

  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    LOL I did the same to focus on fats, sugars I will never win with!!! LOL

    AND I gained 8.5 lbs after my surgery friday I WAS freaking out - but its all gone and as of today I'm down 1.2 lbs from last week :-) YAY !!

  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I'm so impressed you lost weight even with surgery! *applause*
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Alright ladies! How's the weekend going?

    I went WAY off track frday night and saturday, but am on point today - EXCEPT that I'm having some complications from last weeks procedure and going to most likely have to can it on the exercise for a while. I'm totally bummed but I have to get better in order to keep working in general, so I'm hoping for a SPEEDY recovery - checkin in with the doc in the morning.

    Wish me luck!!!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    You can do it!!! the best thing for you, as you said, is to recover, otherwise you'll hurt yourself further down the road!! honestly i was just reading a quote that it's 80% diet 20% exercise for weight loss, don't get me wrong i think exercise is fantastic for being healthy, but to lose can only burn so many calories through exercise (especially at lower weights) while it's super easy to ingest tons of calories! wow run-on sentence!!

    I have actually had three great days in row, under or JUST over, by less than 60 :) very happy. I've done really well with my not eating out challenge-I said other than non-grocery items, i would only buy popcorn from the movies this week!!! haha i did also buy a very small amount of candy from the bulk barn yesterday but i figure this counted as grocery ;) other than that i've made all meals and snacks at home :) I was proud yesterday because i pre-planned for everything! candy is insane...18 pieces of chocolate covered assortedness (bridge mix) has 200 cals!! and 5 pieces of big feet has 140! i didn't eat very healthy, but i was almost under my goal...stupid big feet, i thought were 7 for 140 :) also i had ONE fry from my friend :) haha sorry run on post!! it's just that i was having a very rough last couple weeks and i finally have three good days under my belt!! i also exercised yesterday and i'm going to today as well!

    really looking forward to the next five days, a see a great weigh in for our team this week!!!!!!!!

  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    You've done so well not going out to eat!! I'm so proud!

    I've had an okay weekend i went out to a friends concert Friday and drank NO alcohol. Which is huge for me, Fridays are my binge drinking day, lol. *hides*

    I did nothing for excersise yesterday for the first time, since i started (other than my 2.5 mile walk to and from work) and I hated it!! I was so bored.

    I just made cauliflour pizza and it was SO GOOOOD. I will make it again for sure!

    I need to drink more water!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Niece's wedding this weekend....went just a little off track, but not really. I definitely didn't overeat. I ate the normal amount yesterday, but I had cake and a little bit of candy, like 3 pieces. I'm ok with that, lifestyle changes allow for special occassions :)
  • kaleighmorgan
    Finally made it to the thread! Sorry it took me so long, ladies... My life has been HECTIC lately! Unfortunately I also had a rough weekend, but I'm looking forward to really coming in under my calories and increasing my exercise this week. I'm super proud of how well we're doing as a team (even though I'm not helping much), and I'm especially proud of you ladies for losing weight after surgery AND for sticking to your personal goals and not going out to eat!!

    As far as my personal goals go:

    My boyfriend and I are now training for a triathlon, so we went swimming yesterday. :D We worked out my totals and found that my RHR is about 1443 (if I just laid in bed all day), so we decided that to lose weight from this process as well as be decently competitive come race day, I have to:

    1) Eat a caloric deficit of about 200-300 calories a day based on my RHR + any exercise
    2) Cardio 4 days a week
    3) CrossFit style strength training 4 days a week
    ---with one day a week being a double-day and one day a week (the next day) being a rest day.

    Today is officially the "first day" even though we went swimming yesterday. So far I've lowered my calorie goal to 1300 (1.5 lbs a week) and tonight I'm doing a strength training regimine. Tomorrow I'm waking up early to go running. So far so good!

    My issue is always with control when it comes to diet, especially because diet & exercise are always a spiral, either up or down! So I'm going to the grocery store today to ONLY get good food for my body that will make me more efficient and healthy. Also, I'm considering sticking to only "negative" calorie foods. Have you guys had any experience with a negative-calorie based diet and/or know if it works?

    Best of luck, Red Team!! You guys are the best!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks so much guys!!!

    Not overeating at a wedding and not drinking alcohol at a concert are major, major, MAJOR!!! congrats!! we are kicking *kitten*, let's do it!!

    KM- your exercise and diet plan sounds really great!!! i could see you working in some negative calorie foods (i assume you mean celery cucumbers lettuce ect), but i really don't think making a whole diet out of it is smart. Especially with control issues, i find it helpful to work in a little junk food or something delish to keep me on track, but that's just me :)
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    WOW KM awesome plan - I agree with Jarvis about making a whole plan out of negative calorie foods though -

    How's everyones week going? I made an AWESOME dinner tonight - this month's cooking light pork medallions and roasted root vegetables - HIGHLY recommend - SO delish!!!!

    I'm staying close to 1200 for the week as I'm trying to take it easy post surgery - turns out running last week was a BAD idea and I set myself back, so calisthenics and watching calories closely - not too many extras earned though exercise this week :-( - I'll be back in the saddle (literally) tomorrow - and we'll see how we go - recheck with the Doc on Friday - fingers crossed!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good week - I have dinner out tomorrow night - making a plan for it !!!

  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Mmmm Laura the pork dinner sounded delish!!! def take it easy on the working out, you want to get back into full force when your ready and if you push to hard in the beginning, not good!!

    how did everyone do this week?? from talking to a couple of you it sounds like we kicked *kitten*!!!

    as we approach the dreaded weekend, how's everyone feeling about that? i'm more worried about monday for when i hand out candy!
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    CHOCOLATE!! UGH. It's just sitting in bucket at work. I can't NOT eat chocoate. I only stole 2 pieces today. I'll be thankfull when halloween is over!! I did ok this week...Didn't do much in the way of exercise. But I ran today, so that was good. I'm down 2.4 lbs this week and that means:
    Now I'm all extra motivated to kick *kitten* and get skinny for real this time!!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Great work, Maggie!!!! I know it's hard. I do pretty ok with Halloween candy. I know to a science how many calories is in what I like, and I am to the point where 2 pieces (less than 100 calories) is enough. And I don't need it every day. The REAL issue for me is the rest of the holiday season. Pastries and bread based foods....OI! Damn cakes, brownies, cookies and stuffing!!!!!!!!
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Big congrats Maggie!!!

    we're doing great red!!!!

    Don't forgot this is our week for half our team to come up with the QOTD!!!
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Hey Ladies!! how'd the weekend go? I'm BACK TO IT!! I can run this week! I gained a bit last week and took a whole day off Saturday from counting, but it was much needed looking back its been a long time since I did that! No guilt just moving on, UNDER 150 to stay this week - that's my goal :-)

  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    This weekend was ok...Saturday was Bon Fire night, so I went to a house party and drank way too much. Then I found Crispy M&M's and almost cried because they stopped selling them in America like 10 years ago and they were my favorite. So I of course bought a packet, I shared though! SOOOOOO GOOOOD. The things you do/eat while intoxicated *sigh* Only lost 1 pound last week, but I'm aready dowm 2 since friday!!