Cell Phone Pet Peeve



  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    I am so sick and tired of people that think they have to be accessible 24/7. Constantly texting.

    I will walk away from someone I am conversing with if they start texting.

    If someon comes into my man cave and starts texting while we are watching sports or a movie, I'll tell them to put their phone away.

    I spend a lot of time alone.
    Your own company's probably better:wink:
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I have a friend who will spend the entire time we are hanging out - even at dinner, on her cell phone.
    I took her out to dinner for her birthday and she was texting all night. Finally I said, excuse me, but i am here with you, can you tell those people you are busy or that you're hanging with me or better yet, talk to them later. Note it was the day before her birthday.

    she does this to me all the time... dinner, coffee, when we go for walks once in a while, when she comes over to pick up something, she'll ring the doorbell and still be on the phone. -- really, please finish your call and talk to me when you're done.
    I had a friend who, over coffee, took 4 phone calls and several text messages. An hour of my life I won't get back.

    I hate this! I have a friend like this, except it's texting. I start calling her Hollywood and appologize for interupting her, she usually gets the hint. When she doesn't I steal her phone lol.

    My ex did that, well, still does it, only it's with Twitter. He rarely tweets, but he follows sports/news/politics on it like it's his job. Also emails on his cell... it's so annoying. Go for a walk, he will lag behind because he's reading or typing. Try to talk or have dinner? "Sorry, what was that? I was reading" Yet when I do it to get back at him, he gets pissed off. :explode:

    One of many reasons we're no longer together. Glad I'm not alone in getting frustrated about these things!
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    My ex did that, well, still does it, only it's with Twitter. He rarely tweets, but he follows sports/news/politics on it like it's his job. Also emails on his cell... it's so annoying. Go for a walk, he will lag behind because he's reading or typing. Try to talk or have dinner? "Sorry, what was that? I was reading" Yet when I do it to get back at him, he gets pissed off. :explode:

    One of many reasons we're no longer together. Glad I'm not alone in getting frustrated about these things!

    I swear my ex will accept the chip/cell implant once they allow it to be an acceptable surgery.