Smoking right after working out



  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I believe one should exercise the lungs like they do any part of the body. Pre and post workout cigarettes are a sure fire way to keep your HR up to keep burning extra calories. I used to have a mid-set smoke break.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Seriously, it is up to you whether you smoke or not. Smoking after a workout is about as bad as smoking at any other time. Bad is relative, though.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    i used to do it last month but i kept thinking of the effects to.
    i do know some medical knowledge, lol that we have hair like follicles in our lungs and nose when we smoke over time the smoke burns alot of them.
    Now if I think after running and clearing all the mucus out of my lungs, that was good.... yet it let my hairlike foliicles are vulnerable, so if i smoke right after, it will burn more hairs then normal and we need the hair like things to more mucus up and out of our lungs.

    .. this is y smokers should not take a cough surpressent because our hair isnt moving well anyway, so see cough surpressent is supose to keep you from coughing if you take cough surpressent it makes you not cough by basicaly stopping the hair from moving mucus up and out.
    So id say it isnt good in any case but probly worse after a good cleaning out of the lungs
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I believe one should exercise the lungs like they do any part of the body. Pre and post workout cigarettes are a sure fire way to keep your HR up to keep burning extra calories. I used to have a mid-set smoke break.

    OMG...really??? lol
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    I smoke too after I do my workouts..BUT..I am finding it less desireable. To those that are former smokers, you all know as well as I do that quitting these things for most, is worse then quitting heroin for a drug addict. The chemicals they put in them make you physically dependant.
    If I were you girl..I wouldn't smoke right after. I make myself wait a little while to be sure that I get enough oxygen in my blood for a good amount of time. Somedays is easier than others, but I am not killing my lungs or heart by sparking one up as soon as I am done. We know it is NEVER good for And I have to agree that the verbal scalding method doesn't work as everyone quits when they are ready.
  • jenscot25
    jenscot25 Posts: 124 Member
  • Granny1227
    I have been a non-smoker for 19 years now. I agree - smokers will not quit until they are good and ready!! My mother was very defensive about her smoking. Especially, when I and my husband had both quit and refused to let anyone smoke in our home or vehicles. She would say "I will smoke until I die". Well unfortunately she almost made it. The doctor ordered her to quit one year before she passed away at the age of 76. She had open heart surgery and emphysemia. She was on onxygen 24/7 the last 5 yrs of her life due to the emphysemia which is caused from smoking. That was an eye opener for the rest of my siblings -- they to are now smoke free.
  • jenscot25
    jenscot25 Posts: 124 Member
  • lucythinmint

  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Are we talking cigarettes or other products? =)

    Now that's an excellent question!!!

    And all of you smoker-haters? YES, we know it's bad. YES, we know it can kill. YES, YES, YES...........

    But until it's not LEGAL anymore, there's not much you can say. You've kicked us out of restaurants, public places, rentals, stores........even sidewalks. You've made us social pariahs who YOU THINK are trying to kill you.

    Ya'll just need to stop badgering, shaming, demeaning, threatening, and hating smokers. We have an addiction. It's HARD to stop. If you've never been there, you really DO need to shut it. If you have, you understand and should show empathy.

    Okay, my 2 cents have been spent.
  • McPenguin
    Answering the OP question: The addiction makes you want one, you're 'rewarding' yourself for the hard work by relaxing with a cigarette. Being addicted, it's pretty much the only way you can get that feeling now. Try to wait 1/2 an hour. Drink water, call a friend. Something to take your mind off it. Then, when you're used to that 1/2 hour... start waiting 45 minutes.... you'll get to a point where you can go a longer time without one, and can think of getting through the workout without the "reward".

    As an ex smoker, I totally agree that scare tactics don't make people ready to quit. They just piss them off. Do any of you like it when someone rings your doorbell in a suit and tries to convert you to their religion with scare tactics of "but you're going to hell!"?? No? Gee I wonder why.

    I feel for what families go through when they have to care for a loved one who's dying. I don't consider telling that story rude. It's just truth. It's her experience, and she's entitled to share it.

    ANY steps towards good health should be commended. She's far better off now than she would be without diet and exercise. I'm happy for her.
  • mamafrahm
    mamafrahm Posts: 132 Member
    Nothing worse than an ex-smoker that preaches to the smokers about how bad it is, blah blah blah... Don't you think we already KNOW how bad it is?! Jeesh!! ... We all know we should quit, but like a few people above us posted, its hard. And you can't force someone to quit smoking, they can't/won't quit until they're ready.

    I personally plan on quitting soon.. when? Not sure, when I feel like I am strong enough to do it.
  • ZachyABaby
    i smoke after almost everything i do. **** the non believers.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Just want to rope everyone back in here. The OP didn't ask you to help her quit smoking. She asked if it was worse for her after a workout. The easy answer is, that it's doing the same damage as every other cigarette she smokes does. Done - an answer to a question. See how easy that was?

    Why does everything have to turn into a debate where someone inevitably says something really insulting to another person? Sheesh.
  • ZachyABaby
    Just want to rope everyone back in here. The OP didn't ask you to help her quit smoking. She asked if it was worse for her after a workout. The easy answer is, that it's doing the same damage as every other cigarette she smokes does. Done - an answer to a question. See how easy that was?

    Why does everything have to turn into a debate where someone inevitably says something really insulting to another person? Sheesh.

    did you just actually ANSWER the OP's question without making yourself the center of attention? oh i'm reporting.
  • Michelle_C_

    My opinion, smoking is bad... Doesn’t matter when you do it... It is a personal choice, and grown-ups can make their own decisions knowing the consequences. I am sure that EVERY smoker knows it is bad for them, and they chose to do it anyways... I know that the snickers bar I ate last night at midnight is a bad choice, but I did it anyway. I am a nurse and I work in a thoracic surgery department (thoracic = organs in the chest - lungs, esophagus and heart, but heart surgery has their own department in our hospital anywho...) I work with a lot of patients who have parts of, or, an entire lung removed for lung cancer, a lot of them wish they never started smoking... But whether to smoke or not is still a personal choice... Take from that what you want... I’ve never smoked, never will…
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    What are the effects of smoking right after a hard workout????? Is it awful for you??

    perhaps you need to put some vaseline between your thighs or not wear corduroy while working out.... if it's elsewhere I'd douse yourself with a bucket of water and slow down a bit


    I agree with this. If somebody is smoking right after a hard workout it may be a very good sign that they could do with using some form of lubrication to reduce friction. :bigsmile:
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 367 Member
    I quit 326 days ago ( yes I am keeping count, and f**k you for judging :p ), and I recall the days of the post workout smoke


    ahhh. . . . nothing makes a workout more complete than that post-workout smoke.

    It's almost as good as a smoke after sex :D

    Obviously, yes it's bad for you, ALL smoking is bad for you, but are you ready to be right yet?!

    If not, well then by all means enjoy :D

    Even though me and Mr. 'Rette don't hang anymore, I can't say I don't miss him, but my body thanks me for ending our relationship.

    Enjoy a few puffs for me ok, and quit when your ready, it really is the best thing you can do for your body, besides working out and eating right!!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Was this a trick question??? lol.