Hey Guys! Thought we should have our own place to check in! how is this week's challenge going for you guys? I have 8.5 miles down and am about to get out and run 2.5 - I had to get all 10 in before tomorrow as I won't be able to work out tomorrow!

So a quick reintroduction so that we can get to know each other a bit better !

I'm Laura - Emilytgs24 was my college roommate at lake erie college in painesville ohio. I live in Aiken, SC now and she lives in a Boise, ID we have managed to get together at least once a year since we moved away from Ohio and a few years ago in Vegas we decided we were fat and that we should do something about it. I won our first "competition" and dropped about 50 lbs, then she got engaged and super motivated and dropped down to WAY SKINNY pre wedding, in the past 18 months we've been in each others weddings, and our lives have really taken us on quite the rides. Anyway it was time for me to reach my weight loss goal and that's when I found the first round of sexy in six.

Alright enough about me! What about you guys!

Off to Run!!!


  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread Laura!!

    I'm Natalie, i'm trying to finish up grad school, just gotta get my thesis written!!!

    I had previously lost 17lbs out of 25lbs, but then i put back on about 7lbs!!! love mfp though and i'm loving my first challenge!

    This week has been incredibly hard-we had Cnd thanksgiving all weekend, and then since wed I've had an old friend from uni visit we are eating breakfast, lunch and dinner out!! pus going out for drinks, PLUS not exercising...YIKES!!! i'm totally going to have a gain this week, and it's stressing me out!!

    I tried to make a healthy food choice last night by only eating half my meal, and i totally felt good about. Unfort no where we are going has anything remotely healthy :( so i'm just going to enjoy it and be hardcore the next couple of weeks :)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    HI! Thanks for the thread!

    This week...touch and go. today my hips hurt sooo bad, only got 2.5 miles today. But, total for the week is 15.5, and hoping to do 5 more tomorrow :)
  • mbw2586
    mbw2586 Posts: 88
    Great idea for the thread! I am at 5 miles, so I will have a lot of work to do tomorrow. Good thing I don't work on Fridays!

    My name is Megan, from Ohio, mom to two girls, who are 3 and 1. They are my everything, including why I gained so much weight (75 pounds after it was all said and done.) Also, though, they are what drives me to be healthy. Sure, I'd love to wear those pre-pregnancy size 5's again. I'd love for the guy to always be taking a second look like he used to before the baby days. However, those things are just superficial and my ultimate goal is to be healthy for myself and to set a good example for my children.
    I work 34 hours per week, and am an Avon representative....WHEW I'm tired. :yawn:

    I am so excited about this group, it has really motivated me this week. I hope that after the challenge, it will leave a great support system for the future! Good luck ladies, we can do it!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Great work guys! I finally got over my plateau and broke under 155 this week - WOO HOO! I got my 10 miles in , so I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend!!!

    For next week my goal is to actually RUN the 10 miles , and any walking miles are just bonus! I did about 3 of them walking this week.

    Keep up the good work!!

  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    wow Laura congrats on breaking your plateau!!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Awesome Laura! Congrats!!!!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I got 20.5miles in this week! Doesn't show on the scale.....grrrrrrrr
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    How was everyone's weekend? I had a minor surgery on friday and didn't realize what that does to your waist line. VERY discouraged, I gained 8 lbs in 24 hours, I didn't eat FANTASTIC but also not horrific, so I've been bumming and today my waist line seems to continue to expand :-( I hadn't been over 160 in 3-4 weeks, and I hit it last night. I'm hoping it will go away as quickly as it came on. Not sure when i can start exercising again, hoping to start at least walking tomorrow - I'm going to need you guys to make up for me this week!!!! :-)

  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Oh, I hope you have a speedy recovery!!! Just take care of yourself! I'll do what i can for the team, but haven't had much luck the last 2 weeks :( Get well soon!!!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Feel better soon, surgery doesn't count!!! i'm sure that weight will go away :D your body was probably stressed!

    SOOO obviously i sucked this week. i'm going to make a big effort! here are my goals...gonna check in here each day

    -work out everyday this week
    -stay under my calorie goal this week
    -no eating out!!! this includes snacks!!!

    what about you guys?
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Jarvis - I am so going with your non grocery challenge, Eating out is so bad - but Its one of my favorite things :( My husband and I made a pact to ALWAYS split an entree at restaurants or have just 2 appetizers. I used to have the waitress split my order and pack 1/2 of my meals to go and not even put them in front of me but I've not been so good about that lately.

    How's the challenge going for everyone this week?

    I'm having a HARD time staying under my sugars - trying to sort it out :-)

    Keep it up Ladies!!!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member

    Iwdllc-those are great tips!! i find if it's in front of me at a resto and delicious, it's very hard to not eat it all! it has to be a very conscious, pre-made decision for me. Do you find that restos are receptive to packing the food up before? haven't tried that one! If anyone likes seafood, i have found that an app of mussels is normally pretty generous and meal-sized :D
    ALSO-how is not eating out going so far??

    In terms of the challenge, trying to keep my fat and sodium in check. Yesterday I think i did pretty good!!
    Man sugars, i don't even know, I really don't worry about that, because i figure that everything contributes to cals in the end, and its really hard with sugar because fruit has so much naturally occurring, but that's just my opinion :) sodium makes you retain water and the fat isn't great for your arteries, which is why i chose to focus on those.

    In terms of my own challenge:

    -work out everyday this week
    -stay under my calorie goal this week
    -no eating out!!! this includes snacks!!!

    Monday-all i accomplished was not eating out, tuesday, not eating out and UNDER cals (which used to be the norm but i've been having such a tough time lately), and no exercise, but today i plan to do all THREE!!!

    what about you lovely ladies?? let's support each other, RED TEAM!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I just keep blowing it on the weekends! I don't know what to do!
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hiya! I'm Maggie. I'm from Minnesota, just moved to London, England! I love it here! Every one is so fit and stylish, all I have are jeans that are now saggy in the butt. The way of life is just so different from back home, I lost 10 pounds without noticing, so I thought I'd better keep it up. I live with a 105 lb vegan... Knowing that I need to lose an entire her is motivation enough!

    3 days in a row not going out is great!

    I went on a super long walk today, no running, but its something. This is in addition to the 2 miles I have to walk every day! I hate sugar today!
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I just keep blowing it on the weekends! I don't know what to do!

    What is it about the weekend that's different from other days? Maybe if you plan your meals ahead and if ice cream calls just do an extra workout? Or plan for some wiggle room?
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I actually do much much better on the weekends than I do through the week, but my hubby works on weekends. I really really struggle on long work days if I don't plan plan plan!!!!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    I'm finding sugars impossible - I stick with sodium and fats - I had jelly this morning and it sent me over the top for sugars - and I like to have some fruit!!

    Anyway the non grocery pulled through for me today I was JONESING for a snack at my office walmart run and I resisted bc i KNEW it'd feel better to have said no than to have eaten something terrible from the check out aisle!!! Good little victory for the day

    Post surgery - the extra weight is GONE - PHEW~!!!! And I walked today and will start running tomorrow!!!

    going home to make a BIG cobb salad for dinner :-)

    Have a GREAT wednesday Ladies!!
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    Sugars are impossible! I hear you. I had oatmeal and a banana for breakfast and it put me at -16 already! I don't even eat sweets!

    You had surgery recently? I hope you recovered nicely!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Thanks Maggie! Everything's back to normal - get to run today!!! YAY! :-)

    Just a random question How much water does everyone typically drink in a day?

    I used to have a hard time getting in 8 glasses, not drinking much water at all unless it was summer - now since I've been running and noticing the weight coming off, its easier - I had to make rules for myself - no coffee before 1 big glass in the morning, and I pretty much weaned off all sodas, juices, and teas, and I don't even notice now !
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I lost my water bottle so my consumption is way down. When I was unemployed I would a gallon a day but now I'm always busy and running around I just forget! I usually have 1 diet soda a day, and a "smoothie" but I usually drink 5 big glasses a day.

    We're so going to win this week! I'm down THREE POUNDS. How is every one else doing? I was tracking sugars, and going way over every day! So I switched to fibre, lol. *whistles innocently*