question about carbs



  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member

    Please read this for a better understanding:

    You are such a jerk. And you obviously didn't even read my post. I DID NOT discount having to consume less when trying to lose weight, just that it's easier if you go about it by eating fewer carbs.

    Plus, everything I wrote about insulin is proven science. Look it up, I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

    Other than that, I'm over this thread. It's not like I researched a reason to be extra unhealthy. I spend A LOT (probably too much) time researching this stuff because I love it. I started in February, and I didn't discover Paleo until early August. I'm just doing what I honestly think is best for me from EVERYTHING that I've learned thus far. So I give up. I will not be treated like an idiot.

    Is anyone else at all amused that she's snippy about being treated badly when she entered into the conversation by saying:
    Hmm that's funny, because that's not what any of the peer-reviewed research I've read says.

    which is essentially just a taunt since no research was actually given. Did you want to be snarky AND have the luxury of being respected?
  • Timdog57
    Timdog57 Posts: 102 Member
    I actually don't think that's the case... I think everyone has agreed on that!
    Maybe in this thread, but not in the threads I've seen today :\

    Some people believe that a 500 calorie deficit with a 100% carb diet < a 500 calorie surplus with a 0% carb diet in terms of FAT LOSS.

    It's mind blowing knowing that people believe that.

    I guess I missed something because I haven't seen anyone say anything like that. There's obviously disagreement on the boards today, but there does seem to be agreement that you have to eat a deficit to lose wieght and that you will lose weight if you eat a deficit.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    I guess I missed something because I haven't seen anyone say anything like that. There's obviously disagreement on the boards today, but there does seem to be agreement that you have to eat a deficit to lose wieght and that you will lose weight if you eat a deficit.
    Some girl with a ballerina for her picture.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You are such a jerk. And you obviously didn't even read my post. I DID NOT discount having to consume less when trying to lose weight, just that it's easier if you go about it by eating fewer carbs.

    Plus, everything I wrote about insulin is proven science. Look it up, I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

    Other than that, I'm over this thread. It's not like I researched a reason to be extra unhealthy. I spend A LOT (probably too much) time researching this stuff because I love it. I started in February, and I didn't discover Paleo until early August. I'm just doing what I honestly think is best for me from EVERYTHING that I've learned thus far. So I give up. I will not be treated like an idiot.

    No need to resort to name-calling or getting defensive. I don't think anything Untz has said has been mean, and he hasn't called you a name either though you have now resorted to doing exactly that by calling him a jerk. If you want to tout a low-carb lifestyle and claim that this is fitting for everyone, you should be prepared with peer-reviewed research from unbiased and competently-executed studies to back it up. People have the right to challenge your opinions on a public forum even if you don't like it.

    Correction: Your comment was directed at Hunter. Again, I still think it's inappropriate to call him a jerk.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    No need to resort to name-calling or getting defensive. I don't think anything Untz has said has been mean, and he hasn't called you a name either though you have now resorted to doing exactly that by calling him a jerk. If you want to tout a low-carb lifestyle and claim that this is fitting for everyone, you should be prepared with peer-reviewed research from unbiased and competently-executed studies to back it up. People have the right to challenge your opinions on a public forum even if you don't like it.
    She was directing this at Hunter :P she hasn't even responded to me, which is equally hurtful :[
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    I didn't do so well making my post short, but o-well.

    Also interesting to note: My best friend is working for her PHD in Tissue/Biomedical Engineering (we met in undergrad where we both studied Biomedical Engineering). She knows how I eat, which is Primal/Paleo, but she always just gives me that look like "yea whatever, we'll see what she's up to next month."

    Yesterday I got a message that said this:

    "You know, now that i think about it... I think I remember reading a journal article for my cardio biomechanics class that links atherosclerosis to carb intake, as it can increase the stiffness in the artery by causing smooth muscle cells to migrate to the endothelial layer, in turn causing an inflammatory response and then atherosclerosis eventually."

    Which was stuff I was already researching. I was so excited/happy. It's only a matter of time Paleo friends :)

    Paleo isn't necessarily a low carb diet. The average macro breakdown taken from the ethnographic atlas is around 65/35 Animal/Plant, which obviously takes into account the dramatic swings from that average. I believe the benefit of a paleo type diet is in the increased protein and increased natural plant intake......very satiating and inherently healthy but to say that it requires under XXXX carbs is dogma not based on fact and more about carbaphobia imo. Diet is only part of the overall picture of longevity and quality of life............I like the notion of paleo and do consume a lower carb diet, not low, or paleo, and completely agree that it has many health advantages but taking it to some type of biblical extreme is counter productive considering primal/paleo really doesn't exist unless you go and find a village to live in where civilization hasn't had any influence on it.......and I bet they don't consume under 50g's of carbs a day anyway. Cheers.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I don't really know how this thread became an attack on me.

    Although I do understand the science, I unfortunately have a big girl job and can't afford the time to troll this thread anymore. I should never have responded in the first place. I know better. I'm not going to waste anymore time trying to scream at a wall. It's not like anyone is listening anyway. When your mind is closed, you will never learn.

    I firmly believe that everyone should just eat they way they want to eat. And I don't think carbohydrates are the devil. I just keep mine low because it works for me. I still count my calories. But I'm eating less now and feeling more full. Heaven forbid I try to share that with someone.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Seems to to be a typical carbophobic

    step 1.) Enter thread and start a carb war
    step 2.) Make huge claims while presenting no studies to back it up
    step 3.) Get offended when proven wrong, through a fit, and start name calling

    did i miss something? xD
  • HunterCML
    Yeah, she was referring to me; I don't believe that trying to aware someone on the truth counts as being a "jerk".
  • HunterCML
    Seems to to be a typical carbophobic

    step 1.) Enter thread and start a carb war
    step 2.) Make huge claims while presenting no studies to back it up
    step 3.) Get offended when proven wrong, through a fit, and start name calling

    did i miss something? xD

    Nope. Very accurate.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Sorry if this has already been answered but I couldn't see it. How many carbs is considered low carb? I've been trying to cut out carbs, but I seem to always have about 100g a day! Most of it comes from the fruits & veg I eat, as well as milk that I have with my coffee (which I simply can't live without!) If I am aiming to go mostly low carb (and sort of low GI) should I be cutting down on that? I could try my coffee black.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member

    It's one thing to cycle your carbs or do CKD or something. But to say that you burn more fat by eating "less" or "no" carbs isn't very good wording. You still need to eat in a calorie deficit regardless.

    You can't eat a surplus but eat no carbs everyday out of the week and expect to lose weight / burn fat...etc etc.

    It just won't happen. Just want to make sure it's clear because remember that number one priority is calorie deficit. Number two is consuming sufficient protein and fat macros. Carbs aren't necessary.

    I've been saying this every week to people on my friend's list and have made posts on the forums here about this for the past 3-4 months atleast.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Paleo isn't necessarily a low carb diet. The average macro breakdown taken from the ethnographic atlas is around 65/35 Animal/Plant, which obviously takes into account the dramatic swings from that average. I believe the benefit of a paleo type diet is in the increased protein and increased natural plant intake......very satiating and inherently healthy but to say that it requires under XXXX carbs is dogma not based on fact and more about carbaphobia imo. Diet is only part of the overall picture of longevity and quality of life............I like the notion of paleo and do consume a lower carb diet, not low, or paleo, and completely agree that it has many health advantages but taking it to some type of biblical extreme is counter productive considering primal/paleo really doesn't exist unless you go and find a village to live in where civilization hasn't had any influence on it.......and I bet they don't consume under 50g's of carbs a day anyway. Cheers.

    And I completely agree. I'm doing this just because it's MY optimal way to lose fat. If I were happy how I was, I'd be eating way more carbs :)
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I don't really know how this thread became an attack on me.

    Although I do understand the science, I unfortunately have a big girl job and can't afford the time to troll this thread anymore. I should never have responded in the first place. I know better. I'm not going to waste anymore time trying to scream at a wall. It's not like anyone is listening anyway. When your mind is closed, you will never learn.

    I firmly believe that everyone should just eat they way they want to eat. And I don't think carbohydrates are the devil. I just keep mine low because it works for me. I still count my calories. But I'm eating less now and feeling more full. Heaven forbid I try to share that with someone.

    So just to be clear here, you've basically just said that because someone isn't taking your word for it, they have a closed mind? Makes perfect sense. Have fun with that big girl job. You're right, though, you should have never responded in the first place if your plan was to make baseless assertions that rely on our faith in your research abilities as validation.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Let's try to keep it civil peeps. =)
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member

    It's one thing to cycle your carbs or do CKD or something. But to say that you burn more fat by eating "less" or "no" carbs isn't very good wording. You still need to eat in a calorie deficit regardless.

    You can't eat a surplus but eat no carbs everyday out of the week and expect to lose weight / burn fat...etc etc.

    It just won't happen. Just want to make sure it's clear because remember that number one priority is calorie deficit. Number two is consuming sufficient protein and fat macros. Carbs aren't necessary.


    I KNOW that. I really do. That's not what I was trying to say AT ALL.

    I give up. I hope you will still be my friend Joe..
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    Seems to to be a typical carbophobic

    step 1.) Enter thread and start a carb war
    step 2.) Make huge claims while presenting no studies to back it up
    step 3.) Get offended when proven wrong, through a fit, and start name calling

    did i miss something? xD that's the first thing on this thread that actually made me crack a smile!!!!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member

    It's one thing to cycle your carbs or do CKD or something. But to say that you burn more fat by eating "less" or "no" carbs isn't very good wording. You still need to eat in a calorie deficit regardless.

    You can't eat a surplus but eat no carbs everyday out of the week and expect to lose weight / burn fat...etc etc.

    It just won't happen. Just want to make sure it's clear because remember that number one priority is calorie deficit. Number two is consuming sufficient protein and fat macros. Carbs aren't necessary.


    I KNOW that. I really do. That's not what I was trying to say AT ALL.

    I give up. I hope you will still be my friend Joe..

    LOL of course. I must have misread your post then. My bad.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Hello to the O. Poster,

    Take a good look at my profile pic. That is me. I eat a high fat, low/no carb diet. I have tons of energy, look great, am healthy and never tired. You have no need for carbs. in your diet. Studies actually show that your metabolisim slows down with a caloric intake, no matter if it's allot or a little, that is mostly carbs.

    If you want to enjoy food, look into paleo living or the caveman diet. As a native american I'm proud to say that my tribe has been fighting terrorisim (including the "western diet") since 1493. I tried the western diet of high carbs this year when a doctor prescribe more calories for me, and I immedietely got diabetes. That was with a restricted calorie diet! Went back to my native diet and actually can eat more calories, exercise less, and enjoy tons of veggies, proteins, fats, creams, cheeses, oils with out weight gain.

    Also, Watch out for the anti low carbers, their hate speech, attacks and love of scaring the pants off of the OP. AND please do your own research! Best wishes.

  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I don't really know how this thread became an attack on me.

    Although I do understand the science, I unfortunately have a big girl job and can't afford the time to troll this thread anymore.

    Maybe because you jumped into this thread touting a controversial claim in an open publc forum without being able to defend your case logically when challenged and thus reverted to name-calling and incinuations that the rest of us don't "have a big girl job" and are "closed minded" because we don't agree with you.