought the Eat Clean Diet book by Tosca Reno. I have both the cookbooks which I LOVE and I completely agree with and mostly follow the principles of clean eating but when I saw the informational book yesterday on HUGE sale I thought reading through it would re-instill my passion for what I'm doing here. :bigsmile:

    How are YOU today Lauryn?? :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Pedal, I am doing great today! Thank you for asking. :flowerforyou:

    It appears I am making headway with my husband, in that he is starting to see that we are no longer compatible and should end things amicably. Progress there is painfully slow, but I am being patient. He's just now starting to realize it, while I've been at that conclusion for months and month. It takes time....

    I am back on track as of yesterday, eating within my calorie allowance. I didn't binge last night, which was no small victory in my book.

    My poor 3 y/o is sick with a head cold, but she is so snuggly and sweet when she's sick. I hope she gets better soon. It's just a runny nose and slight cough for now.

    And to top it all off -- I'm wearing a yellow sweater this morning, and I swear seeing the yellow in my peripheral vision is like seeing a smilie face all day long! It's cheerful!!

    So today is a good day. :smile:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yay Lauryn! That's all positive! And yay for yellow sweaters :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    MMMMM! Tastiest lunch! I baked some salmon with dill on top and had it with lemon juice. But I also steamed brussels sprouts and tossed some fresh cranberries in toward the end of the steaming. It was a really nice flavour combination (although definitely tart!). SO satisfying! Now I'm eager to see how my bison burgers turn out tonight...

    Just thought I'd share! :bigsmile:
  • ... I'm down a bit in weight from Tuesday, but I figure it's all the goobers I've been blowing out of my nose :laugh: . ...

    hahaha... I weighed myself today... 149 (YEAY... I made it through the 150's!!!!!!!!!!) however i think that it may be all the stuff draining out of my nose as well... hahahahahaha :laugh:

    feel better bunny!!!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi lovelies!!

    Well it is a GORGEOUS and out of the ordinary 60 degrees here today with a bright and shiny sunny in the sky so I am planning to run outside around 4 before my friends come over for dinner. And I am soo excited!! It has been a while since running outside was even feasible with the weather!

    Otherwise just cleaning some around the house and writing a few overdue thank yous instead of doing homework. :laugh: I can smell the roast I'm making in the crock pot/slow cooker and it is making me drool. :tongue:

    I thought I would share the recipe for the roast even though I don't think it is all that spectacular health wise. It is super yummy though!! I just put about a 3 1/2 or 4 lb. roast in my crock pot with cut up potatoes and carrots (or whatever veggies you like) and added 1 can beef broth + 1 can of water, a package of dry italian dressing mix, and 1 container Au Jus ( I use Johnnys, it comes in a cute little bottle). I am cooking it on low for about 7 hours but am thinking it might be done a little to soon so will probably have to keep it warm.

    Sounds like we have some good days and some bad days going on out there! Lauryn, I'm glad things are starting to look up and make progress, that is good news to hear!! Rhiannon, I will have to look for that book, it sounds great! Cathy, hang in there, everything will be taken care of soon!! Great Job Tess!!! Feel better Robin! And a big HELLO to everyone else!! I will check back in before bed, have a great afternoon!!
  • amy i soooo wish it was warm here it has been in the teens (erg) :grumble: i LOVE running outside ! Lauryn I am glad that things are starting to move in a positive direction. anyways have a great day ladies i am back from my conference just resting and playing with the pup. more personals in the AM... hopefully i will hold on to this weight until then :bigsmile: have a happy healthy day.

    i :heart: that i am learning to cook :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    SBB, LOVE the new pic. CUTE pup :bigsmile: :heart: :smooched:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    ok, update....having surgery on tuesday at noon. he was going to do tomorrow, but, my insurance wouldn't approve it that quickly. plus i picked a certain hospital. i don't have to be there over night. same day in and out. he said i can take my pain pills for now. i have been in mild pain all day today. he said it's from all the poking everyone has been doing on it all week.

    sorry for no personals lately. i have been ready all the post.
    -i hope everyone who is sick get better soon, eat chicken noodle soup:wink:
    -yea, for some early spring weather. just a taste make me want more.:happy:
    -yea, for getting what we want....good things come to those who wait. i just hate waiting i want it now..LOL
    -yea, for getting our groove back.....i am all for that. i want to workout tomorrow didn't today, we'll see how the pain it than.

    well, off to take a nice shower and put my jammies on. clean sheets tonight. love clean sheet night....
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I havent been posting on here that much lately. I have had the kids home and they finally went to school today. YEA I couldnt wait to get some peace and quiet while they were gone LOL. I went and got a new computer today so Hubby will have to put it together. So the boys are getting this computer and now I have to decide which room I am going to put it in. I think I may put it in the 8 yrs old room because he wouldnt use it as much as my 10 yr old. Otherwise he might be on it at all times of the night. They probably wont have internet hooked up to it though. We havent decided on that yet. They can use it for games.

    One of my new goals is to make sure I post on this thread everyday. I have been saying that I will so now I hope you hold me to it. LOL.

  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi All,

    Just have a minute. Today was a long day at school and many errands on the way home.

    Cathy, Are you still in pain? I hope not since it sounds like you have several more days before your surgery.

    Amylou, Are you trying to make us all jealous with that wonderful weather? Be careful you may end up with a bunch of visitors from the North on your doorstep. Your roast sounds yummy.

    Have a great evening :happy:
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Hello ladies!

    Sounds like everyone is getting back into the grove of things! I think we all had the winter blah's that seem to follow the holidays.

    Cathy- I am glad that you have a date set for the surgery. You are going to feel so much better! I read your list of symptoms with me! It was helpful. I still think that mine problem is acid reflux but gall bladder issues are hereditary in my family. My mom has 4 sisters, all have had theirs out along with my grandmother and great grandmother. It may be in my future!

    To all who are sick! Feel better soon!

    Pedal- I am always amazed with your insight. You are so good at nailing down what is really going on! I think you were meant to be a dietician, a therapist and a personal trainer all wrapped up into one!

    Lauryn- I am so happy for you that things are starting to move forward. I am sure none of this process is easy for you but knowing that at some point you will be able to move on with a life for you and your daughter has got to be a huge weight lifted!

    I am sure there is more I am missing. My bad for staying gone for so long!

    I am trying out a yoga class tonight. I tried one about 7 years ago. It didnt go so well. But my SIL wanted me to go with her so I am going to give it another run!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member

    I thought I would share the recipe for the roast even though I don't think it is all that spectacular health wise. It is super yummy though!! I just put about a 3 1/2 or 4 lb. roast in my crock pot with cut up potatoes and carrots (or whatever veggies you like) and added 1 can beef broth + 1 can of water, a package of dry italian dressing mix, and 1 container Au Jus ( I use Johnnys, it comes in a cute little bottle). I am cooking it on low for about 7 hours but am thinking it might be done a little to soon so will probably have to keep it warm.

    Amylou, I do my pot roast pretty much the same way, except I use an onion soup mix and a a cup or two of wine instead af an Au Jus. The wine helps tenderize....
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Good evening, ladies!

    AmyLou-Glad you are getting some warm weather, we are getting a little bit of warm weather too, it has gotten up to 30 degrees over the past couple of days.

    Cathy- so glad you finally have a date for surgery. Take it easy between now and then, take care of yourself.

    Pedal- thanks for sharing all your wisdom, I appreciate it. You motivate me!

    Lauryn- I am glad that you have seen at least a little bit of progress in your situation. Maybe you should get a ticker for that ;)

    Everyone else, hope you are all well!

    Not great eating today, but here it is:

    B- 1/2 bacon egg and cheese sandwich on rye toast

    L- special K cereal bar and Kashi cereal dry

    S- Apple

    D- Dynamite chicken salad from Rib Crib

    My workout was 30 mins on the treadmill, I did it again, ran straight through, even bumped it up to 5.0 for one full minute!!! :bigsmile: I am so proud of myself! I also did some weight lifting after that.

    Today I LOVE :heart: that I was SO enjoying my workout, that I didn't want to leave the Y.

    Good night all!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    WAHOOO!! MAN o MAN. So I already came on because I'd enjoyed my salmon and sprouts so much and the bison burgers blew that out of the water. LARGE. If you're weary of trying bison, don't be. The steaks are a different texture than beef but ground you'd really never know. And it's leaner than turkey, higher quality protein that is more bio-available, has the benefits of red meat without the drawbacks and it's naturally organic as the bison can't be fed anything but grasses or they won't survive. I've never made burgers before personally, though I've had my share of home-made. I am so proud that it's even going to be my love for the day! :laugh:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: I love that I make wicked tasty bison burgers! :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Recipe: (makes 8 small patties)
    1 lb lean ground bison
    3 tbsp egg whites
    3 tbsp flax meal
    1/2 cup chopped red onion
    2 garlic cloves, minced
    1-2 tbsp wheat bran or oat bran
    1/2 tsp dried basil
    1/2 tsp dried oregano
    1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
    optional: dash of cumin & chili powder (didn't do this tonight but something I'd like to try)

    mix well by hand, divide into 8 patties & cook through.
    nutrition info per patty:
    cals 87 carbs 3 fat 2g protein 14g sodium 41mg fibre 1g

    TRY 'EM!! :bigsmile:

    Katie, thanks for your compliment. That means a LOT to me :flowerforyou: And congrats on doing so well with your running! AWESOME!

    Amy, thank you very very much to you too for your compliment. Love ya!

    Bed time for kiddos! Back later with tomorrow's menu :drinker:
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    So I am back because I went to Yoga and .......LOVED IT! I will be making that my Thursday night ritual for sure! I have some learning to do. I am sure I looked like an idiot. Enough so that the instructor came and asked if it was my first time. I might have to get a video to practice the moves at home a bit.

    So my :heart: for the day is that I :heart: that I tried yoga and :heart: it!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    YEAH AMY!! Isn't it great to try something new?? Good for you :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    meals for tomorrow:

    1. rolled oats w/ sliced banana, cinnamon & vanilla ice cream protein powder
    2. bison burger on Ezekiel bread w/ tomato, red peppers, salsa & skim milk cheese
    3. 1 slice cinnamon raisin Ezekiel toast w/ 1 tbsp almond butter & 1 cup strawberries
    4. 4 scrambled egg whites & 1/2 gala apple
    5. chocolate protein shake made w/ skim milk
    6. yam & black bean stew
    7. 5 cups air-popped popcorn w/ 1 tsp olive oil & spices (chili powder, cumin)

    Not sure about a work out. I'll hope to do something in the morning but we'll see. Probably swimming with my family in the evening :heart: :happy: :heart: I may do some strength training? Don't know!!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Okay ladies checking in quickly for Friday- Current weight 168.2lbs So that is down from Tuesday and major motivation for this weekend. Im going to try like crazy to keep at this weight for Tuesday, and maybe then some!

    Got to jump in the shower and head to class- should have time tonight to do personals.

    Have a great day :heart:
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