New to low carb, can somebody look at my meal plan?



  • Pick lower glycemic fruits like berries and plums and ones with lots of fiber. I also try to eat protein with every meal that is a bit simple carb heavy - it will help attenuate the insulin response if you're concerned about that.
    Edit: I should edit that last bit before I get my head bitten off. Protein also stimulates insulin but it also stimulates another hormone (starts with a G, forgot the name right now) that has effects that oppose insulin to some extent.

    Wow, we must have a lot more hormones than I know about.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Pick lower glycemic fruits like berries and plums and ones with lots of fiber. I also try to eat protein with every meal that is a bit simple carb heavy - it will help attenuate the insulin response if you're concerned about that.
    Edit: I should edit that last bit before I get my head bitten off. Protein also stimulates insulin but it also stimulates another hormone (starts with a G, forgot the name right now) that has effects that oppose insulin to some extent.

    And glycemic index is outdated by a good 7 years now :|
  • I'm trying to eat good (non carb) calories and not bad calories (carbs) to lose weight. mynameisuntz is now telling me that good/bad calories don't matter?

    He's correct.

    There is no such thing as good or bad calories, because a "calorie" by definition is a unit of energy (like a joule). Once you understand how calories and energy balance work (and perhaps the science and scientific laws associated with it), you'll begin to realize that your micro-analysis of short term effects of certain macronutrients is completely irrelevant in the context of daily nutrition.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Toasting in a roll bread.
  • Toasting in a roll bread.

    Just hatin' that I've got a heavenly blessed beauty posting in my thrad.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Toasting in a roll bread.

    Just hatin' that I've got a heavenly blessed beauty posting in my thrad.
  • Jolenebib
    Jolenebib Posts: 142 Member
    Your body burns sugar - that is its energy source. You need carbs. That being said:

    There are "good carbs" and "bad carbs". "Bad carbs", like table sugar, sucrose, get digested very quickly and spike your insulin (like all carbs do) - your body burns those carbs - giving you energy (aka sugar rush). This is generally followed by a feeling of being tired because your sugar level drops quickly once you've metabolized the sugars. You'll probably have more cravings for food because your body needs something. Then you eat more, which means more calories, and you get fat. Its the cravings that make us fat - not the carbs. Plus they are empty calories without any real nutritional value, other than sugar for energy.

    "Good carbs", like those found in whole foods such as whole grain bread, brown rice, and fruit are not metabolized as quickly by the body because they come with fiber and other things which helps slow the digestive process down and resulting in a much more gradual insulin spike and slower digestion of the sugars - you don't get a sugar rush and you don't get the crash. You feel fuller longer - you don't eat as much, fewer calories. Plus the sugar in fruit, fructose, also comes with some VERY good for you nutrients.

    Really, you don't have to avoid carbs - you just want good carbs that come with fiber not highly processed carbs like those in baked goods. You do need fiber and a good source of fiber are whole grains.

    But, your meal plan. Add fiber - green vegetables are a good source. Actually, add more veggies in general - they have nutrients that you're body isn't going to get from the eggs and chicken.

    Going really low carb isn't necessarily going to hurt you, but it means you're eating a lot of fat and protein without necessarily getting the fiber that you need to clean out your system. Which may result in higher cholesterol and that's bad for the heart. I tried really low carb for about a week and couldn't sleep. Had a cup of brown rice for dinner one night and slept like a baby. But every body is different.
  • hulk6
    hulk6 Posts: 13

    There are "good carbs" and "bad carbs". "Bad carbs", like table sugar, sucrose, get digested very quickly and spike your insulin (like all carbs do) - your body burns those carbs - giving you energy (aka sugar rush). This is generally followed by a feeling of being tired because your sugar level drops quickly once you've metabolized the sugars. You'll probably have more cravings for food because your body needs something. Then you eat more, which means more calories, and you get fat. Its the cravings that make us fat - not the carbs. Plus they are empty calories without any real nutritional value, other than sugar for energy.
    What about people with self-control?
  • Your body burns sugar - that is its energy source. You need carbs. That being said:

    There are "good carbs" and "bad carbs". "Bad carbs", like table sugar, sucrose, get digested very quickly and spike your insulin (like all carbs do) - your body burns those carbs - giving you energy (aka sugar rush). This is generally followed by a feeling of being tired because your sugar level drops quickly once you've metabolized the sugars. You'll probably have more cravings for food because your body needs something. Then you eat more, which means more calories, and you get fat. Its the cravings that make us fat - not the carbs. Plus they are empty calories without any real nutritional value, other than sugar for energy.

    "Good carbs", like those found in whole foods such as whole grain bread, brown rice, and fruit are not metabolized as quickly by the body because they come with fiber and other things which helps slow the digestive process down and resulting in a much more gradual insulin spike and slower digestion of the sugars - you don't get a sugar rush and you don't get the crash. You feel fuller longer - you don't eat as much, fewer calories. Plus the sugar in fruit, fructose, also comes with some VERY good for you nutrients.

    Really, you don't have to avoid carbs - you just want good carbs that come with fiber not highly processed carbs like those in baked goods. You do need fiber and a good source of fiber are whole grains.

    But, your meal plan. Add fiber - green vegetables are a good source. Actually, add more veggies in general - they have nutrients that you're body isn't going to get from the eggs and chicken.

    Going really low carb isn't necessarily going to hurt you, but it means you're eating a lot of fat and protein without necessarily getting the fiber that you need to clean out your system. Which may result in higher cholesterol and that's bad for the heart. I tried really low carb for about a week and couldn't sleep. Had a cup of brown rice for dinner one night and slept like a baby. But every body is different.

    Are oatmeals good carbs? I could do like half a packet in the morning and stay low carb?
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Bleach is a good carb.

    OP you a fan of hockey by any chance?
  • Bleach is a good carb.

    OP you a fan of hockey by any chance?

    I just happen to be a fan of the Detroit Red Wings. Low carb is going to make watching the games hard, without nachos and beer :(
  • Holy hell just look at the low-carber daily thread to see how well low carb works for people. You don't need carbs, when you stop eating them, your body starts using fat for energy. It helps restore insulin sensitivity and preserves muscle while allowing you to burn fat. It won't kill you - ask anyone who's been a low-carber for more than a few weeks how much more awesome they feel and how much weight they've lost.

    Anywho most of this forum is anti-low carb, might want to ask in the low-carb thread or find a different forum. People here are crazy hateful. There are a few giant nay-sayers who say "do your own research" but really they're just anti-low carb even when research is waved in their faces. :D
  • Bleach is a good carb.

    OP you a fan of hockey by any chance?

    I just happen to be a fan of the Detroit Red Wings. Low carb is going to make watching the games hard, without nachos and beer :(

    It's cool you get wings and ranch instead.
  • Bleach is a good carb.

    OP you a fan of hockey by any chance?

    I just happen to be a fan of the Detroit Red Wings. Low carb is going to make watching the games hard, without nachos and beer :(

    It's cool you get wings and ranch instead.

    True That! and maybe a vodka diet?
  • Holy hell just look at the low-carber daily thread to see how well low carb works for people. You don't need carbs, when you stop eating them, your body starts using fat for energy. It helps restore insulin sensitivity and preserves muscle while allowing you to burn fat. It won't kill you - ask anyone who's been a low-carber for more than a few weeks how much more awesome they feel and how much weight they've lost.

    Anywho most of this forum is anti-low carb, might want to ask in the low-carb thread or find a different forum. People here are crazy hateful. There are a few giant nay-sayers who say "do your own research" but really they're just anti-low carb even when research is waved in their faces. :D

    I'll look for that thread!
  • New here and reading forum. I'm confused. Male, goal 120 lbs and 6 foot 1inch. I don't know you and I'm worried!!!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    LOL if I looked at your sig I would have saved myself 30 seconds of my life. Thanks for the laughs!
  • hulk6
    hulk6 Posts: 13
    New here and reading forum. I'm confused. Male, goal 120 lbs and 6 foot 1inch. I don't know you and I'm worried!!!!

    Maybe OP wants to be a marathoner
  • New here and reading forum. I'm confused. Male, goal 120 lbs and 6 foot 1inch. I don't know you and I'm worried!!!!

    Shoot, typo. Should be 150, I'll fix that.
  • LOL if I looked at your sig I would have saved myself 30 seconds of my life. Thanks for the laughs!

    Sadface.jpg You dismiss me because of typo?
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