What did your parents do to you that would be illegal now?



  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    i rode i the back of trucks and had no seat belts, i remember picking my own switch off the willow tree out front and having welps for days from my ankles to my neck. but probably the most illegal thing was playing in the middle of the grown up circle wile the adults passed their cigarettes around, lol i was a teenager before i realized my dad smoked pot
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    My sister's three boys hated wearing their seatbelts, so she would periodically slam on the brakes. If anyone flew forward, he got in trouble. I thought it was hilarious. Braaaake! Thump! Ow!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    i rode i the back of trucks and had no seat belts, i remember picking my own switch off the willow tree out front and having welps for days from my ankles to my neck. but probably the most illegal thing was playing in the middle of the grown up circle wile the adults passed their cigarettes around, lol i was a teenager before i realized my dad smoked pot

    Ok, totally off topic, I love your tattoo and did it hurt like the blue blazes?
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Let's see
    Never wore seat belts.
    My dad was smoking a cigarette and flicked it out the window, it came back into the back window and I sat on it and burned my butt.
    My mom in an attempt to teach me and my brother about playing with matches put our hands over and open flame on the stove and accidentally burnt mine.
    I bought cigarettes for my dad at age 7. Crossed a busy main st to do so.
    I would mix my dad drinks and he would let me try them.
    I would carry his beer around during cookouts while he played croquet and I drank about half of them. The thing is no one else said anything. It was the thing people did back then.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    i got spanked as punishment

    i was a latchkey kid at 8 years old (stayed at home by myself while my single mom was at work, walked to and from school by myself and had a housekey)
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    i got spanked as punishment

    Got spanked with a wooden spoon.

    At this point in my life, I'd just about pay for that kinda action.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I remember going to Reno and my mom and dad would leave me alone by the door of the casino. Security came once and I froze up, so they straight up asked if I was a boy or a girl ( I had a boys bowl haircut ) and my parents took me and bought me a huge burger and a toy, so I wouldn't bug them anymore.
    No seatbelts or carseats. I remember playing on the floor of the car.
    Playing outside with no supervision.
    :laugh: :laugh:
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I can still remember today.. we were out shopping I had two younger twin brothers that were with us. They were misbehaving and my mom warned them once (mom never warned twice) to behave or they would get a backhand. Well one said something smart to her and she back handed him. A lady walked up and told her "you know that's abuse" To which my mom got face to face with her and said "Lady you want some? If not I suggest you go on and mind your own business". LOL
  • alisha17m
    alisha17m Posts: 73 Member
    This story was told at my Grandma's funeral recently: she had 13 children which of course meant a lot of nappies (diapers). Back in those days they only had cloth ones. Once a week she would boil them all up in a huge copper pot on the stove to clean and whiten them. The very same pot she would cook the Christmas puddings in!
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    Let's see:

    1. No seatbelts
    2. I'd always get a sip of my dad's Hi-Ball (he only had them 3-4 times a year!)
    3. There was actually a discipline paddle! (But I only got it a couple of times)

    Other than that, they were pretty stright-up good parents!