C25K week 3



  • ProudMomoftwo
    Week 3 - COMPLETE!!! YAY!!!

    Got a bit of a later start this am on our Week 3 Day 3 run but it was gorgeous none the less.
    We always go up the hill and out of our neighborhood for our 5 min warm up.
    -We do our 3 min interval first b/c it works out to be a nice flat area.
    Our walk takes us over the creek and up a small hill.
    -Our 90 sec interval takes us up an incline into the backside of another subdivision.
    Our walk takes us up a steeper hill and through an open alley of sorts.
    -Our next 3 min run is along a nice straight stretch but for some reason it's a killer.
    Our walk takes us through a business parking lot and then we start our run back home.
    -We did the 90 sec interval and another walk.
    *On the downhill stretch we did a 4 min run to see how long we could go.
    The 5 min cool down actually doesn't get us home - its more like a 15min cool down and then we stretch our calves and legs out on the steps going up to the house.
    All in all it is a good route and gets us up to 3.7 miles/per day when its all said and done.
    I think about how many miles we are walking a week doing this route Mon, Wed, & Fri for the C25K.
    Then add in the rest days that we usually walk this same route and it figures out to be close to 18.5 miles a week.
    That is a lot considering I was doing on average a big fat 0 miles a week before this program. lol:tongue:

    I am a bit nervous about Week 4 but we will pull it off. I never thought I would be able to run the 3min. and I am doing closer to 4, so I will push myself to go farther. If I have to do Week 3 again it will disappoint me but won't be the end of the world.

    I love reading about all your efforts during the week and how you all are doing.
    Keep up the great work and keep pushing forward.
    We can DO this.
  • StampingJen
    StampingJen Posts: 38 Member
    was excited to see a thread on C25K (just joined this site today). Previously I had gotten to week 4 and just couldn't manage to get through it. 5 min run was too much for me. I repeated the entire week 4 twice and not one time could I make it to 5 min run. I want to try it again though...thinking about doing it from the beginning since I haven't done much at all since I pooped out with it 2 months ago. Good luck to everyone in week 4!
  • Ilovebeagles
    Finished day 3 of week 3. Had a teeny tiny breakthough... on my 3 minute run, for aobut a good minute, I was not thinking about the run at all. I have a job interview on Tuesday so I was going over my shpeel in my head and totally forgot that I was even running. It was awesome!!! Plus, I ran about 30 extra seconds at the end, just to see if I could do it, and I could! =0)

    Great job everyone, see you all in week 4!!! =0)
  • Ilovebeagles
    Question... and this is probably just fear talking... next week, week 4, we run a total of 16 minutes. That is almost double what we ran this week (9 minutes). I'm scared! Why the big jump???
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Question... and this is probably just fear talking... next week, week 4, we run a total of 16 minutes. That is almost double what we ran this week (9 minutes). I'm scared! Why the big jump???
    I just came across this thread, but I did the C25K back in the spring, before I was sidelined by my SI joint. It's very intimidating to imagine run for a total of 16 minutes, but you will be very surprised at how well you can do. I was ecstatic when I hit 20 minutes straight. I never thought I could do it. I was up to 25 minutes straight before my hip started giving me a lot of trouble. You can do it!
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Question... and this is probably just fear talking... next week, week 4, we run a total of 16 minutes. That is almost double what we ran this week (9 minutes). I'm scared! Why the big jump???
    I don't know, but maybe the adrenaline will help.