If you do so,, how did you managed to stick to your calorie limit?
and for the mothers .. do you finish off your children's left over?

any advice will be helpful.


  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I cook what everyone will eat, but then I manage my portion control.

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  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I cook for my family and everyone eats the same food. It's good for everybody to eat healthier! My OH usually has a bigger portion of whatever we're having.

    I don't finish my kid's leftovers. I put very little on his plate to avoid wasting. He can always ask for more if he's still hungry. And if there are leftovers, I either give them to my partner, throw them away or keep them for later.
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Yes my other half has his lunch out but eats the same meal as me in the evening but only more of it and he's quite happy with that. I'm lucky he is into healthy eating.
  • KMSForLife
    I cook healthy meals for the whole house. My children certainly don't always appreciate it but I figure they will get used to it. I do not finish my children's leftovers but I do pack the overall leftovers for lunches to take to work.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I cook for me and my boyfriend. So I just modify how much I eat. Last night we have 'healthy chips and egg'. I made roast potatoes in oven with 1 tablespoon oil, then after 30 mins added loads tomatoes, mushrooms, and onion. Then after 15 mins added the eggs to cook in the same pot. I had 1 egg, pots, lots veg. He had 2 eggs, lots pots, veg, plus bread and butter.

    I eat everything but try not to eat as much. Im sure you can do it.x
  • MissSharkattack
    MissSharkattack Posts: 323 Member
    I cook dinner for my family every night. I either just watch my portions, or I will make something lighter for myself. (ie. no high calorie sauces, leaner cuts of meat, ect)
  • hollymcd1027
    I cook healthy foods for the family and manage my portions by weighing and measuring what I eat. Part of my motivation is to make sure my son does not have the same struggles with weight that I have had since a child. I figure he can eat a healthy well balanced diet just like me!

    We have a dog, she eats my son's leftovers! Her metabolism is way better than mine! haha Seriously though I adjust her doggie food intake and she is in a healthy weight range so as well with her too!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I cook for everyone and we all eat the same thing. Just my belief raising girls, especially, I dont want them to look at me and remember me always on a diet and eating differently. I just watch the amount I eat. Yes, they eat baked chicken and broccoli. And yes, I eat a burger and a handful of fries. Making everyone happy can be hard, but it can be done. :)
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    it could be an opportunity to try out new healthier things with them, a lot of basic meals can be altered to be healthier
  • sunshinel397
    Yes. I cook for my husband a few nights and he cooks for me. I make healthier recipes and he tries. We just eat everything in moderation and drink a lot of water! :smile:
  • JulieBoBoo
    Family dinners are extremely important to me and are one of the deciding reasons why I didn't go the gastric bypass route. I cook for everyone and everyone in the house has started eating healthier. It wasn't easy at first, but after a few weeks of tears and grumbling (from the kids), we've all settled and adjusted.

    I give my children small portions of food and they are always welcome to ask for more (rarely do they do so). I usually make enough so that my husband has lunch for the next day.

    Occasionally I will make the rest of the family something naughty and eat something different (these are usually nights when I have a School Council meeting or dinner plans with my BFF). For the most part though, they eat what I eat.

    I do bake quite often (mostly muffins) just for them. I will occasionally have a muffin or cookie (I make them as healthy as possible) but usually not. I don't have much trouble resisting so it's o.k.
  • DisneyMommy
    I cook for everyone. Most things we all eat, some we don't. I don't get bothered if they have something that I'm not going to have like when they have pizza.

    I don't finish my kids food anymore. I used to do that but now it goes in the trash.
  • LouPeters
    Hi! Yes I cook what I know they will eat and then I cook my own. I dont think its fair because I am changing my eating habits to dramatically change their eating habits too just because now it suits me. So I am slowly making little changes to their meals. I should point out that both my children and husband do not have weight issues but definately need to eat healthier. I want this to be a gradual and positive process. I remember how it feels to be served foods I didnt like and it didnt help.
    Eventually I expect we will all eat the same healthy foods and it will become a natural habit the children grow up with, not a change that was pushed onto them. That is my goal.
    As for leftovers, sometimes I will have a little - its often enough to satisfy the craving and I dont need anymore.
    If they are having takeaway I might have a couple of fries and thats enough and I have my own healthy food.
    Do what works for you and if you have a few bites of their leftovers, no big deal, just record it in your food diary, you might be surprised what it adds upto.
    Good Luck!!
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    I cook for the family and we all eat the same thing. There are times though, when I don't feel like eating what I just cooked and I'll make something else.

    My kids have no problem finishing the food on their plates. However, there have been times when they can't and they just wrap their plates up and save it for later.
  • buckaroos30
    buckaroos30 Posts: 127 Member
    there are tons of great web sites to find great tasting healthy receipes that the whole family will eat, times before when I have been dieting I had to cook two different meals and that gets really old fast. So this time we aren't calling it a diet it's a life changing plan It's only me & my husband ( who isn't overweight) now and he has been all in to all the new things that I have been cooking. Good Luck and If your family doesn't eat leftovers, feed it to the dog DON'T clean your childrens plates!!!!
  • LouPeters
    Totally agree! Its amazing a few little changes how much healthier the meal can be
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member


    I cook for my family. Sometimes I make things that are figure-friendly, and other times I make their favorites traditionally, or make food substitutions to create a lower calorie version. If not that, I make myself a separate dish.
  • JennyJacobsen
    JennyJacobsen Posts: 72 Member
    Yes I do! We eat together as a family so I make one meal and we all eat it. My husband told me since he and my son our on diets we should all be involved with the meal plans. That makes me happy because I get into ruts sometimes on what to make. My 8 year old is a picky eater so he at least has to try it if he doesn't like it he has to make himself something else.
  • sunshineshica
    I'm allergic to seafood but my husband and son aren't so I will make a couple of seafood dinners some nights and for other nights I make and eat what everyone else likes to eat. I just watch my portions or I'll eat something lighter before dinner and save the dinner leftovers for lunch the next day. My son makes his own plate so he eats everything he puts on it.
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    I cook for the family yes. I cook smaller amounts of food, or if I cook big amounts I freeze some right away so I wont eat more then I should.

    and no, I never/pick at the kids left overs.