500 Calorie Diet? Yes or No?



  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    500 calories a day would piss me off.

    My thoughts exactly!!
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350

    I like that :smile:
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Just do it, ignore the *****ing, see what happens, see the results, see everyone else still *****ing, feel good.

    You have an eating disorder. I genuinely hope you are getting help.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    So OP, there's been 2 replies saying its good, and 78 ish saying its bad.

    Draw your own conclusion.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member

    Except EVERYONE I have known has gained the weight back, and EVERYONE has had a bad experience with it. Not just some.

    I have no idea why HCG hasn't been included in this rule yet. :noway:

    2) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products, are considered inappropriate and will be removed without warning. This rule has been created to protect members from multi-level marketing schemes or other hidden sales tactics which are strictly prohibited on this site.

    if the post was trying to promote or sell then it would fallunder that , but jsut askign about it , why would it?
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I had a friend who did this diet and she lost 80 some pounds with no issues.

    not to be rude, is your friend planning on eating this way the rest of her life? Because if she plans on going back to eating more calories, she WILL gain it back.

    umm you know that, YOU can see the future???? tell me what are the power ball numbers for this weekend????
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Your body actually goes into starvation mode if you eat any less than 1200 calories per day. I always wondered how I was so chubby when I hardly ate any food, that's why. During starvation mode, you will hold onto the fat making it harder to lose.

    okay I have always wanted to know , Does anyone here know who it was that first through a random dart at a dart board and came up with 1200 as the magic number? To give a set number where every person in the world goes in to 'starvation mode' is very illogical. If starvation mode exists, of which i am not convinced of as how would there be 90lb anorexics since wouldnt there bodys beholding on to the fat if they were eating under 12 hundred cal?
    anyway if it exists then the actaull calorie minimum would be difrent for each person based on size, chemistry, genetics and normal activity level.

    you know to say everyone goes into starvation mode if they eat under 1200 calories isn't simply illogical its outright stupid
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    If starvation mode exists, of which i am not convinced of as how would there be 90lb anorexics since wouldnt there bodys beholding on to the fat if they were eating under 12 hundred cal?

    Their bodies are trying to hold onto the fat. Their body eats their muscle instead.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I had a friend who did this diet and she lost 80 some pounds with no issues.

    not to be rude, is your friend planning on eating this way the rest of her life? Because if she plans on going back to eating more calories, she WILL gain it back.

    umm you know that, YOU can see the future???? tell me what are the power ball numbers for this weekend????

    If i stand in front of a train hurtling towards me at full speed, and let it hit me at full speed, i CAN SEE THE FUTURE that i will die. See, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Some things in the future we can predict based on past events and experience.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I had a friend who did this diet and she lost 80 some pounds with no issues.

    not to be rude, is your friend planning on eating this way the rest of her life? Because if she plans on going back to eating more calories, she WILL gain it back.

    umm you know that, YOU can see the future???? tell me what are the power ball numbers for this weekend????

    If i stand in front of a train hurtling towards me at full speed, and let it hit me at full speed, i CAN SEE THE FUTURE that i will die. See, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Some things in the future we can predict based on past events and experience.

    who's past events and experience, and how would that relate to that individual
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    If starvation mode exists, of which i am not convinced of as how would there be 90lb anorexics since wouldnt there bodys beholding on to the fat if they were eating under 12 hundred cal?

    Their bodies are trying to hold onto the fat. Their body eats their muscle instead.

    i have seen pictures and people , does not look like their bodies are being to sucessful in holding on to that fat
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    If starvation mode exists, of which i am not convinced of as how would there be 90lb anorexics since wouldnt there bodys beholding on to the fat if they were eating under 12 hundred cal?

    Their bodies are trying to hold onto the fat. Their body eats their muscle instead.

    i have seen pictures and people , does not look like their bodies are being to sucessful in holding on to that fat

    Or muscle. See the point of why it's bad?
  • cal1973
    cal1973 Posts: 306 Member
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    If starvation mode exists, of which i am not convinced of as how would there be 90lb anorexics since wouldnt there bodys beholding on to the fat if they were eating under 12 hundred cal?

    Their bodies are trying to hold onto the fat. Their body eats their muscle instead.

    i have seen pictures and people , does not look like their bodies are being to sucessful in holding on to that fat

    Or muscle. See the point of why it's bad?

    and if they don't want to be all muscley??? then is it bad??
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    My best suggestion is speak with ones who have done the diet, not ones who are just getting started with it. Do personal research. Everyone has opinion based on their beliefs. For instance you will hear just eat right and exercise. That works for many but not all. Some take more drastic measures because doing the "typical" things that should result in weight loss are not working for them. But any" diet " which by definition is any "regimen you have for eating" good or bad. Only succeeds truely if you make it a life change. Whether it be Atkins, HCG, Jillian or whatever it is what you will have to always do in order to not regain the weight. You return to old habits you will regain the weight. This is not profond or new information. It's what everyone knows.

    Keep in mind many people will not follow the way diets should be done. So just because they say I do atkins or whatever diet and have negative results does not mean they followed it the way it should be.

    Now that being said, I personally would not do HCG diet. My sister did HCG diet and lost weight. But she did not keep it off and she has not made a life change in how she eats. She is back on it again. Negative effects? I don't know, she never mentioned any. But that doesn't mean their weren't any.

    Link to HCG'ers on MFP.

  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    If starvation mode exists, of which i am not convinced of as how would there be 90lb anorexics since wouldnt there bodys beholding on to the fat if they were eating under 12 hundred cal?

    Their bodies are trying to hold onto the fat. Their body eats their muscle instead.

    i have seen pictures and people , does not look like their bodies are being to sucessful in holding on to that fat

    Or muscle. See the point of why it's bad?

    and if they don't want to be all muscley??? then is it bad??

    Does that mean they don't want enough muscles to actually move their body?
    For instance you will hear just eat right and exercise. That works for many but not all. Some take more drastic measures because doing the "typical" things that should result in weight loss are not working for them.

    Most people who do that are expecting too much too soon, and they want some faster results. That attitude leads to crazy diets, and a very fast regain of what they lost when they try to go back to "normal".
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    I'm sure that I've seen more "Fad" dieters here than anyone else (other than other trainers) and can tell you the one thing they all have in common........................they tried to beat physical nature.
    Your body isn't stupid. It knows how to survive and will create the chemical reactions within to do it. When calories are severely limited, the body doesn't like to use fat for energy.......................it will catabolize muscle first, regardless of what any HCGer says. This is SCIENTIFICALLY proven to happen and there are dozens of studies done by reputable scientific organizations, colleges of medicine, etc. that were the ones that studied it.
    There are no short cuts. There are no "magic" diets. Starvation works to lose weight, but at the same time the chemical reactions in your body will alter how it will process energy when it comes in bundles.
    One thing you'll find in common with practically all people who are fit and well is that they:

    CONTROL how much they eat and they exercise. That's it....................that's the formula.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    I had a friend who did this diet and she lost 80 some pounds with no issues.

    not to be rude, is your friend planning on eating this way the rest of her life? Because if she plans on going back to eating more calories, she WILL gain it back.

    umm you know that, YOU can see the future???? tell me what are the power ball numbers for this weekend????

    If i stand in front of a train hurtling towards me at full speed, and let it hit me at full speed, i CAN SEE THE FUTURE that i will die. See, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Some things in the future we can predict based on past events and experience.

    who's past events and experience, and how would that relate to that individual
    As I stated in my earlier reply to this post, I have known at least 20 people who have done this, and when they ALL went back to "maintenance mode" they ALL gained the weight back with a vengeance. As you know Fairymiss, I am a trainer. I meet more people trying to lose weight (hundreds, thousands even) than probably most of the people on this MFP site. The 20 people I know who have tried this regret that they did it, and most importantly to me, they stopped exercising while they were doing it and had a very hard time getting their fitness level back to where it was. This site is called My FITNESS Pal. I think anyone who promotes something that would keep you from exercise should probably find a different website to promote their way of thinking. The original poster asked for anecdotes and I repsectfully gave her some. Is there someone out there who has done this and then gone back to adding calories and kept their weight off? I would say noone I have ever met, or who has even written to me. I've been doing this job for 22 years. I've met so many people on different diet plans, and all I can do is try to keep them motivated to continue exercising. If weight loss is the only reason they exercise, they hopefully will find other reasons as well. I have people in my family who have dieted and gained the weight back. I am losing weight SLOWLY, and keeping it off because I FINALLY found a site that helps me track the calories my dietician told me I should be eating. I don't go by MFP recommendations, I go by my RD'S recommendations. Bottom line, trust someone who knows WHAT THE HECK THEY are talking about and NOT someone trying to peddle a product. A testimonial on a website selling any potion or supplement is NOT research. It's money.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I had a friend who did this diet and she lost 80 some pounds with no issues.

    not to be rude, is your friend planning on eating this way the rest of her life? Because if she plans on going back to eating more calories, she WILL gain it back.

    umm you know that, YOU can see the future???? tell me what are the power ball numbers for this weekend????

    If i stand in front of a train hurtling towards me at full speed, and let it hit me at full speed, i CAN SEE THE FUTURE that i will die. See, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Some things in the future we can predict based on past events and experience.

    who's past events and experience, and how would that relate to that individual
    As I stated in my earlier reply to this post, I have known at least 20 people who have done this, and when they ALL went back to "maintenance mode" they ALL gained the weight back with a vengeance. As you know Fairymiss, I am a trainer. I meet more people trying to lose weight (hundreds, thousands even) than probably most of the people on this MFP site. The 20 people I know who have tried this regret that they did it, and most importantly to me, they stopped exercising while they were doing it and had a very hard time getting their fitness level back to where it was. This site is called My FITNESS Pal. I think anyone who promotes something that would keep you from exercise should probably find a different website to promote their way of thinking. The original poster asked for anecdotes and I repsectfully gave her some. Is there someone out there who has done this and then gone back to adding calories and kept their weight off? I would say noone I have ever met, or who has even written to me. I've been doing this job for 22 years. I've met so many people on different diet plans, and all I can do is try to keep them motivated to continue exercising. If weight loss is the only reason they exercise, they hopefully will find other reasons as well. I have people in my family who have dieted and gained the weight back. I am losing weight SLOWLY, and keeping it off because I FINALLY found a site that helps me track the calories my dietician told me I should be eating. I don't go by MFP recommendations, I go by my RD'S recommendations. Bottom line, trust someone who knows WHAT THE HECK THEY are talking about and NOT someone trying to peddle a product. A testimonial on a website selling any potion or supplement is NOT research. It's money.

    i have seen people state where they have kept it off, can not cite specifics as why would i bother to remember? Anyway unless you know or have known every individual who has done this diet, Then you can not say for certain they will gain it back.
    I am not saying they wont, hell the probably will. But one can not say for certain , can they? The person or persons in question might just be the odd one(s) that do keep it off, it CAN happen.

    oh and i am serious, if you do know the numbers to this weekends powerball do tell i could really use the money
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member