I genuinely believe I have a chocolate addiction



  • traceya76
    Nice and Natural sugar free dark chocolate- low in carbs. One bar doesn't cost much . Curbs my cravings. Not the same as normal chocolate but better than nothing.
    Good luck
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    Have you thought about hypnotherapy? If you can associate chocolate with something disgusting that you would never eat, then you won't want to eat the chocolate.

    I love chocolate, and can keep on eating it long after I've satisfied a craving. I can also decide not to eat it though. I sometimes have dark chocolate and find a square or two is enough (I buy 85%). It's about getting your mind in the right place...I COULD eat it, but I am trying to lose weight and large quantities of chocolate would just mean I am sabotaging myself. What do you want more?

    Hypnotherapy? Sounds interesting. I would love that. >:]
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    So glad it's not just me! I don't know about anyone else, but i feel as i've got older i'm more of a chocoholic!? I tend to have two small squares of very dark chocolate after lunch each day...just to get my fix. On the weekend i'll allow myself a bar of 'normal' chocolate. It's def my weakness...i''d choose chocolate over any savoury thing! Def my downfall. Thing is you do only live once and i can't deny myself something i really do enjoy! Oh, and i'm a huge fan of choc raisins...choc nuts etc!
  • kirakaydawn
    i notice if i chew a piece of fresh mint or peppermint gum i wont want the candy or chocolate as bad because it will taste nasty,.

    I have had alot of people suggest Gum to me...
  • BetteEdmonson
    I've been recently diagnosed with pre-Diabetes so sweets are no longer an issue! However, I've been plagued, like you, with a love of sweets my entire 63 years. So I'm with you friend. What clicked with me was when I was told I could choose two routes--either thru proper nutrition or going the Rx/shots route. It was a no-brainer for me. I'm just stubborn enough NOT to purposely choose full-blown Diabetes. In the 8 weeks since I've joined mfp, I've lost 26 pounds, many inches, do water aerobics 6 times a week, and am a new person! I chose living instead of slowly killing myself. And I was in terrible shape at the time. Knees need replacing, 2 shoulder surgeries, bad back, etc...all the stuff that hits you later on. Now I've regained the flexibility in my shoulders, I've strengthened the muscles around my knees that make them so much stronger, and my back rarely hurts because I'm working out in the water and it's aligning everything. A new me at 253 pounds! never thought I'd feel good at that weight. My goal is 180 or 100 pounds lost. Will re-assess my body then.

    It reminds me of my Daddy who had smoked his entire life, and when told he had lung cancer, he quit COLD TURKEY. Now why couldn't he have done that 40+ years before and lived many more years?? So your decision to give up the chocolate, sweets, junk food must come from within. The old saying is true..."When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired", you will do something about it. Make those around you aware that you are trying to avoid the sweets so they will be supportive of your goal of giving up the sweets. Oddly enough, I have not missed a single thing since joining. And THAT'S SAYING ALOT. I was a junkie when it came to donuts, candy, you name it.
  • BetteEdmonson
    I've been recently diagnosed with pre-Diabetes so sweets are no longer an issue! However, I've been plagued, like you, with a love of sweets my entire 63 years. So I'm with you friend. What clicked with me was when I was told I could choose two routes--either thru proper nutrition or going the Rx/shots route. It was a no-brainer for me. I'm just stubborn enough NOT to purposely choose full-blown Diabetes. In the 8 weeks since I've joined mfp, I've lost 26 pounds, many inches, do water aerobics 6 times a week, and am a new person! I chose living instead of slowly killing myself. And I was in terrible shape at the time. Knees need replacing, 2 shoulder surgeries, bad back, etc...all the stuff that hits you later on. Now I've regained the flexibility in my shoulders, I've strengthened the muscles around my knees that make them so much stronger, and my back rarely hurts because I'm working out in the water and it's aligning everything. A new me at 253 pounds! never thought I'd feel good at that weight. My goal is 180 or 100 pounds lost. Will re-assess my body then.

    It reminds me of my Daddy who had smoked his entire life, and when told he had lung cancer, he quit COLD TURKEY. Now why couldn't he have done that 40+ years before and lived many more years?? So your decision to give up the chocolate, sweets, junk food must come from within. The old saying is true..."When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired", you will do something about it. Make those around you aware that you are trying to avoid the sweets so they will be supportive of your goal of giving up the sweets. Oddly enough, I have not missed a single thing since joining. And THAT'S SAYING ALOT. I was a junkie when it came to donuts, candy, you name it.
  • arfog
    arfog Posts: 70 Member
    I suggest this:


    It's the best gum ever invented, has a real chocolatey taste, and only 5 calories per stick. :)
  • Thamantha
    Thamantha Posts: 102 Member
    If i am really tempted by sweet things then I add them to my food diary (before deciding to eat them), and see what kind of damage they would make to my day. If I think I will have room for it, then I eat it.
    More often that not I decide not to, because once I have stepped back from the immediate impulse of wanting chocolate then I realise that I don't actually need it that much.

    Where I used to hae a chocolate bar most days I now hae chocolate about once a week, and in smaller portions.
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    The gum idea is great! I love chocolate as well. I will buy chocolate for myself once and awhile, just so I don't go crazy. But I heard of the TV show "The Doctors" this past week that the smell of grapefruit will make you not have that craving. There are oil scents of grapefruit that you can buy. I'm not sure if it's something that you can rub on your wrist while you work and then just smell it real quick when that desire comes. Sounds weird I know, but it's something that I've thought about looking into.

  • CateLouise
    CateLouise Posts: 60 Member
    im in australia and im not sure if were you are will have the same thing but i have this diet chocolate mouse by nestle which satisfies my chocolate craving without going overboard on calories

    maybe try to find a substitute for real chocolate?? i have done the buy little individual ones and have one a week for a treat and 3 days later you are wondering where they all have gone =/

    i find this a good substitute and dont feel as guilty afterwards =D
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Why not start making chocolate protein smoothies? They will fill you up AND give you that chocolate taste! I recommend Tera's Whey brand. Pretty expensive but it uses real dark chocolate and only has a few ingredients.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    Switch to dark chocolate...and find a good one with at least 72% cacao. Let it melt in your mouth a little at a time. The flavor will blossom and be so exotic. And the lovely thing is....it helps bring your blood pressure down, and is crazy high in antioxidants. Candy that is GOOD for you. Really good for you....not that processed huge corporation HFCS junk.


    Maybe reward yourself if you go one 24 hour period with the mindless candy nibbling, reward yourself with a sweet treat you can savour and enjoy.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    No one can stop you but you. It takes willpower. I know you heard it before'; Bring a baggie filled with fresh veggies, nuts, low fat yogurt or popcorn to munch on. Think before you reach. Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • Smilee3233
    Smilee3233 Posts: 108 Member
    I am a chocolate adict. I know this. If it is in my house I will eat it all. If I don't buy it I will end up getting irritated and unhappy until I either go get some or my husband does. But I have learnt how to get around it! : ) I have learnt to tell myself that I CAN have it when ever I want it, as long as it fits into my calorie goal for the day. I have learnt pretty quickly that if I want dinner, I have to find a way to get chocolate with less calories. I buy fibre first bars with dark chololate, 7 grain bars with chocolate in them, and my favorite is Source Dessert selection yogurts that come in yummy flavours that satisfy my cravings and they are only 35 calories each so I can even have 2 if I want. This has helped me drastically - I have't bought a chocolate bar in over a month - which was unheard of for me who used to have about 8 a week! They key for me is to make sure I am not thinking I can't have it, that's when things go bad. Knowing I can have whatever I want if I choose it really works for me. I hope this helps.