I genuinely believe I have a chocolate addiction

I always say, if I hated candy, I wouldn't have a weight issue. But that's a pretty lame excuse. I work at a hospital on multiple units, and around this time until after the holidays, there are candy buckets EVERYWHERE full of delicious things...Twix, M&Ms, Snickers...gah! I work overnights, when things are slower, which definetely doesn't help. Have any of you defeated a sort of food addiction and have advice? I promised myself I wouldn't lie and add in every. single. thing. I eat this time. And I did. And I want to cry. :[


  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    i notice if i chew a piece of fresh mint or peppermint gum i wont want the candy or chocolate as bad because it will taste nasty,.
  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    i'm in the same boat and I would love some advice as well....let's hope we get some:)
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    Great idea!
  • soifua
    soifua Posts: 82
    i notice if i chew a piece of fresh mint or peppermint gum i wont want the candy or chocolate as bad because it will taste nasty,.

    best advice ever!!!
  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    I also have a chocolate addiction. And i have cut way down from what i used to eat but it still seems i need the little piece of chocolate. Instead of saying no to my body I give it what it craves just in moderation. The reason I do this is because then no matter what I eat other then what i'm craving I still have a craving for it so might as well just get the craving over with and be done with it. Most of the time that is all my craving wants any way is a single serving size.
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    I also have a chocolate addiction. And i have cut way down from what i used to eat but it still seems i need the little piece of chocolate. Instead of saying no to my body I give it what it craves just in moderation. The reason I do this is because then no matter what I eat other then what i'm craving I still have a craving for it so might as well just get the craving over with and be done with it. Most of the time that is all my craving wants any way is a single serving size.

    I hope I can get to this point. I always think, "I'll just have one piece..." but the second I have that one little taste I am going crazy to get more. I feel like a drug addict...
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Take a look at the nutrient level on the candy you're tempted to eat. Really study it. It's GARBAGE. Totally high fructose corn syrup sweetened...and if you eat it, you're going to crave more because it will never trigger your brain that you're full.

    Switch to dark chocolate...and find a good one with at least 72% cacao. Let it melt in your mouth a little at a time. The flavor will blossom and be so exotic. And the lovely thing is....it helps bring your blood pressure down, and is crazy high in antioxidants. Candy that is GOOD for you. Really good for you....not that processed huge corporation HFCS junk.

    And a little dark chocolate is all you need. It doesn't usually trigger big cravings like the milk chocolate does.

    Just remember, let it melt....mmmm
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    Take a look at the nutrient level on the candy you're tempted to eat. Really study it. It's GARBAGE. Totally high fructose corn syrup sweetened...and if you eat it, you're going to crave more because it will never trigger your brain that you're full.

    Switch to dark chocolate...and find a good one with at least 72% cacao. Let it melt in your mouth a little at a time. The flavor will blossom and be so exotic. And the lovely thing is....it helps bring your blood pressure down, and is crazy high in antioxidants. Candy that is GOOD for you. Really good for you....not that processed huge corporation HFCS junk.

    And a little dark chocolate is all you need. It doesn't usually trigger big cravings like the milk chocolate does.

    Just remember, let it melt....mmmm

    That's a very good thought. Problem is, they purposefully take off the ingredients on the 'fun size' pouches. But I think if I can focus on how I'll feel adding in to MFP later, I'll be less likely to eat it. Thanks!
  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    I hope I can get to this point. I always think, "I'll just have one piece..." but the second I have that one little taste I am going crazy to get more. I feel like a drug addict...

    you will eventually just cut back when you can and in no time you will realize that you have cut way down... also I agree with the dark chocolate thing, I especially like the dark chocolate covered rasins but only get those when we go to the movies
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    I hope I can get to this point. I always think, "I'll just have one piece..." but the second I have that one little taste I am going crazy to get more. I feel like a drug addict...

    you will eventually just cut back when you can and in no time you will realize that you have cut way down... also I agree with the dark chocolate thing, I especially like the dark chocolate covered rasins but only get those when we go to the movies

    Choco covered raisins are AMAAAZING...thanks for this, though. I know I can do this, I just have to find the right attitude.
  • sharonus
    sharonus Posts: 102
    My boss always has at least one bowl of candy on her desk, and it's usually two. Her office is right next to mine, so it's far too easy to go in and grab some. I've completely stopped eating any of her candy, because I know if I have one handful of M&Ms, I won't be able to stop. It's easier to say "no" to it all than to try to limit what I eat.

    That doesn't mean I don't eat chocolate. I eat individual pieces of high quality chocolate at home, and I make sure I have the calories. I'm better able to control myself with that at home. I have also found that cheaper candy makes me crave sugar more. I feel more satisfied with a piece of high quality dark chocolate.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    i notice if i chew a piece of fresh mint or peppermint gum i wont want the candy or chocolate as bad because it will taste nasty,.

    best advice ever!!!
    But chocolate mint is delicious!
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    My boss always has at least one bowl of candy on her desk, and it's usually two. Her office is right next to mine, so it's far too easy to go in and grab some. I've completely stopped eating any of her candy, because I know if I have one handful of M&Ms, I won't be able to stop. It's easier to say "no" to it all than to try to limit what I eat.

    That doesn't mean I don't eat chocolate. I eat individual pieces of high quality chocolate at home, and I make sure I have the calories. I'm better able to control myself with that at home. I have also found that cheaper candy makes me crave sugar more. I feel more satisfied with a piece of high quality dark chocolate.

    THIS is so true! I find if I'm offered a high-quality chocolate, I truly enjoy it slowly, and I'm good with 1, MAYBE 2 pieces, but if it's cheap sugary stuff I go nuts with it!
  • clutzey413
    I too LOVE Dark chocolate!!! And also, for those, "I've just gotta have it" moments, Dove makes a really good sugar free chocolate that you can buy in the bags. I too work night shift at a hospital (I'm an X Ray tech) so I know how it feels. I just keep those chocolates in my locker and only allow myself to have one piece a day. But honestly, when I'm thinking of eating a candy bar or whatever, I look at the lable, the calories, and then I just MAKE myself think about how much would I have to run JUST to burn THIS off. And usually, the amount of calories in one candy bar is the same amount of calories I would eat in an entire meal... and I'm not giving up my dinner : )
  • Ritala1987
    Ritala1987 Posts: 135 Member
    you could also try a good quality drinking chocolate or what i do is have chocolate flavoured protien shakes...they definatley curb the craving!! :)
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    I just got this PM I thought was really helpful I'd like to share from complete_angel

    Hi ok first I am sending you a PM not because I am crazy or creepy but because I am not allowed to post in the forums right now. Long story. Anyway, I had/have a severe addiction to soda. I would drink a minimum of 6 a day and it was probably more like 10+. The best thing I did was to tell myself that I could have it if I wanted it. No matter what I was allowed to have it. This was kind of like using reverse psychology on myself because by allowing myself to think I could have it I found that I was choosing not to have it. This may not make sense but it worked for me with soda and with smoking. I also found an alternative that I liked that was healthier. So I never drank diet soda before and would literally turn my nose up and I still don't like most but I tried a cherry coke zero and liked it...yeah it wasn't the real thing but it would do in a pinch. So this has become my go to. I still have a regular soda every now and then (I had one today in fact) but I just make sure to log it and not pretend. It is not easy but it is achievable. If I am having a severe craving day I avoid it completely to keep from binging.

    Anyway this may not help but this is what worked for me!

    Good luck!
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    I too LOVE Dark chocolate!!! And also, for those, "I've just gotta have it" moments, Dove makes a really good sugar free chocolate that you can buy in the bags. I too work night shift at a hospital (I'm an X Ray tech) so I know how it feels. I just keep those chocolates in my locker and only allow myself to have one piece a day. But honestly, when I'm thinking of eating a candy bar or whatever, I look at the lable, the calories, and then I just MAKE myself think about how much would I have to run JUST to burn THIS off. And usually, the amount of calories in one candy bar is the same amount of calories I would eat in an entire meal... and I'm not giving up my dinner : )

    LOL I love this, "I'm not giving up my dinner" paired with your profile pic...it looks like you're ready to fend off the chocolate with violence.

    But, seriously, this is a good idea, personally I'm afraid I'd go nuts with it but it might work for others! Kudos to you!
  • shawnscott5
    shawnscott5 Posts: 295 Member
    you could also try a good quality drinking chocolate or what i do is have chocolate flavoured protien shakes...they definatley curb the craving!! :)

    I couldn't agree more.
  • btrez2
    btrez2 Posts: 3 Member
    I looooooov chocolate and used to eat huge quantities. I guess that's why I am now using this site. But I now look carefully at the calories and then think about how long I would have to be on the treadmill running for. I HATE running... so I have to really want that chocolate.
    But then again, I won't total avoid chocolate and will reward myself from time to time with a trip to a quality chocolate shop where I will buy some expensive truffles that I will sit and savour.

    Good luck!!
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Have you thought about hypnotherapy? If you can associate chocolate with something disgusting that you would never eat, then you won't want to eat the chocolate.

    I love chocolate, and can keep on eating it long after I've satisfied a craving. I can also decide not to eat it though. I sometimes have dark chocolate and find a square or two is enough (I buy 85%). It's about getting your mind in the right place...I COULD eat it, but I am trying to lose weight and large quantities of chocolate would just mean I am sabotaging myself. What do you want more?