Sixers Love Yourself Challenge - Week 3



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    yea katy....i am with you scale down lots for me almost 3#s. great to keep me good this weekend. funny it's down like this on fridays, but, not on tuesdays. must be i eat over on weekends. gee ya think:laugh: :wink: :blushing:
    feeling better today. will do wii workout at home today. i just keep myself moving at that helps. hope i drop a few pounds when they take out this nasty gallbladder:tongue: . should have asked the doctor.

    well, off to enjoy a cup of coffee and some quit time, before people wake up around here:drinker:

    back later.....
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    hey ladies!!

    Exciting times for those that are down today!!!! yay!!! I am up a pound from tuesday but I think I'm going to fluctuate here for a while because I'm starting to get back to the routine of things. I'm hoping to be down on Tuesday though!!!

    My run was awesome yesterday! I was going to do a C25K run but decided on this beautiful day that I jus wanted to put on my favorite tunes and run however I felt like it. Might have overdone it bit though, oops! not feeling too bad today though. The roast turned out good last night and my friends and I had a good time!

    Deb - I don't think the weather is supposed to be as nice today :frown: yesterday was just a teaser I think!

    Robin - ooh your roast sounds good too, I'll have to try it that way next time!

    Katy - have a good day at class dear!!

    Rhiannon - I LOVE bison burgers, but have never been brave enough to attempt to make them myself! :smile: might have to try now!!

    Amy - good for you! I've always wanted to be one of those people that does yoga but am just so not flexible that I'm afraid to try too much. but I guess the point is to develop your flexibility so I might just have to get brave here and follow in your footsteps!!

    Cathy - I actually thought about how much an inflamed gallbladder might weigh. hehe. you could be dropping a few next week! :wink:

    Alright ladies, we don't have classes on Friday but I am up for breakfast and then working on some homework and research for work. Planning on shopping and pedicures with friends this afternoon after an exhausting first week so something to look forward to!! Of course there is also the threat of mall food!! There is a panera though so I should talk myself into a big salad instead!

    Have a wonderful day!!!
  • strawberryblonde1
    hey ladies! just a quick check in I was 148.3 today down two from tuesday :bigsmile:

    katy... I agree being down on friday is such a good motivation to stay strong over the weekend!

    congrats on the loss ladies.

    pedal. thanks! he is such a cute pup... getting so big so fast though... he was about 18lbs in that pic now he is over 30!!!! (I wish I could loose weight as fast as he gains it... haha :laugh: )

    cathy. i am glad you worked out a date ... i am sure you are sooo happy to be done with this :flowerforyou: (i think amy is right ... :laugh: :smile: )

    everyone else... stay motivated over the weekend. :drinker:
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    I've lost 2 lbs this week:drinker: :drinker: Yea:drinker:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    :drinker: Cheers to everyone who is down! Great numbers! Cathy, I'd bet that you'll see some kind of loss after the surgery although for a few days your body will hold water like crazy, not sure why it just got cut open and what's going on!!
    I'm down 2.6 lbs from Tuesday but like I said I had been fluctuating over the week. It's been 170.5 or so for a couple of days though. Hopefully I'll be back in the 160's (AGAIN! :laugh: ) on Tuesday!

    I'm hoping to do the first 2 levels of Shred this morning. The "hope" part comes from my kiddos helping make that possible and not leaping on me or getting mad about my attention focused elsewhere :wink:

    Back later! :bigsmile:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    congrats dk...way to go.
    yes i am hoping to lose a few with this thing. but, than again i will be pumped up with air, so maybe the air will lighten my load a little and really have a drop.:bigsmile: i will weigh in on the morning (tues) of surgery and than again a week later of course. so that will be the real weight. of course i will be weigh all through the week, just wanting to know. LOL.....
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Everyone,

    Quick check-in. I hate to have to report the same old thing. I stayed the same since Tuesday. :blushing: I really need to get out of this mode and put more importance on this. Time is such an issue and I just don't seem to have the energy I need to get so much done and exercise & plan the healthy meals. You are all very busy too and manage to make great progress so I know this is just an excuse. I am going to focus on losing only one pound and maybe when I accomplish that I will get motivated to do 1 or 2 more.

    dkell, Wow!! that is great 2 pounds :drinker: Yea!!!

    Strawberryblonde, 2 pounds from Tuesday is really good. That is a big percentage for you.

    Pedal, I would love to try those bison burgers. I know of one place that has sold bison I wonder if it is organic.

    Amylou, Getting back into your routine will be great. Good luck getting losing some for Tue. Do you have a goal for the amount you want to be down?

    Katy & Cathy, As usual you two are the rock stars this week!!! You are so determined and looking great. Keep up the good work. Cathy, Should you be trying to lose just before surgery?

    Have a great weekend all:happy:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Pedal, I would love to try those bison burgers. I know of one place that has sold bison I wonder if it is organic.

    Bison is rarely (if ever) certified organic because game meats are still inherently organic. If farmers attempted the shenanigans with animals like bison as they do with animals like cows and chickens the creatures would die and their meat wouldn't be saleable. One of the million reasons I love bison as a lean protein source is that it is very pure and the animals are healthy during their lives, but the cost of the meat is on par with non-organic beef etc.
    And deb, holding is better than gaining. For someone who is trying to regain her momentum, you are doing very well not to be seeing a gain every week. Sometimes our minds need a break from this intense process of lifestyle paradigm shift so I'd say maintaining is ALSO something to celebrate until you find your mojo :flowerforyou: I'll bet it's better than what may have happened in the past when you were in a bit of a funk! Keep in mind how much you're learning and that you CAN make the changes you want. Just be gentle and patient with yourself, okay? :heart:

    My :heart: for the day is that life makes me happy. I see so much magic and beauty in the world, like I remember feeling as a child, and I'm happy not to have lost that :heart:

    Later gaters!
  • strawberryblonde1
    thanks deb, pedal... (i think the only reason I lost so much is that i was eating alot of salty stuff while i was sick... so i had retained alot of water, and now that i am feeling a bit better and back on track I finally got to see the result! :happy: ) no complaints here though, I just hope it is enough to keep me strong over the weekend... OMG, last night @ 10:30 the BF decides he wants an onion pizza from my favorite place.... and (i did not totally resist, but i did not pull my usuall 3+ slice pig out :laugh: :flowerforyou: ) i had half of a slice ( and i managed to stay within my calories):bigsmile: and it was all because of this group :flowerforyou: thanks ladies you guys are great!!!!:happy: :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    OMG, last night @ 10:30 the BF decides he wants an onion pizza from my favorite place.... and (i did not totally resist, but i did not pull my usuall 3+ slice pig out :laugh: :flowerforyou: ) i had half of a slice ( and i managed to stay within my calories):bigsmile: and it was all because of this group :flowerforyou: thanks ladies you guys are great!!!!:happy: :flowerforyou:

    WOOHOO!!! Now THAT is a strong move. Pizza is SUCH a weakness for me! Good on ya!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    my :heart: for today is i can go into my closet and pull anything out and it fits and looks good....

    off to pre-surgery appt.
  • strawberryblonde1
    alright ladies... I am off for the weekend! (I will try and check in @ some point but most likely I'll stop by and chat monday). Have a great weekend everyone! :bigsmile: stay strong and motivated (I know weekends are the hardest for me, but I am determined to stay on track this time.... and I challenge all you ladies to do the same :drinker: ) :heart:
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Hello ladies!

    Well, the scale is my friend today. I am back down 2 pounds which puts me at the starting line. 3 weeks to try and kick some butt!

    Went to the gym this morning. Did 45 on the eliptical at a high resistance. I dont usually do that. Boy does it have me sore already!

    Well, everyone have a wonderful weekend. I will be posting in a effort to try and stay on track this weekend.

    My :heart: for the day is that I am learning to like myself! It is a hard thing to come upon sometimes but it seems to get easier and easier all the time!
  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Well ladies, I did it. I set myself a goal to lose one more pound by today and I DID IT! I am so excited! Of course I had a pretty bad lunch today. I did go to the gym early this morning but didn't get in a very good workout. I am a bit sore from yesterday so the running didn't come quite so easy today. I ran for only about ten minutes. I will sneak a Wii workout in later this evening. Have a fabulous day and weekend ladies.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I finally got the Wii Fit today. WOOHOO... It is kind of fun. It actually said my Wii age was 28 which was nice considering I am 32. Of course my BMI is way high but I knew taht already. We went and got our taxes done today. I always try to do them first at home to seeif I am close and most of the time I am but today I was way off. We are getting over $2000 more than I figured. I was so happy. Time to pay for our disney trip now.

  • KatieEppers
    KatieEppers Posts: 301 Member
    Oh Connie, I am so jealous. I am dying to get the Wii Fit, but a) no fundage, b) all retailers are out. I can get it off eBay, but I want it from because it is cheaper and you get more for your money. I am glad you are enjoying it. Also glad that you got a good surprise on your taxes!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hey chickies! I'm on for a minute to post my foods. Not really sticking around to post anywhere, but wanted to check in. I'm 24 hours off medicine, my head is draining, but starting to hurt again. My cough that was nonexistent for the last two days is back... UGH! I think I'm getting better, but then I slip back. Anyways, I've lost a half a pound since Tuesday, not too shabby, considering I haven't done a lick of exercise and seems like all I do is sleep. Like today, I drove the kids to school, sold lunch tickets, and was home by 8:30. I ate a yogurt, cool and creamy felt good on my throat. Laid down on the couch by 9, and slept until almost noon. Got up and had some leftover grilled chicken breast and a slice of cheese made into a sandwich on some honey wheat bread. Made a shopping list, and when I had to take my son to swim practice, I went and stocked up for the next couple of weeks. I came home, unloaded, and am getting ready to snooze again. Trying to stay awake until dinner is ready, but it's going to be almost an hour, so maybe, maybe not. Dinner tonight is a premade meal, salisbury steaks from the frozen dept (the kids love them) because one of the boys just got spacers put on his teeth and his mouth hurts and the salisbury steaks are soft enough for him to eat. Not to mention, I really don't feel like cooking.... lol. Mashed potatoes to go with it, and some frozen veggies. High calorie and fat, but I've got almost 800 left for the day...

    My love for the day... I am a wicked saavy shopper! I picked up our groceries for two weeks, used my coupons and sale items, and saved about 50 or 60 bucks... I came in under budget!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey ladies!!

    So I forgot to do my love for today, but today I :heart: that I am finally feeling good about myself enough to buy a new top here and there. I got a super cute one at Macys today and will be wearing it to a party at a classmates house tonight. Hopefully I will get photos posted tomorrow!! Going to try and be strong and not partake in too many high calorie adult beverages this evening a) because of the calories and b) because I usually end up being the "mom" of the group and taking care of anyone. :smile:

    Have a great weekend, I will be on and off I'm sure.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    :laugh: I FORGOT TO WEIGH IN AT THE GYM TODAY!! :noway:

    I went to a killer yoga class. I call it killer because two years ago I tried it and couldn't do it. It was HARD. In the past two years, I have worked up enough endurance and strength and COURAGE to try it -- and it ROCKED. It wasn't hard at all... just a beautiful yoga stretch and use of my muscles. It was WONDERFUL! But since I was out of my usual routine, I forgot to weigh!! I weigh every day in the gym, so this is weird. However, since I ONLY weigh at the gym (recently threw out my home scale) I can't weigh myself again until Monday! How funny!

    I hope you all have wonderful weekends!! Much love!!

    :heart: ,
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hi Ladies..... Checking in!!!! I saw 17 places today. Wow. It takes me a while to make decisions but my Mom came w/ me to help me sort thru. I didn't weigh in because... I don't have a scale. It cost sooooo much money to check bags on airplanes now its just not worth it. Anyway..... I am coping and I have been working out twice a day at the fitness room at the hotel. I am proud of that. I also am realizing that as pedal stated..... I must re-focus. I have heard of the clean eating and I may check that out soon. First things first... start a job on monday, find a place, move then.... real life. So, its busy for the moment but I am getting ready for the calm again. I am ONE month from my 28th bday. WOW!!! Time is flying. A whole different story. :wink: I appreciate you all and I hope everyone gets some fitness in this weekend or gets some more motivation for our journey. OH yeah, can you believe that the workout room here has a glass door with the wonderful view of..... can you guess... A vending machine. I said .... WT&*^%. Are you serious. Its gonna be a long week but I refuse to give in to those M&M's. I still can't believe it. :laugh:

    Rhiannon- congrats on your new motivaton. I am proud that you have 35lbs to go. YOU WILL do this. YAY!!! Congrats on the day of no temptation. I find that when I am mentally focused.... nothing can tempt me. :smile:

    Cathy- I am praying for you. I am glad everything is working out. You sister is so right... its all about the mind games... I'll keep that in MIND. LOL. Get well!

    Shanell- Hope your daughter feels better. Be strong for your mom. I hope that your dental needs do get taken care of. I do realize, since I have many fillings that dentistry is expensive. Do your best and pray about it. It will work out!

    Strawberry- get well and your puppy is soooooo cute

    Deb- Keep up the fight!!! :wink: You are doing well.

    Katie- good luck w/ the challenge. you can do it!

    Amy lou- glad to see you back. I'll try the recipe.

    Tessa- congrats on the lbs removed.

    Lauryn- Congrats on your progress on all levels. YAY!!! Keep up all that strength.

    Anyone I missed..... I wish you the best. Everyone have a good weekend. I'll check back soon.

    Take care!