Horrifying(funny) moments as parents

Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
A few days ago I pick my children up from day care.
Daughter is 4
Son is 3

They were giving one of their friends(this cute little girl) hugs goodbye.

Son hugs her, kisses her on on cheek. Then the other. Then they both kiss right on the mouth. It looked like it was old hat for the two of them.

The mother and I stared at eachother horrifed and she said "I'm not sure WHERE she learned that"


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    lol. my best friend also has a daughter, and our girls did this one day after playing. I just cracked up laughing, and said "as long as she's not kissing boys"
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Awww! That's so cute/sweet. :)
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Awww! That's so cute/sweet. :)

    it was
    but we had a long talk about how he can't do that anymore until he is 30 and has his PHD.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    LOL that is ADORABLE....

    my 10 yo girl recently asked me what a menage a trois was ... thank you katie perry...

    and i make it worse when i bring home a bottle of wine that is actually called menage a trois and i hear - look mom, just like the song...*face palm*
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    LOL that is ADORABLE....

    my 10 yo girl recently asked me what a menage a trois was ... thank you katie perry...

    and i make it worse when i bring home a bottle of wine that is actually called menage a trois and i hear - look mom, just like the song...*face palm*

  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Bless.......... I have so many..............:smooched:

    When twins where younger... They where playing in their bedroom, then it was too quiet... I put down my book and went for a look.. I could not find them.. So what is the first thing us parents do, I went straight to the back door then front, both locked... Then seen all windows shut! It was winter, so all doors and windows locked.

    Cat flap, locked. Could not find them for ages, I started to panic, well I was in my 20's and I could not find my babies...

    For what seemed like ages, I thought they had vanished, I looked everywhere.... Behind curtains, and under chairs, under the table... Under beds...

    Then I heard giggling as I was calling for them...... They where in the wardrobe, laughing they little butts off, me I had tears running down my eyes... I laughed with them... And then asked if I could play and when they play again to please tell me first... xx
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    My (now 11 y/o) daughter in preschool used to say that "all of the boys in class are my boyfriend". No kissing, but all 7 of the boys would line up to hug her goodbye every day when I picked her up. The teachers used to look at me and shake their heads and tell me to "watch out when she gets older". In kindergarten she had boyfriends that were twin brothers. They both had to be her boyfriend because she couldn't tell them apart... In 2nd grade she got her heart broken for the first time and came home crying and couldn't stop for hours because the cute boy she liked only liked her best friend. She's in middle school now, I can't wait for the next moment like this :-/
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Pssssssssssssstttttttttttttttt we dont live in a prison.. LOL.................. xx
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    I took the family out for burgers at Five Guys's Burgers and Fries.... they have peanuts for you to snack on while waiting for your order. I took a handful to go when we left.

    Embarrassing moment #1-

    as we were leaving, an employee was by the door, and said, thanks for coming in, my 3 yr old repiles. "thanks for daddys Nuts!"

    Embarassing moment #2- we went to a mobile phone store after lunch and a nice young lady greeted us and said how are you?

    My son replies, "HI, My dad has NUTS"
  • runslikeagirl
    runslikeagirl Posts: 140 Member
    OMG I could write a book on the crazy things my daughter says!! She calls daddy long legs, dandilion jump legs!!!

    My three year old: I took him to my 13 yr olds volleyball game the other week and this really overweight lady was trying to climb up the bleachers and Noah says "Mom she's too big for this, she is gonna break it"
  • kjpersich
    kjpersich Posts: 55 Member
    When my son was three I asked him if he wanted a grilled cheese sandwich. He said no, he wanted a "boy" cheese sandwich.
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    I bought my son a motorcycle when he was 6. It only went a top speed of 15mph. This was before I was divorced, so my wife at the time yelled, "If he ever gets hurt on it, I'm throwing it away!". First day out, my boy is riding it around just fine. He gets a little too overconfident and starts trying to jump it over things. One landing didn't go so well and he wiped out, skinned up his arm and leg pretty bad and wrecked the bike (bike landed on him). I ran out to him and asked him if he was okay as I picked the bike off of him. He wasn't crying, but you could tell he was hurt. He slowly got up, flexed his arm and leg (which were both bleeding a little), grabbed the bike off of me, hopped back on, and said, "yeah, I'm fine. Don't tell mom." and then took off again. Hahaha!
  • runslikeagirl
    runslikeagirl Posts: 140 Member
    I took the family out for burgers at Five Guys's Burgers and Fries.... they have peanuts for you to snack on while waiting for your order. I took a handful to go when we left.

    Embarrassing moment #1-

    as we were leaving, an employee was by the door, and said, thanks for coming in, my 3 yr old repiles. "thanks for daddys Nuts!"

    Embarassing moment #2- we went to a mobile phone store after lunch and a nice young lady greeted us and said how are you?

    My son replies, "HI, My dad has NUTS"

    That is funny. My husband accidently ran over our dog LuLu and now everytime we see a dog somewere my kids tell them that they had a dog once but "Daddy ran over youyou"
  • DawnOBRN
    DawnOBRN Posts: 290 Member
    Just today my son (6) found a dollar bill in his pocket that had been washed. He asked me if it was still good or did all of the money wash out??
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Years ago I was invited to a "Ladies only" party. As a door prize I won a "pocket rocket". It was maybe 3 inches long and had a strap on the end. *hands to big black book* I brought it home and threw it in the drawer in the bathroom and promptly forgot about it. A few weeks later my 8 year old nephew comes walking into the living room swinging something around asking if he could have it. I turned to look *GULP* snatched it out of his hand and said NO, it's mine, ignoring all questions about WHY, and WHAT IS IT.

    Aunt Susie took to hiding her toys a little better after that.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    My 6 year old daughter and her 6 year old friend were playing in the water at the splash pad this summer while we moms sat on the side and talked. Suddenly the girls stopped playing and started walking around the edges towards us, but stopping to speak to every other mom sitting there. They would say something, then bend over, then move to the next mom. When they got to us, my friend told them, "Don't bother the other adults", to which my daughter said happily, "Oh, we're not bothering them! We're just asking if we can see how hairy their legs are!"

    My friend spit soda on her little girl, then I explained that with good manners, we don't ask about body parts.....they said okay and ran off. Then Mary looked at me and gasped out, "HOW did you stay so CALM!" I just smiled and said, "this isn't my first six-year-old". Honestly, I was just as mortified as she was - though interestingly, none of the other moms appeared surprised or annoyed at all - but I sure put some fear in her as she looked at her two YOUNGER kids. This is my fourth. :laugh: She has a few embarrassing moments yet to come. (So do I. But I was nice enough not to tell her just how many years this stuff can go on!)
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Years ago I was invited to a "Ladies only" party. As a door prize I won a "pocket rocket". It was maybe 3 inches long and had a strap on the end. *hands to big black book* I brought it home and threw it in the drawer in the bathroom and promptly forgot about it. A few weeks later my 8 year old nephew comes walking into the living room swinging something around asking if he could have it. I turned to look *GULP* snatched it out of his hand and said NO, it's mine, ignoring all questions about WHY, and WHAT IS IT.

    Aunt Susie took to hiding her toys a little better after that.
    THIS is why I'll never buy recreational devices again.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    My daughters name is Kyleigh. Her nickname is Ky. I was looking for a travel size bottle one day in Target and she comes running to me screaming "Look Mommy just for me! It has my name on it!" While holding a bottle of KY lube. :blushing:
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    My daughters name is Kyleigh. Her nickname is Ky. I was looking for a travel size bottle one day in Target and she comes running to me screaming "Look Mommy just for me! It has my name on it!" While holding a bottle of KY lube. :blushing:

    DING DING DING *Winner*
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    My four year old daughter is just getting to that age where every toy commercial is about THE COOLEST TOY EVER!!! She runs up and tells me about everything, and says how she loves it, and she really wants to go buy it now.
    Anyhow, today the answer was "No baby, we don't have any toy money right now." To which she replies "We should go to the money store and buy some more! They've got lots and lots of money there!"

    We were talking about babies, and I asked her if she knew where babies come from. "From the babysitter's house. She has lots and lots of babies there!"