

  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member

    I have never eaten anything after a kid! Have you seen what they might have done to it? Before I was a Mom I would watch my niece shove waffles in her mouth, spit them out then later my sister gobble all the leftovers, I'm just not that kind of Mom!:tongue:

    I do half and half. I love to try new recipes and crazy things I know no one else wants to eat. Sometimes when we are all together I'll try to make what everyone likes or have some new things and some things I know they like. My husband works 12hr 3rd shifts so he isn't home a lot for dinner so I'll make the kids something, then make me something. I still make them healthy foods other then if its a night where things need to be fast but I also do a lot of pre-paring ahead so I have many things on stand-by. 90% of the time they eat REAL foods, not processed stuff.

    I encourage trying new things by putting a small amount on their plate but it has also helped them seeing me eating something then they will ask to try it. With my kids, I can put the same thing I'm eating on their plate and they won't touch it. But if its on my plate only, my kids HAVE to have it. They ask more often if they can try it.

    I don't mind cooking this way and I know its not for everyone, but it doesn't have anything to do with being on a "diet", it has more to do with how I love to experiment with food.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I have never gotten in the habit of finishing my kids plates (kids are gross! eew!)

    I work full time, am a full-time student, and am a single mom to 3 kids (only 2 living at home). We have cross country practice for my older daughter a few nights a week. I do mostly batch cooking on the weekend, then I separate it (enough for a meal for 3) and freeze it individually. That makes it easy to just heat it up for supper. I freeze spaghetti sauce, while it is heating, I cook the noodles (You really don't want frozen/reheated noodles, they just mush)...I freeze chicken noodle soup (without the noodles)--when I am heating it, I bring it to a boil and throw the noodles in. I freeze beans (but not rice) get the picture. My 2 kids at home are 12 and 3. I know how much we eat, and there is always enough for us, and a little for 2nds for the rare occasion someone wants them--if not, they go to the fridge, we have a left-over night once a week.

    The secret is to watch your portion-sizes. I also tend to stick to low-cal foods with whole grains / whole wheat. I started phasing it in years ago (after my first divorce)- the older one doesn't remember eating any other way, the youngest never has.
  • krissykross
    Before my husband joined here and started to eat healthier, I'd just make healthy food and he's eat it or make his own. I'm not making two meals. Luckily we don't have kids, so I don't have to worry about picky eaters who can't make their own food. If we did, though, I certainly would not finish their food just because they didn't eat everything.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Not only do I cook for my family, I cook for my husband's study group once a week too. I like to cook big easy meals for the study group, pasta, tacos, things like that, but I do health it up as much as I can so I can have some too, but typically a much smaller portion with a big salad to fill me up. When cooking for just family, we stick to healthier foods, and I very strictly watch my portions. I'll easily get twice the veggies and half the carbs as they do.

    As for the kid's leftovers, it depends. I eat with my kids, so I see what they do or don't do. If it's something like pork chops where I know 98% chance they won't touch theirs (maybe a bite if I beg enough), I just serve a smaller size on my plate and add their leftovers when they finish. It's not gross, it's expensive food that I won't throw out just because it sat untouched on their plates. Now, if its the noodles that they made dance a ballet before half got slobbered on and sort of eaten, I'm out. That goes to the trash.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I cook for my family and everyone eats the same food. It's good for everybody to eat healthier! My OH usually has a bigger portion of whatever we're having.

    I don't finish my kid's leftovers. I put very little on his plate to avoid wasting. He can always ask for more if he's still hungry. And if there are leftovers, I either give them to my partner, throw them away or keep them for later.

    eating their leftovers is how I got here....
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I often cook sides like cheese noodles and then I don't eat those. Or I add extra cheese to the kids/husbands food, or just eat smaller portions. And no, I try not to finish the kids food. I am not a garbage disposal (this is what I tell myself when I'm tempted).
  • jaxson1974
    I do 97% of the cooking in my house, so DH eats what I eat. I do the cooking because a) I enjoy it, b) it gets DH eating more vegetables/lean meats and c) if I let him do it, I would be eating nothing but meat and rice.
    I don't have children, but if I did, I wouldn't eat their leftovers.
  • jennarandhayes
    jennarandhayes Posts: 456 Member
    I cook for my family every night and we generally have the same thing except that I am not eating rice, pasta, or potatoes right now (or else I have a very small portion). I help myself to the main course and loads of veggies (sometimes I make myself an extra salad), and give them the same thing but served with one of the above. Have you been on The site has many family friendly recipes or healthy adaptations of things that aren't normally great choices. My daughter loves this made-over chicken nugget recipe: I serve them with baked sweet potato fries:
  • yoshi91610
    yoshi91610 Posts: 177 Member
    My son eats his own baby food, and I cook healthy food for my husband and I. I usually eat what I want in terms of food just try to make it healthy to begin with. I also watch my portions so my husband eats more than I do (and he needs to because he works out all the time).
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,692 Member
    I do all the cooking in the house.
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    There have been times where my kids don't want to eat what I'm making myself, so I make their food and my food at the same time. But most of the time, they like what I'm about to make for myself, so I just make enough for the three of us.

    If I prepare something different for the kids, I have the willpower to not eat any of it. I only eat what I wanted to prepare for myself.
  • wifeyy
    wifeyy Posts: 487 Member
    thanx for all the feedback's
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    i USED to eat my kids' leftovers and that was one of many contributing factors to my weight gain! I do cook them a meal every night, but i don't always eat the same thing. I have four (3 boys, 1 girl) children ranging from 2 to 14 years of age, and they eat ALOT! So on the nights when we have spaghetti, tacos, or pizza........i let them feast while i have a salad or something else light. We do still eat together as a family and there are several meals a week that include some flavor of grilled chicken (which the kids LOVE), so they are still pretty balanced.

    The presence of soda, chips, cookies, etc. has been extremely limited, which drived the kids crazy.........but it's for their own good (and mine LOL)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I cook healthy meals for the whole house. My children certainly don't always appreciate it but I figure they will get used to it. I do not finish my children's leftovers but I do pack the overall leftovers for lunches to take to work.

    Exactly the same here! My thoughts are why would I make healthy choices for myself but not the kiddos? Hubs is a big boy he can decide for himself but if he doesn't want what I'm making he has to fend for himself therefore he eats what I make :) About once a month or so I make something not so healthy that I know we will enjoy, I really watch my portions extra carefully for those meals!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I try to avoid my kids plates by putting less than what I think they will eat then if they want more its in the kitchen. I have 2 diabetics in the house and my daughter is on the thicker side so I cook healthy for everyone and watch portion control.
  • ammbbbeeeerrrrr
    I cook for my boyfriend and son, and they eat what i cook. If i make something that i know will mess up my calorie intake, i just take a little and eat some steamed veggies on the side.

    I usually have enough left overs for either me or Ben (boyfriend) to have something for lunch the next day.

    & NO WAY, my son is two and he's pretty gross with his plate, so i'll never be eating his leftovers. Blech. lol
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    With four opinionated kids in the house, there's no way everyone is happy with what I have made for dinner! I try to cook as healthy as possible and just feed them. I don't give options. Period. Eat or be hungry. lol. (I sound cruel but I'm really not)

    As for me, I try to eat what they are eating, unless it is a favorite or theirs and just not something I can afford to indulge in that day- in that case, I have precooked chicken breasts always on hand for a large salad.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    When I had an other half I cooked for both of us. If she didn't want or like it she could cook for herself. She generally ate whatever I cooked although we did have some meals that were horrible so that wasn't cooked again. I let whoever get their own helpings so nothing is wasted. If they don't want it, it doesn't end up on the plate
  • andy13
    andy13 Posts: 208 Member
    I cook for the family and I cook separate food for them, mainly because my wife has a hard job and needs the extra calories, lol eating my child's left overs! I really struggle with this, like today I made her a steak and ale pie and she only had a mouthful, oh the temptation. Lucky for my dog tho.
  • Mrsfreedom41
    Mrsfreedom41 Posts: 330 Member
    First of all, I don't consider myself on a "diet". That word seems to block my ability to lose weight. I consider myself changing my way of eating for a better healthful me. I do the cooking for my husband and myself and I jut eat smaller portions. Nothing is off the table. When I had kid at home a long time ago, I did occasionally clean up their plates, and that is what led me to where I started gaining weight. BTW, I eat a lot of salads an veggies and have cut out almost all breads. English muffin with an egg for breakfast once in a while, no more sandwiches for me. Watch what you eat, exercise, and enjoy your food. This is the best way in my own opinion.